
12 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dutch software engineer, supporter of N.E.C. !nec@ymmel.nl


To figure out if your email addresses are part of a known breach. Also, start using a password manager (https://bitwarden.com)

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Godverdomme wat lekker

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I do not. When the brain stops working it's just the end. I wasn't raised religious and I've never 'felt' anything spiritual. I respect people who do, but I just don't - it doesn't make sense to me.

Not that I've a choice but I do feel a sense of calm in the fact that when I die there's nothing. We're just a blip in a never ending universe.

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so goddamn exhausting

I live in a Dutch city and there's like 3 people here with dumbass cars like dode rams and everytime I see them the only thing I can think is damn you are an asshole. Those cars are ridiculous

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Woah what the fuck.

I remember here in the Netherlands that you could only watch HBO through a specific internet provider (ziggo-Vodafone). I'd have to switch goddamn ISP's to pay for their show. That gave me all the justification to pirate the shit out of it.

That's stupid money for an api testing tool lmao

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Ah edelman, the consultancy bureau who helps countries prop up their image. This shit is about as believable as Qatar getting to host the world cup on merit. Imagine seeing this graph and thinking hmmm all these countries who have authoritarian and oppressive governments must be really good to their citizens, instead of thinking that people who speak out of line get shafted lmao.

It's bought propaganda. It's like being the shitty student in class who pays a hacker to adjust their grades but instead of something a bit believable asks for an A+. Anyways this shit isn't even meant for the outside world, it's just to affirm to their own people that being oppressed is a-OK.

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Pair programming can be really fruitful. Either I feel like I'm teaching someone something (which I like) or I'm getting schooled (which I also like).

Both being stumped and fetching a third is also interesting. But usually it's a functional person not a dev.

How I understand it is that database/io calls are heavy and network calls are relatively light. A user on the instance itself equals Database/io and a federated server means just 1 database call and a bunch of network calls. Since it's a push model the instance only has to retrieve the data from the database itself once and then just pushes it to all subscribed instances.

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You either have a clean house or you have a kid. You'll never have both at the same time. Most people have neither.

For me it's also impossible. Theres just so much stuff.

  • robot vacuum runs at night, shit needs to be off the floor - this helps a lot already
  • be into podcasts, designated hour of cleaning while listening to something interesting
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Not sure if I completely understand but I think you want public service 1 accessible on subdomains s1.domain.com and internal service 2 on s2.domain.com?

Just point the A record for s2 to an internal ip address (or a tailscale ip). The only thing dns does is translate a (sub)domain to an ip address. So outside of your network s2.domain.com wouldn't resolve but inside your network it would.

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This is definitely the momentum. I, for one, am happy to jump on it. Especially because I can selfhost it.

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Is this also called the "construction workers cleavage" in the rest of the world?

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Unless there's a rust application under that hijab I don't care!

A domain is like 10 bucks a year. This is just ego

Men trying to control women's bodies. Tale as old as time sadly.

That's great you'd be able to listen to neutral milk hotel and no one would guess

Other platforms just have the illusion of privacy

Yeah I'm completely over to firefox now. I can't help but notice firefox mobile is still a bit sluggish though but eh

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I've kinda been trimming the amount of services I've exposed through subdomains, it grew so wild because it was pretty easy. I'd just set a wildcard subdomains to my ip and the caddy reverse proxy created the subdomains.

Just have a wildcard A record that points *. to your ip address.

Even works with nested domains like "home." and then "*.home"

Would also be cool to have like a short questionnaire, like picking your class in Morrowind, but instead you end up on a German industrial metal music instance.

Why bother honestly

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Really depends on where you live honestly. Just make sure you're not the lowest hanging fruit. I use a VPN to torrent but cba using a vpn to access indexers for example.

And when choosing a VPN server location? Just anything that's not my country. If anything happens they'll just attach to a swarm and grab all the IPs belonging to their 'jurisdiction' and ask the ISP's for PII. My VPN is in Estonia so they'll probably skip it.

Yeua idk discord sucks imo. There can definitely be a place for just chatter but just make a matrix channel

That seems pretty rational

oh my god java beans

Man is just spamming his blog everywhere, ngl needs a warning from the instance mod

That's pretty dope dude. Always wanted the same for Twitter -> Nitter links but now I just hope theres gonna be no Twitter links posted

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An IDE is one of those things that earns itself back very quickly imo. If I compare my hourly rate to what a yearly subscription of intellij costs it's a no-brainer

I'm just happy I'm not a frontend developer

I didn't even use Apollo but the defining moment for me was when spez lied about his interactions with the dev. That shit is foul and I just do not want to associate with that.

Would be pretty sick if they effected us. Like a trans person comes around the corner and suddenly fireworks go off and glowsticks get handed out

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That's a ridiculous take

Facts tend to have a left bias

I've listened to enough sabaton songs to know attacking Poland is a bad idea

That's a rabbit hole lol, ended up on some gitea repo with 'liberated instances' where free speech* is allowed

*exceptions made for things they don't agree with probably.

I believe that a social democracy is the best compromise we can make. The market should be able to innovate but rules set in place to protect workers and the environment. Social safety nets so people do not fall into despair - happy people equals less sickness and more productivity.

I believe UBI can play a role but I'm still not sure how exactly, luckily I'm not a politician.

In the end I'll always vote more to the left, even though I'm well paid I think a society is healthier when there are less major differences in wealth.

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