
1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Monkey Island Fan - IT Specialist, Developer, Nurse, Sports fan, Gamer, Indie Developer and Board Game Enthusiast.

I’m a nurse. I took care of a patient for about two weeks a few years ago. He had a huge family and had lots of people around him day and night. Everyone was so nice and created a very special room around him. One of the last days before he was discharged he asked if I had a minute to talk. He had done that a few times before just to chat, but this time he told me, that he was very happy that I had been around him to take care of him, and just kept telling me how I was a great part of making him feel well, and that he would never forget me.

His condition wasn’t the best, and I’m quite certain he has passed by now, but I still think about him every now and then. For a moment he just made me feel so special. I will never forget him.

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil is a hilarious comedy horror movie. Such a fun take on the genre and so stupidly funny all the way through.

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To rid the feed of Elon news we now have a stickied post with Elon news. I feel like there’s a meme hidden there somewhere.

Unfortunately it’s not that easy.

They have already got a large sum of F16’s, but it takes training of Ukrainian pilots before they can be used in combat.

From what I understand they should be ready to fly in early 2024. That still a long time to go - but you don’t want to lose pilots or planes because of inexperience with that type of airplane.

I used to work in IT forensics - there’s nothing that will ever be worse than the things I saw there. People are freaking scary.

But outside work I’ve seen my part of shit, puke and other strange fetish videos, and people being blown up or driven down - being on the internet in the early days sort of made you numb to those things.

I will say that I saw a paper cut fetish video once. That shit hurt through the monitor.

Now these two features is in paint, designers and artists will have a hard time deciding which software to use.

Living in a part of the world where we don’t really tip I have to ask, is tipping your landlord really a thing?

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At this point I’m beginning to feel fine with it. If you care, switch to Firefox, you probably already did, if not, enjoy your ads.

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So once a year there is a bonus pool at around $10.000 which everyone can apply for if you think you have the arguments to convince the bosses.

So one of my coworkers applied but instead of just emailing the boss, she emailed everyone. This was an email mentioning how much better she was than most of the department, and then throwing a few coworkers under the bus, to make her look better.

It’s been a few years. She’s still there. She actually got the bonus. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a looong time…

Not that I think it’s a good idea, but to be fair, you’re only noticing the bad and extreme cases. There are subtle and fine cases too that just don’t draws attention to them.

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Absolutely agree. I was about to play the devils advocate and try to find ways, that this could happen by accident. If it was on PC it could’ve been the Ubisoft launcher (or whatever it’s called) which accidentally took window focus.

But this is on Xbox and PlayStation. That can only mean that it’s in the game files. That does neither happen by accident nor by technical error.

The only error could be, that it was enabled before they meant to. But no, this was 100% fishing for reactions.

I’ll do it tomorrow.

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Ah, get it. Thanks for explaining.

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It’s basically explained in these three sections:

“In particular, the justices will be examining a so-called safety valve provision that is meant to spare low-level, nonviolent drug dealers who agree to plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors from having to face often longer mandatory sentences.”

“The provision lists three criteria for allowing judges to forgo a mandatory minimum sentence that basically look to the severity of prior crimes. Congress did not make it easy by writing the section in the negative so that a judge can exercise discretion in sentencing if a defendant “does not have” three sorts of criminal history.”

“The question is how to determine eligibility for the safety valve — whether any of the conditions is enough to disqualify someone or whether it takes all three to be ineligible.”

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I really want to switch to Linux, but I’ve been told this before and then ended up spending hours trying to get everything to work, and usually give up … but it’s been a couple of years since I tried the last time, so is this the right time?

I have zero interest in the technical parts of Linux or setting things up. I want things to work out if the box. I may have to dual boot because of WoW and MS Flight Sim, but if everything else works it may be worth it.

Edit: wow thanks for the answers. You may have convinced me to try again.

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Fold the dir!

Fold dir…


“Run…. Now there’s a word I haven’t heard in a looong time.”

