0 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

le mmy

Trickle up economics

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Where does it say that in the article ? I wholeheartedly believe """meta"'" would do that, but I didn't see it mentionned here.

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"Crony capitalism" yuck capitalist propaganda

iMo It'S a SiGn Of ImMaTuRiTy

Isn't calendar info stored in android itself ? 🤨

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It is an ad.

Look I have adhd I'm quirky. Don't use something people struggle with as a quirky trait.

I mean, whatever speed java has or doesn't have, what the other person said was emulate, you'll have your os then on top of that the JVM then on top of that your python implementation, then finally the python code. If that's faster than os->python imp..

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Chrome is based on chromium, not the opposite.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't eww supposed to run alongside a window manager ? I don't see anything else on that screen, can you even switch tabs or anything ?

Because they don't "enter at speed". The portal is moving ; not them. To them, they haven't actually moved.

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Do you just have nothing to say

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I think I'd rather believe official documented android behavior.

I can access my calendars from any app on android... maybe they couldn't access it from the app, that I can believe ; but then that's not at all like "pay us or lose your photos".

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This sucks

Say gex

Got my vote

Does this image exist without the unecessary clutter at the bottom ?

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No need to be insufferable. I'd rather a good explanation, if all you have are indirect insults you can keep those for yourself.

I will however admit I wasn't always the most focused student in physics class, and so my perspective may be flawed.

In any case, I don't quite see how a portal is different from an empty window frame. It's just a hole. The hole going towards the cube, and the cube "going through" the hole, should not create any motion relative to me. And yet, it does ?

Even relative to the blue portal, the cube went from 0 motion to have motion. How does that work ?

I'm guessing this will all boil down to "portals aren't possible" but idk.

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What does this mean ?

Foolish dog it is monday

Can you share that firefox startpage image ?

Adding punctuation to your sentences could help make it readable

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Here you go for when you'll inevitably fuck up

Pretty sure that's bad url use, at least in my nerdy opinion. From stackoverflow : "'path params = resource identification' and 'query params = resource sorting'"

You're crazy if you think microsoft would rewrite windows. No, they'd keep the old windows ALONGSIDE the new, already bloated windows stuff. Because updates that break stuff are bad.

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How is log4j related to what they said ? /genuine

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It's an android with this app installed

Dotfiles / at least a description of what's all that ? Is that awesomewm ? Or another ? Pwease :3

And how have you inferred all that, O wise one ? I must be a commie for not wanting people rich enough to buy a country, that tracks. Why is that always this with you people ? "You know you have to work in society, you can't expect to get things for free" tf kinda strawman are you doing ? Who's saying that ? People in your deranged little mind that's who.

I'm not the one following other people's comment history 🤨 creep

Do you have the original perchance

How could the word generating machine, generate words ? Frankly I am disgruntled. Flabbergasted.

I mean, it is, if you don't have admin you can't install root-level malware directly (still can if the malware uses some bug to gain privilege). But I still fully agree with your point, I just wanted to say that technically, having root is dangerous in the sense that you can do anything. Most end users have no reason to modify system files etc. Since they only use a web browser and word.

That's exactly what is written on the image. You are so right.

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You saw 4 paragraphs and decided to not even try ? Education really got bad

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Am I reading this correctly by interpreting this as "Poor people should die because in nature the weak die ?".

Also, you know that's a point of view that automatically places yourself in the strong, right ? Like, you're not going to place yourself as a "weak" individual. You think you'll "oppress" the weaker than you, and succeed. Were you not raised with empathy ?

Imagine this. You're working at some firm, you make quite a bit of money, your significant other is waiting at your home every day and you love each other tenderly. You even have kids.

One day, they all get in a car crash (not unlikely at all, is it?) and die. All of them. You are alone. The thoughts, the pain, the wanting to kill yourself, the anger, you can't cope. You're a mess. Your whole family, gone. You break down doing minor tasks. You can't work.

Because of that, you get fired. You're without a job now, and you just want to kill yourself but you don't. You tell yourself you're weak. Without a job, how will you pay for the family house ? You sell your car. Life is spiraling down faster and faster and you can't seem to make the pain stop. You're homeless, jobless. Nothing makes sense anymore. You've come to terms with their death, but how do you even get back after going so low ?

Now, you would tell me, face to face, that you deserve to die for being weak.

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No I don't think you could

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Thank you very much

Didn't know they did. And what I said was a jab at windowd but go off I guess you obviously want to feel hurt.

This is just sad.