
0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

❗ Word of warning

Using this tool in beehaw will get you banned for spamming. If you choose to use this in an instance you do not own, be sure you get explicit permission from the admins + mods of the target community before you do so.

Even if a community is meant for this sort of archiving, be sure to ask first. They might have a specific set of rules on choosing what they want to archive.

Please use this tool with care.

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Reddit was (still is?) considered as the "front page of the Internet" for over a decade. It's likely we all need time to unlearn the habits we picked up from Reddit. I know I still have that habit of refraining from commenting in certain threads because I don't want to potentially get bitched at.

I do wonder if a forum-based UI would help promote the kind of community you're looking for. Some people have suggested that text-only posts might help encourage more discussions and that is essentially what the forums are like. If you want to link to something for context, that just goes into the body text, rather than have the content show up first and foremost. That said, I don't think Beehaw is interested in switching to a forum-based UI. I could be wrong though.

If people felt they can't really escape an essential product from a shitty company because of cost, or even convenience, I'd understand.

::: spoiler Warning: angry rant. But this is a video game. Playing video games is my primary hobby. I do it a lot. It's how I spend quality time with my long-distance partner as well. But it is not essential to my life. We actually have a very viable option of not buying a product from a company helmed by evil, shitty people. It should've been more clear-cut.

Ultimately, my disappointment over this runs pretty deep. I will never respect Blizzard as a company. Honestly, I had hoped that MS acquiring them would mean breaking them up and scattering the resources to different departments. The fact that I think MS is the better of the two probably says a lot about my disdain for Blizzard at this point. :::

In the future, if you wish to link to an article, please include the link(s) to either the project's official site, their source repository, or both. Just in case a reader would rather look at the project first before digesting someone else's opinion. Plus, ItsFoss.com can be very ad-heavy (made the mistake of going there without an ad-blocker once) and not everyone uses ad-blockers.


The links to Gyroflow's repo and official site:

There were legitimate reasons from a design standpoint. It's badly balanced, the spacing is inconsistent...and it was everywhere.

Funny enough, I suspect what makes it a badly designed font might be why some people with dyslexia have an easier time reading with it. The badly balanced, poor spacing, probably made the letters in the font more distinguishable from one another.

If you (or anyone else that's interested) have the time, I think this article, "Why You Hate Comic Sans," goes over all of it pretty well.

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This talk of tolerance reminds me of something I read[^1]: Tolerance is a peace treaty, not a moral obligation. With this line of thought, the intolerance of intolerance stops being a paradox and makes a whole heck of a lot of sense. Intolerance broke that peace treaty before it even entered into it, IMO.

[^1]: It may have been this opinion piece: https://extranewsfeed.com/tolerance-is-not-a-moral-precept-1af7007d6376

That being said, CSS frameworks are still wonderful, used right they can save a lot of time during early development by outsourcing the majority of design to the framework devs.

That's actually my intent with using a CSS framework. A personal project of mine reached minimum viable product statud status (phones...) recently, I included bulma, and used some of its components for stuff like menus and modals. It was definitely faster than writing everything by hand early on. But I also ended up writing my own CSS anyway, especially with the grid, which is the foundation on which my app works on (it's a grid-based colour mixing app).

I agree, I think CSS frameworks have a place for prototyping and we shouldn't rely on them as a project moves towards a proper release πŸ€”

Then again, some people might think the obfuscation in 20+ classes is somehow a good thing...frankly, I think it's worse than inline styles. It's basically obfuscated inline styles!

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Congrats, @UrLogicFails@beehaw.org!

The transparency of expenses really helps bolster trust and it's awesome we're compensating an artist for their work! Gives a little bit of hope.

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I can't help but love when subreddits do this in response to the threat of removing mods if they stay private. I remember there were some that were posting "sexy" pics of John Oliver. iPhone was limited to posting "sexy" pics of Tim Cook. Working with what they have in order to continue their protests. I like it😁

It has malicious compliance written all over it πŸ™ƒ

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Thank you for adding the warning 😁 I bet many lemmy admins and mods appreciate it!

According to their Github issue tracker, they're aware and are working to fix it (based on the pull request)!

The lemmy software is still a bit rough. It can only get better though, we all just need a little patience (or to contribute if we're able) 😊

As far as I know, I don't believe there's an FAQ that explains these issues. I could be wrong though!

My thoughts on this is pretty much voiced by some of the others.

For instance, there was a tool that could be used to repost things from a reddit user page. I've warned (and the dev have added the warning to the repo itself) that the tool can cause one to be banned. Now the only way I can see that working without inciting a ban is if the tool was triggered by a command, and only took one link at a time. Assuming the mods already gave permission. Something like the wiki bot I've seen over on reddit that posted the overview of a wiki link. However, I would rather be able to trigger it with a !wiki or something to that effect.

