
0 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

My "step-dad" used to sit as close as he could to the smoking section in restaurants and would try to fight anyone that lit up.

Childhood was fun.

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Lovely fun trauma, yay.

Plain af New York style cheesecake. You weirdos that put berries on it are strange.

Since I no longer subscribe, I'm betting the DLC I grabbed on there won't be sent to me.

As someone who daily drives Mint, wut.

Resolution yes, refresh rate, no.

Everyone switch to IRC, quick!

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They work on some Linux distros with zero configuration as well. Mint being one of those.

(This is through bluetooth that I'm speaking of.)

better multi monitor support

I run a 3x1 setup and KDE didn't handle it any better than Cinnamon did.

Wayland support is coming to Mint. You can actually use it on 21.3 right now but it is unstable.

Rest of what you said is opinion.

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Why would I care what software KDE comes with? This is Linux. I can install whatever works best for me. Including the whole of KDE software suite if I so chose. You KDE fans are voracious.

Well, I got rid of KDE and I'm on Cinnamon right now, so where are these tearing issues? You think I would have noticed after over a year of use.

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it's gross and I hate it and stop it right now

I'm going to say it before anyone else does.


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according to Surprise police.

I know it's the city name, but damn it.

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So much for freedom and personal liberties.

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A lot of that seemingly came from when modder = cheater in GTAV. Saw a huge swing to that at the height of that game's popularity.

Edit: Read through the comments and it's related to GTA but in a different way. The guy was comparing bootlegging to modding because someone in his country, Indonesia, was modding GTA:SA to add children's show characters to it, changing the packaging to make it more appealing to children, and then is selling the discs to people. Which is a whole other can of worms.

Anyone else that mentioned they didn't like modding didn't really elaborate.

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BUT 30%!!!!!

Yeah, that 30% means I can ditch Windows. At least it's being used for good and not just* yachts.

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Is it weird to make out but not make the noise?

It's weird to worry about it.

Fallout 76 is in the top 5 selling games on Steam. Sounds like they hand an inkling of what they were doing. Minimum effort, maximum profit.

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The Prusa brand printers are printed by their own printer models and sold that way.


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This picture was taken in front of a suburban elementary school. I feel terrible for her because I think she chose her nesting spot when covid lockdown was in effect and now she is stuck with tons of children running by twice a day. Literally 2 meters away from her. Will give her credit where credit is due that she sticks it out and doesn't leave her nest.

(Don't worry, she's roped off and they make regular announcements to use as reminders for everyone to look out for her.)

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It's hella old. Like early drone times old. I think they were from Missouri? Don't know for sure though.


I stand corrected. I could have sworn I saw it pre-2021 though. Maybe I'm crazy.

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Nah, it would just circumvent them.

Oh, I agree. I did however manage to talk my mom into letting me put Mint on her PC and she hasn't complained even once. Small victories.

Black squirrels. They aren't very many if any at all in the south and when family/friends come to visit it blows their mind seeing them.

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This is old web journalism. All the links in the text are actual links to other articles or pieces of information. This is how most news articles were in the 90s and early 2k. Y'know, before all the links in the text turned into ad links. This article gives a jumping off point to find out more info. The opinion piece does nothing but attract attention to the information linked within.

We're all here talking about it so it seems to have worked. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It’ll be interesting to see what it changes for us consumers.

More account linking and data scraping.

Alt-tab until you hear the music stop and it will load quicker.

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It was a pre-existing "rock garden" they made in 2019.

Here's fine, it is tech after all.


That's the largest privacy focused community though.

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If it’s on steam it will run.

Negative. Some games are outright blocking Linux for whatever reason or another.

e.g.; Destiny 2


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People who don't have cents?


NV is 32bit, but it doesn't matter. It will run in a 64bit environment.

Edit: Poked around a bit for you. Try manually deleting the directory it created then retrying.

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Why not just use Jellyfin if you said it works fine?

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trout are the economy

That would have been too much effort.

Downside is you have to keep the seriously lacking, buggy-ass radio on.

Are we related?

Be aware if you're using this for Jellyfin, etc, that you will still need a different program to fix meta tags and such as Taoun will not do meta tags over a Jellyfin server connection. Well, it will, but it throws lots of warnings when you try and it doesn't always work.

Technically though if it has access to the files themselves you could setup another library and tag them from there.

E: Though I say that you can do that then I tried to add my music folder and it did nothing, lol. Might be because my music folder is mounted from my server on my main PC.

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