Mike D.

@Mike D.@lemmy.world
13 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tech lover, nazi hater.

Clean paper and cardboard are easily recyclable and worth money. I first figured this out over 30 years ago while taking commuter trains into NYC.

There were approximately one yard cubed wagons left on the platform to discard your already read newspapers for recycling. Local hustlers would often reassemble the papers and sell for half.

At some point locking tops eere put on so it was difficult to remove the papers. This was because the agency collecting the old newspaper was making money from it.

Fast forward. Some cities make it a crime to rummage through the recycling bins.

There is money there.

I never show the bottom of my shoe and think less of those who do. Learned this while traveling in Asia.

edit - Example of this is kicking my feet up on a stool at the local pub.

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Sending an email to info@lemmy.world creates a ticket. Ruud got back to me slightly after 24 hours.

In a perfect world Pixelfed would be tightly integrated with Lemmy and Mastodon. Pixelfed is the Fediverse's image sharing platform.

I tried posting a picture from Pixelfed to Mastodon several months ago and it was not integrated at all. I went back to uploading directly to Mastodon.

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I used The Swap Club to replace my wife's AirPods about six months ago but since then they always seem sold out.

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My kid wouldn't go to the bathroom at all during middle school. Said he would rather hold it.

Chazz: Who'd win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?

Chris Moore: Lemmy.

Chris Moore: ... God?

Rex: Wrong, dickhead, trick question. Lemmy IS God.

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As an owner of a Kia with the exploding engine option I'll pass.

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John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court

The chief justice doesn’t like his conservative Supreme Court colleagues getting called out for judicial overreach.

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This hits me in the feels.

The instance preference can be important if you look at the Local Communities timeline. Niche instances will usually have more communities relevant to that niche. However, with current user distribution most users are either on Lemmy.world or Lemmy.ml.

A Federated space where this more apparent is on Mastodon. I joined SFBA,social because it is local to me (San Francisco Bay Area, California, US). The Local Timeline is all users on the instance. As a good proportion of them are from the area I can learn about local events/projects/news.

Yes, the percentage of Twitter users that moved to Mastodon was small BUT the numbers of users was a huge increases over previous users, Yes, many instances came up and went down BUT they had small user counts. Finally, many people tried out Mastodon but didn't stick around BUT the Average Mastodon Active Users by Month (first line chart) increases in the last period.

I'm sticking with Mastodon (and Lemmy). Besides, I know John Mastodon.

That section of the freeway always has niche tech billboards. It took me a little while to get used to.

Some instances are able to generate donations to cover costs.

The mastodon instance I use (sfba.social) currently has enough donations to last 8 months. I donate $3 per month.

The Lemmy instance I use (lemmy. world) already has a Mastodon instance with enough donations to cover both. Once they separate funds I will donate to them as well.

TL;DR - Satisfied users donate towards costs.

My sister is a nurse and freaks out any time I mention vaping because of shady carts. She smokes lots of flower.

Each recipe can have variations so one site is never enough for me.

For example, I am going to make curry pickled cauliflower. There are very basic recipes and those that add more ingredients. I found three on different sites and will merge them into one based on my tastes and ingredients on hand.

There's a user script that may do what you want - https://lemmy.world/post/102458

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This has been an ongoing issue for her but it usually gets hushed up.

Never heard of it but wish it was taught.

I've been doored. Broke my elbow which required a hospital stay and a pin in my arm.

According to a new report, the United States military has been sending millions of emails to a West African country in what is being called a “typo leak.”

The mistake has resulted in highly sensitive information being exposed, including diplomatic documents, passwords, travel details of top officers, and tax returns, according to the report from the Financial Times.

The typo in question has to do with the suffix for all US military email addresses, .MIL. While military personnel may be intending to send an email to another member of the armed forces, they mistakenly continue to send their messages to the .ML domain, the country identifier for Mali.

Other information that was potentially leaked includes highly-sensitive data about serving US military personnel, like medical information, crew lists for ships, photos of bases, naval inspection reports, maps of installations, and contracts.

While the information being leaked is serious, it’s compounded by the fact that the US military has been aware of the typo leak for almost a decade, the Times reported.

The first person to identify the issue was Dutch internet entrepreneur Johannes Zuurbier, who has a contract to manage the Mali domain. Zuurbier has made efforts to notify the US of the problem, but after not seeing any action taken to stop the leak, he started to collect the misdirected emails.

According to the Times, Zuurbier has been collecting emails for six months in an attempt to show the US the issue was serious. Over that time period, he has collected nearly 117,000 emails.

Zuurbier wrote a letter to the US earlier this month, bringing attention to the issue once again, the Times reported.

“This risk is real and could be exploited by adversaries of the US,” he wrote.

Now, retired military officials, like the former admiral of the National Security Agency and the US Army’s Cyber Command, Mike Rogers, are pointing to the risk of letting the information leak.

“If you have this kind of sustained access, you can generate intelligence even just from unclassified information,” Rogers told the Times. “This is not uncommon. It’s not out of the norm that people make mistakes, but the question is the scale, the duration, and the sensitivity of the information.”