The only exception I would take with this is with an automod that reminds users to include specific things in their posts...but I'm also meh about this. If people post without reading the sidebar, they're probably not going to bother coming back and reading a comment. This issue would be better solved through other means (a reminder of the community rules in the New Post page, after choosing a community).

The bots 100% need to have the bot tag on. No bots impersonating as people, please.

That's my 2Β’ for now.

The co-op modes are 3 vs 1 and 3 vs AI controlled boss. I only played the vs AI boss, and you all get separate boards until a specific event occurs. Then it merges and everyone gets to put their piece anywhere across the three boards. It only lasts for a little bit, and then the board splits again.

The PvP modes are called:

  • Zone battle (incorporates their time-stopping mechanic)
  • Score attack (standard Tetris, no interfering blocks for the player lagging behind)
  • Classic Score attack (standard Tetris, but you don't get hard drops or holds, and again, no interfering blocks)

One thing I found out is that if you want to play against the CPU, you can just load up a local match and add player's twice on the same controller. The second "adding" will fill the rest with CPUs.

It's available on both PC and Switch. However, from what I could find out, you need the Switch Online membership to play multiplayer online. But you haven't mentioned an interest in that so it should fit your requirements really well.

It's currently 50% off on both Steam and Nintendo eShop

Hope that helps!

Creating art gave me anxiety. I think it always did because I've always been nervous about it being good enough. I've taken so many hiatuses from making art. I thought it would be something I'd do as a career.

But I've finally accepted the fact that art stresses me out and I don't want to do that on a daily basis. So I've pivoted towards programming instead. It was something I've done since I was a teenager and felt more at ease with. But a number of factors kept me from pursuing it early on.

I haven't overcame my art anxiety. To be fair, my realizations and acceptance were recent so I haven't had time to go through the process anyway. More focused on building out my programming profession at the moment.

And the amount of times we hear people trying to get out of paying the artist or designer...it really put me off trying to freelance as an artist (not to mention the anxiety making art brought me lately...)

There's a rather old project that may do what you want: https://github.com/zoran123456/Comic-Smart-Panels

I also use AlternativeTo to look for ...alternatives! Unfortunately, the other alternatives (besides Comic Smart Panels) are all proprietary, varying degree of "free": https://alternativeto.net/software/comic-life/

Thanks for the recommendation on Thrive. I'm playing through it at the moment and I'm kinda excited and overwhelmed by the game already!

I don't think I subbed to anything on those two instances, so I'm not affected at all. I only recently switched to subscribed on the front page too as default so if I missed anything from them, I haven't noticed. Beehaw have grown large and active enough to make up most of my front page at this point.

I think out of all the federated subs I have, the active an interesting ones to me are coming out of programming.dev. I also sub to a few fediverse related ones, one of which actually posted about Beehaw's decision to defederate from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.work. There were some takes that miss the point. There were also those who defended Beehaw's decision too. It was interesting to see the interactions unfold.

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Natron is essentially the FOSS version of Nuke. And Nuke may seem overkill, but using it for simple tasks at first is a great way to familiarize yourself with the tool before using it for more complex ones.

I used to use Nuke just to do some colour grading, or composite two animations together, back when I was in school for 3D animation. "Simple" stuff that Blender could've handled, but I liked how Nuke was designed specifically for composition and VFX. The focus helps, I find. Which made me happy that Natron is a thing (although I recall it having some stability issues with me).

My reasons for taking notes is basically "yes" to everything you mentioned.

Recently, my notes came in handy when I finally submitted my project as a final project for an online course I was taking. It spanned about 4 months of start and stop progress so a lot of my initial thoughts would have been lost if I hadn't journalled about what I did on days I worked on the project.

In my last job, I would take notes of what I'm doing by hand. Or sketch out plans of what I want to do with the internal tools I made just so I'm not wasting time or falling into the trap of feature creep.

I also do it to practice writing.

I've done most of my note taking in Obsidian.md (and I sync them with git), but sometimes I leave notes in a private Discord server if it's something I want instant access to.

I don't know how exact the values need to be, but optically, the closest I could get to --result is with these values, still using color-mix:

color-mix(in srgb, #02C390, 79% #31363B)

It came out as #27544D

To be fair, my monitors are not colour calibrated so it might not even look like that on your screen or anyone else's.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you arrive at --result's value?

The "News Flash" bit was unnecessary. Please keep your replies to other users respectful on Beehaw.

β€” !programming@beehaw.org Moderation Team

Honestly, it's understandable. Personally, I find it poorly labelled and it's wedged in between other options of nearly the same size.