It’s a combination of good timing, a perfect product and going against the direction of most AAA-studios.

Though BG2 is more than two decades old, a lot of us still considers it one of the best games ever. I think quite a few of us have been eager to return to forgotten realms. That’s one group.

Then there’s a group of Divinity fans (some overlapping the old BG group) waiting for Larians next RPG.

Those two groups would be the critical mass for creating hype. Would the game live up to the old games? Would it be as good as Divinty?

Then comes the first reviews and people get to play the beta, and though the first few months were rough, once we got close to release it was clear, that BG3 would not only live up to its expectations, it would smash through the roof.

Now you have your core fan base talking about how good this game is, how do you sell this to people who normally don’t play this type of game?

Well, talk to them in a language they understand. This game is complete from day 1. No DLC. No ingame shop. Just a complete game that you can play over and over again with new ways of completing it… oh, and you can co-op with your friends. Even on the couch in split screen.

There are simply not anything of major significance to criticize about this game. You may not like it, or the genre is not for you, but as a complete product it’s simply perfect.

As a player you get the feeling that Larian focus on the game first where others focus on money first. That may not be the whole truth, but it’s the feeling this is creating, and hopefully other studios will acknowledge that there are other ways to do things.

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  1. Profit?

It’s absolutely sustainable- but once you aren’t satisfied with sustainability and want it to produce an ever growing profit, that’s when things start going sideways and eventually downhill.

One thing that annoys me coming from Reddit is, that there isn’t just one group of each theme. You have for example gaming groups on several instances and you can either chose to subscribe to a number of those or chose the one you like.

But in the end, one will be the go-to group, and wouldn’t that centralize the most popular groups?

(Honest question, I’m new to Lemmy and the thoughts behind it)

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Not sure about left side, but right is ted kaczynski aka the unabomber.

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I went from StumbleUpon to Digg to Reddit and now here …

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Or a horse sized

Plot twist: the death threat was the pricing change.

It’s not a rare thing, but having a character that has been gone or away surprisingly turn up and finish another characters sentence.

When done right it’s just such a powerful move, which often spark a strong reaction from the viewers.

Hiking. You start out with what you got. Then on the first few hikes you find out what gear you absolute have to bring with you. Then when you have a fine little gear stash, you begin adding things from the never ending “nice to have” list. Then you go to outdoor stores just to have a look around… HA!

This is really what’s is beginning to bother me. I came from Reddit with the fuck-spez-wave searching for an alternative, and Lemmy somehow sounded interesting and a new way of doing things.

I can live with the lag of content, that will come, but more and more it looks like every server is their own little community with whatever weirdnesses they have, and each one has a bunch of moderators, most good, some bad, but all doing what they think is best.

When you’re just a mainstream user looking for content and debate, and take no interest in server drama, defederations and whatever, it’s all just unwanted noise and irritating.

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I turned the chat off a long time ago. Instantly made the game better. I don’t need a kid to show off his NSFW vocabulary.

A rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle

Agree with everything, and I applied my own little rule too witch states that if I comment or reply to something, then I have to upvote whatever I’m replying to, no matter what I think of it.

I have a thought that I can’t let go, that it has been the plan all along to get rid of twitter, but just buying it and shutting it down would cause too much trouble compared to just take crazy decisions until it crashes by itself.

Not something I strongly belief but a small thought that keeps returning.

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My hovercraft is full of eels

Mid 1940s it would've been a great laugh.

Time for an “Eat Pig” campaign!

Damn, that’s infuriatingly sad and scary.

I thought it was $3/min 🤷🏽‍♂️

Surprised I haven’t seen I Takes Two here yet - it’s a tour de force of genres.

If you never played this game and want a close to perfect coop experience, you should definitely give this a try. It’s perfect for a session with your SO, and it doesn’t rely on neither massive skill nor gaming experience.

I loved every bit of the journey that me and my wife was on with It Takes Two.

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It’s like every program with a while-true loop is now considered AI and it works with an … uh oh … algorithm!!!