Rogers says that Zuurbier having the information in his possession is one thing, but a foreign government is another issue.

The concern is also growing as the internet entrepreneur is coming to the end of his 10-year management contract with Mali’s government, which is closely allied with Russia.

Once his contract is expired, Malian authorities will be able to gather the misdirected emails and do with them what they please.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Cmdr Tim Gorman said the Defence Department is “aware of this issue and takes all unauthorized disclosures of controlled national security information or controlled unclassified information seriously.”

He also said that emails sent directly to a .MIL domain to Malian addresses are “blocked before they leave the .mil domain, and the sender is notified that they must validate the email addresses of the intended recipients.”

yes. dammit

Consider roasting the cauliflower first. It seems to add another dimension. After that a quick pickle achieve the desired result.

Donations are already happening in the Fediverse. Lemmy,world is funded by donations to the Mastodon.world instance. Many Mastodon users donate to their instance. I give $3 per month to my instance (sfba.social). They put out a quarterly report breaking down how much cam in and went out.

I donate in order to have an ad-free experience. If the admins separate the finances of Lemmy.world and Mastodon.world I will donate here as well.

Damn it.

I posted the text in a top level comment. I hate geo-fencing.

I have bad childhood memories of being forced to eat canned vegetables but this was before flash-frozen vegetables. I refuse to eat canned green beans.

Generally, the less processing a food has the healthier it is for you. After fresh fruits/veggies flash frozen is best. Then comes canned items due to heating.

I suggest visiting c/cooking. Post your go-to recipe and ask for info on making it healthier while still easy. They may say it is already good or suggest tweaks. Either way there is lots of cooking knowledge there.

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Unless the post goes negative.

Candace Owens has weighed in on the Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light controversy.

The right-wing podcaster, known for her support of Donald Trump and Kanye West, has responded to the trans influencer’s recent remarks about being “abandoned” by the iconic beer brand amid the backlash sparked by their partnership earlier this year.

“No one threatened to kill Dylan Mulvaney. We threatened to (and made good on) no longer drinking Bud Light,” Owens tweeted on Thursday. “I’m so sick of the ‘trans community’ pretending they are Black people surviving the klan in the 1920′s — while [they] shake their fake implants on the White House lawn.” Candace Owens and Dylan Mulvaney

Candace Owens and Dylan Mulvaney (Getty/Getty Images)

The founder of the Blexit organization has been an outspoken critic of transgender identities.

“Transgenderism is, among other things, an utterly fictitious ‘civil rights’ movement, comprised mostly of a bunch of mentally deranged gay men that are looking for permission to live out their sexual fetishes publicly,” the polarizing pundit recklessly wrote in another tweet.

Owens’ remarks were a direct response to Mulvaney’s claims of experiencing “bullying and transphobia” earlier in the day.

The TikTok superstar took to social media to break her silence about the firestorm her association with Bud Light left in its wake.

“For months now, I’ve been scared to leave my house,” Mulvaney said in her 4-minute video. ”I have been ridiculed in public. I’ve been followed, and I have felt a loneliness that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.”

In early April, a short video posted on Mulvaney’s Instagram account showed her opening up a can of Bud Light with her face on it.

A conservative-led boycott ensued, causing Bud Light — which had been the bestselling brew nationwide since 2001 — to take a major decline in sales.

the user feed is just made up of posts from people you follow in chrono order.

You can also follow hashtags, block hashtags, and block words/phrases.

The Local Timeline shows posts from everyone on your instance. The Federated Timeline is a fire hose. It shows all posts in chronological order (as received by your instance).

I thought the number was higher.

It was sold but the listing is still up


I'll do better

There are at least five other communities for EV's.

Consider joining forces with the most active one.

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For those admins still wondering take a look at how Mastodon did with the user explosion last year. I doubt the stack is that similar but I don't remember lots of instances going offline forever due to space constraints (alone). Some may have gone done to overall lack of resources but many are doing quite well.

I had two. One autotragic and one 5MT. The 5MT had over 200k miles when I got it. The only thing wrong when I sold it was the AC died.

Forgot about this beauty I saw a few months ago. 740IL

Yes, I take pics of cars I like.

What do the common style guides say?

As an example, I was taught to use the Oxford comma but know some style guides advise against using it.

Nice find on the H22 Type S! This might explain the headlights. The may be JDM.

Since someone spent a few bucks you may have some other hidden gems. I believe the B-series had an available 4-1 exhaust manifold instead of the standard 4-2-1. The H series may have this too.

Does it have LSD? Easy way is to check is drive hard. You can always check the stamping on the trans but that is not 100% reliable. People often mixed and matched pieces to make their perfect ratios.

I read the previous post about the PS pump delete. People used to make sure there was fluid in the rack and then loop the input and output. This keeps the rack clean and lubed allowing for easy reversal.

Finally, people often use bondo for fixing interior plastic.

Keep us posted!

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