Howdy! We're removing this thread for duplicate of https://beehaw.org/post/1025899.

If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please message a moderator or administrator.

Thank you,
β€” !foss@beehaw.org Moderation Team


Go into your Settings, then scroll down until you see this section: A section of Lemmy's user settings. 'Type' and the options, 'Subscribed', 'Local', and 'All' are in a red outlined box.

I've highlighted the option that you need to change to see your Subscribed communities' posts

Hope that helps!

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Oh sweet! Thanks for posting this. I should've checked first 🀦

What is your lifestyle like at the moment? Do you do a lot of sitting? Not a lot of movement, exercise, etc? Are you under a lot of stress or do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks? Have the weather been particularly nasty where you are? (This is starting to sound like a start of an infomercial, sorry! πŸ˜… )

I led a sedentary life style for a long time, especially during the pandemic. I was getting random aches and pains in my hip joints, in my legs, my arms. But since I've started practicing yoga (at home, only), and also started treatment for my anxiety disorder, they have been a rare occurrence.

I don't know what your situation is like, but I really hope you can find some relief! I know how scary it can be to feel these pains and have no idea what's wrong. I hope you can find the strength to keep away from that doom spiral though. The anxiety and the stress from that is more likely to make things worse. If you do want to try the yoga route, or interested in a youtube channel recommendation, I've found Yoga with Adriene incredibly helpful for me.

πŸ«‚ πŸ’“

Just a heads up to everyone, there is now a megathread regarding Reddit and Reddit related apps shutdown over here: https://beehaw.org/post/872997

I'm going to lock this thread to help redirect the conversation over there. Sorry for any inconvenience caused!

If you don't mind me asking, why this scorekeeper? The fact that it isn't open-source leaves me hesitant to dig around in the code.

Howdy! We're removing this thread for being posted in the wrong community and essentially an ad/spam.

If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please message a moderator or administrator.

Thank you,
β€” !foss@beehaw.org Moderation Team

Aww, that's sweet ☺️ ❀️ stay awesome, everyone πŸ˜‰

S'all good, I wanted to make sure πŸ˜€

Howdy! We're removing this thread for posting in the wrong community.

If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please message a moderator or administrator.

Thank you,
β€” !foss@beehaw.org Moderation Team

Until this gets implemented, have you tried using the mouse middle-click? At least on Firefox, it opens a link in a new tab.

I vaguely recall there being a setting to force all links to open in a new tab as well...I'll edit this comment when I have a chance to look into it.

I've been doing a little bit of digging into lemmy-ui's codebase. No promises, but I'm definitely curious about adding the feature now πŸ€” I would like to just have links open in a new tab automatically, as well.

Edit 1: I'm a derp. I realized this is going to require a change in the backend too, in order to save the setting to your account on the server. So the more immediate fix is to either force all links to open in new tabs...or save the option client-side. Which means you'd have to make this change on every single browser you browse beehaw on.

Edit 2: According to luciole's comment (https://beehaw.org/comment/666753), the feature was already added. Just gotta wait for the admins to upgrade the instance 😊

Thanks for posting a better, more descriptive title than the original! And for including the YT link. TILVids doesn't seem as accessible (lack of captions/subtitle) so having the option, although not idea, is better.

I wish I could be all aboard with Flatpak, but I found out that there's probably very few apps on there that actually works on a 32-bit OS (I'm trying to revive an old netbook). Probably part of that niche use case where Flatpak...falls flat[^1]. So that netbook is stuck with the distro's package maintainers.

I do agree that there is a time and place for both the distro package managers and Flatpak/Snap and I wouldn't want to see the former disappear completely. Even when Flatpak/Snap improves and have better coverage.

[^1]: I'll see myself out 😢

Is BookFusion a FOSS project with a paid service? I looked on their site and see no mention of it being FOSS.

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If you need a tool to remove and rearrange PDF pages, maybe give PDF Arranger a try? https://github.com/pdfarranger/pdfarranger

I'll probably take some flak for my answers, but here I go!


Maybe I would've loved it if I had got to the game before the fandom madness got to me. But to be fair, it looks like it's visually designed to tap into that 80's nostalgia, which would've bore me anyway.

Destiny 2

I used to enjoy that game (and Destiny). Played it way more than I'd like to admit. But as my anxiety got worse, the more I abhorred the way they force you into matchmaking for PvE content, then give you all kinds of reasons why you have to do those PvE content where you're forced to play with random players. Then there's the changes Bungie had made that made the game more and more hostile to me on a mechanics level. Lately, it also feels like they're treating Destiny 2 as a money-printing machine.

Diablo 4

Because Blizzard. I had a whole rant but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. I simply will not give Blizzard any money moving forward.