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Joined 1 years ago

We're eating good in 2024!

I can finally share my side of the story now that Twitch employees have come forward. You see, all I did was indulge in a little bit of grooming. One might even say it was a minor case of grooming.

Anyways, I'm not a pedo.

Doc out!

Hear me out: What if they took the DMs and made NFTs out of them?

Their outside communication is nonexistent at best

Eh, they're decently active on Reddit, I guess. They send the occasional newsletter regarding new features if you don't unsubscribe (and they're pretty good at not spamming with those, imo).

development speed is unbearably slow

I see people say this all the time, and while feature updates are kind of slow, I'm also not lacking anything, personally. I would appreciate it if they smoothed-out SimpleLogin's extension, though. That thing is weirdly clunky to use.

Agree on the Linux bit, though. I'm surprised they haven't put more work into that.

Overall, I've been a happy customer for a few years, personally.

Some people are reporting it happens when your accounts get flagged by YouTube for blocking ads and that using a private browsing session can be used to bypass it, so it's possible this isn't a blanket thing?

Either way, they can go fuck themselves.

If you're on Firefox and using uBlock Origin (which you should), you can add the following to your filters list to essentially disable the delay:

! Bypass 5 seconds delay added by YouTube
www.youtube.com##+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), 5000, 0.001)

It doesn't fully disable it, just makes it almost instant, because Google has been doing shit like looking at what gets blocked to combat ad blockers recently.

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Damn, that guy's fucking dumb lmao

But also, is 7c/fakefilter even popular? It seems to barely have a following on GitHub to begin with. Seems pretty over the top to claim that PM and SL (and any other provider on that list) will get blocked from registering on websites.

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My dad accidentally bought 2 chargers a few weeks ago. He tried refunding it, and what do you know, the company fired their support staff and replaced them with chat bot AIs. Anyway, the AI looked at his order and helpfully told him he had already returned the product and it had already been refunded so there was nothing left to do.

It kept doing this to him every time he tried to return the second charger, and there wasn't any other way to contact them on their site, so he ended-up leaving a 1-star review on their site complaining about the issue. Then an actual person contacted him to get it sorted-out.

This whole AI trend is so fucking stupid.

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I know people IRL who get offended whenever I mention that I just block ads. Shit's insane.

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"Gentlemen, it's come to our attention that every one who could pay to use our product is paying to use our product. Unfortunately, it also means we're no longer growing infinitely like we promised the shareholders we would. How do we fix this?"

The infinite growth mindset is so fucking stupid. Like, you're still making an insane amount of money, what's the fucking problem?

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We had a case in Canada where Air Canada was forced to give a customer a refund after its AI told him he was eligible for one, because the judge stated that Air Canada was responsible for what their AI said.

So, maybe?

I've seen some legal experts talk about how Google basically got away from misinformation lawsuits because they weren't creating misinformation, they were giving you search results that contained misinformation, but that wasn't their fault and they were making an effort to combat those kinds of search results. They were talking about how the outcome of those lawsuits might be different if Google's AI is the one creating the misinformation, since that's on them.

Year of the enshitification, more like.

It feels like every company just decided 2023 was the year they finally pulled the trigger and tried to cash-out and bail.

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It doesn't.

Crypto bros are really fond of the whole "use the blockchain to take your assets from one platform to another" grift, but it:

  1. Doesn't work if the other platform doesn't support it
  2. Could be done without a blockchain if both platforms agree to share a database

It's like you said: Do any other websites care about your Reddit karma? No. Why would they? It's only 2 uses are to make people addicted to Reddit through gamifying their opinions and filtering bot accounts by having a minimal karma threshold to post on subs.

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EA did this thing a while back where they saw people were still playing Bad Company 2 on PC on community servers. They updated the game to require a login to EA's server on boot, then took those servers down. Always online is cancer.

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Pretty much everything related to the explorer.exe process is needlessly slow on Windows 11. On my work machine, the file explorer will take 2-3 seconds to load after I open it, and that's with only a C:/ drive (i.e. no network shares to slow it down or anything else).

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just because the brand could be trusted

You'll take your $200+ gaming mouse that has a 90% chance to have a double click issue because we can save $0.02 per mouse by using cheaper switches, that'll force you to get multiple replacements through warranty (if it hasn't expired yet), and you'll like it!

- Logitech

Meanwhile, my OG G502 mouse from 2013~ is still working perfectly almost 10 years later.

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12-25 year-olds spreading misinformation confidently.

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Things I wish YouTube would let me do:

  • See dislikes
  • Disable Shorts (uBlock lets me filter them out, at least)
    • At the very least let me control the fucking volume on Shorts instead of muting/unmuting them only if you're going to force them down my throat (seriously, it makes the entire video format unwatchable on Desktop because every fucking Short video is so god damned loud)
  • Disable holding left-click to fast-forward a video (I do this thing where I'm about to pause a video and hold down the click until they're done talking and this change is just so fucking stupid, I don't understand who needs to hold down left click to fast-forward)
  • Actually block channels I'm not interested in
  • Block videos based on keywords
  • Recommend videos based on the one I'm currently watching if my watch history is disabled
    • Seriously, since disabling it YouTube does nothing but recommend "trending" crap that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm watching

If they'd implement even half of that, my user experience would shoot up through the roof. But, you know, they couldn't give a rat's ass about user experience.

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Me: "Damn Lae'Zel, you don't have to be such a bitch constantly."

Lae'Zel: "You are competent, and worthy. Tonight, I will find you, and claim what is mine."

Me: "Yes, ma'am."

It's why they put the clown face emoji at the end. Discord sucks so hard for finding information. The number of interesting projects that exclusively use Discord for their documentation is astounding and frustrating as hell.

I was early on a few high-profile videos, I guess.

Seriously. AI aside, if you're doing anything 3D-related you're basically shooting yourself in the foot by not going Team Green. The difference in render time/quality is exponentially better. I'd kill to see AMD or Intel pull a Ryzen in the GPU market.

Man, I know people love to throw the word "dystopian" around, but holy shit is that description dystopian as fuck.

Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing marketplace that makes it easier for individuals and businesses to outsource their processes and jobs to a distributed workforce who can perform these tasks virtually. This could include anything from conducting simple data validation and research to more subjective tasks like survey participation, content moderation, and more. MTurk enables companies to harness the collective intelligence, skills, and insights from a global workforce to streamline business processes, augment data collection and analysis, and accelerate machine learning development.

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Yeah, Timmy's had a hate-boner for anything related to Valve and Linux for years. He's been lying through his teeth non-stop whenever either topic comes up.

Profile management

Fucking finally!

The fact that you had to use external applications or manually go to an internal Firefox menu to change from one to another sucked!

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"The breast milk snatcher will be caught", a Microsoft representative assured the New York Times before taking a deep, long slurp of their milkshake, their eyes closed in apparent bliss as shivers ran down their spine. "Your days are numbered!"

Same. Overall, I'm happy with my iPhone, but not having an actual browser with an actual ad blocker (uBlock Origins) is really painful. I've had to live with ProtonVPN's ad blocking, but that only prevents sites from loading, it doesn't hide the actual ad links...

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Not to be the guy that deepthroats Mozilla or anything, but these benchmarks show it being at worst 1 second slower.

Like, Firefox really isn't noticeably slower than other browsers in the vast majority of situations.

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They've been advertising this price hike for a while now. We've cancelled ours. Got the last "Hey, are you super duper sure you want to cancel?" email yesterday. Fuck 'em.

After Control's success, I'd imagine AW2 still would've been made even without Epic's exclusivity/publishing deal. If anything, Control's timed EGS exclusivity hurt their numbers until they eventually hit Steam.

They're crying wolf to try and justify putting shit in the game to prevent modding (so they can sell more skins) is my personal theory.

Currently? Zero reason.

Lummy, the creator of Gitea, wrote a post about why he moved Gitea over a company.

The TL;DR; is that it allowed Gitea to better work with companies that wanted to fund them but couldn't fund individuals directly, moved the Gitea trademark to an entity that could outlive the creator, etc.

There hasn't been any significant changes to how Gitea operates or can be used from a user point-of-view since the change happened.

Forgejo is a fork of Gitea that will pull changes made from Gitea, without being a company. In the events that Gitea goes to shit, it'll be there as a replacement.

Pretty much, yeah. The genre was called "Rogue-like" because of Rogue, where your runs were all unique. "Rogue-lite" happened when devs wanted to add persistent progress to the game.

As a developer, comments that talk about how ChatGPT is changing the development game confuse the hell out of me. What are you people doing that ChatGPT makes your workflow massively more productive?

  • It gets documentation/help wrong or straight-up makes shit up
    • Same thing with having it generate actual code
  • If "generating code I'd normally copy/paste" is such a game changer, your architecture/design needs a rework
    • Yes, even for tests (seriously, we've had ways to pass arrays of inputs into tests for years, having it copy/paste the same test a hundred times with different values is fucking atrocious)
  • Code "assistant" suggestions have been fucking horrid from my experience with them (and I end up disabling it every time I give it a try)
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You mean current and future products/advertising targets?

It's simple. It's so they can get them into that content pipeline early, that way they keep their eyeballs on the ads as long as possible.

I feel like things like Classic Shell (or whatever the go-to alternative is nowadays) are just going to make bank from enterprise customers suddenly wanting to make their desktops usable for the average user.

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A lot of the decaying skills are things like understanding your computer's file system (i.e. how folders and files work, where they are, etc.) This kind of skill is definitely still needed if you work in an office environment. It may not be necessary if all you're doing is being spoon-fed Instagram posts on your phone, but understanding where you saved your files is pretty damn important for most office workers' day to day jobs (especially with how dogshit Windows' search functionality is).

To quote Adam Millard (not verbatim):

If you've paid me $5 on my Patreon, I give you permission to block all ads on my channel, since you've already done more than anyone watching ads.

Ad revenue is almost nothing unless you have a massive channel, and if you have a massive channel you're already making sponsorship deals. As far as I know, most sponsors only care about total view count on the video. SponsorBlock isn't as high-profile as ad blockers (yet).

Every indie dev I'm following on YouTube has basically made a "My thoughts on the situation"-type videos where they talk about how they've "won against Unity" despite Unity basically doing a textbook of the "Door in the face" technique to pass changes that would've been unpopular before this whole mess.

Edit: Fixed typo.

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