0 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sign up for a month, binge, cancel, next.

That's not going to last. As soon as they run the numbers and decide it's worth it, they'll create ways to lock you in.

I'll be completely unsurprised when streaming companies start enticing or forcing us into term agreements.

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What about your health? Your mental health in particular.

Your parents raising you is not something you owe them for. You didn't choose to exist; they chose that for you. Raising you is the bare minimum they can do after making a choice like that. And now that you are older, you can reflect on the manner in which you were raised and decide what your relationship with them needs to look like so you can keep your sanity.

It's a cat and mouse game, except the mouse has effectively infinite lives.

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Linking to Lemmy image posts is a bad experience. This use case needs to be much better because content is the main way that non-Lemmy users can be motivated to join Lemmy. I tried to share this with a friend yesterday, and had to explain that the image I actually wanted them to see is locked behind a tiny thumbnail, and that the full size Good Place Janet someone commented is not what I wanted them to see (at least not without the context of the posted image).

There's no way to open a shared Lemmy link in your client of choice. You can manually add URLs on Android, but you have to do that for every Lemmy instance, so that's not going to fly. I don't know if there's any solution at all on iOS.

There's not a good way to control what content I see. It's essentially either "everything" or "a single community". On Reddit, you could already have multiple communities about the same topic on Reddit, but usually one was dominant, and you had multireddits to save you if there truly are a few good related subreddits. Now on Lemmy, you multiply that problem by N instances, and subtract the multireddit feature. This situation simply must be made better somehow.

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That one might have in the shower

Just yesterday, I wrote a first version of a fairly complex method, then pasted it into GPT-4. It explained my code to me clearly, I was able to have a conversation with it about the code, and when I asked it to write a better version, that version ended up having a couple significant logical simplifications. (And a silly defect that I corrected it on.)

The damn thing hallucinates sometimes (especially with more obscure/deep topics) and occasionally makes stupid mistakes, so it keeps you on your toes a bit, but it is nevertheless a very valuable tool.

And have a bigger sweet spot.

Same for VR headset optics.

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If you run your own servers, it’s cheaper than in the cloud. The reason people choose the cloud is either they don’t want to, or can’t, run their own server farm.

Generally speaking, if it wasn't cheaper for them to use the cloud, they probably wouldn't. Owning infrastructure comes with costs that amortize better at scale. If infrastructure is not a big cost in serving your customers, then it's probably cheaper to rent.

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They lost almost half their ad revenue. I'd call that recent. Of course, it hasn't actually killed the platform...

Huh? What could libertarianism do to help here? You're not going to trust bust during a local town hall.

I thought heat is the main thing limiting computer performance? Like, if we had superconducting transistors that take little energy to change state, highly parallel tasks that are power-limited today would get a whole lot faster. Think native 4k path tracing-level graphics in games on our phones. And better/faster/cheaper AI systems, though they are limited more by memory than by compute, so they'd likely still be run in the cloud mostly.

Netflix is still making money, and the cost of their tech is utterly dwarfed by the cost of creating and licensing content, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Switch to Lemmy! Federated social media is

DEEDEEDEEDEE doodoodoodoo DEdoo DEdrrr AA DIIP hhhhhhhhhhhh

I wonder how searchable Lemmy will be compared to Reddit. Even during/after the blackout, I still get the best results on Google by adding to most of my searches. When there's a way to do that for Lemmy (even via a dedicated fediverse indexing site), and it has even a decent fraction of the utility that searching Reddit via Google has, I'll be real happy.

Since when do bats speak in monospace?

CCFL-lit LCDs are so inefficient compared to modern LED-lit LCDs that you've probably spent enough more on electricity by now to have bought a more efficient monitor.

I can't speak to the environmental impact, though. Producing the new monitor emitted some amount of CO2, and powering each monitor takes some amount of CO2 per unit time. At some amount of use, the newer monitor will have lower lifetime CO2 generation than your old monitor.

But at the same time, what exactly does caste discrimination even look like? Just writing a law against it doesn't make it not a problem.

I get the feeling that someone who is facing caste discrimination (whatever that looks like) is also unlikely to be able to take legal action against the perpetrators due to the cost.

The only option is to continue to vote for the least-bad candidates, and work to change the voting system such that a two party system is no longer inevitable.

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I wish 3D had stuck around long enough to get a 4k HDR 3D release of it. Ah well, maybe 3D movies will come back again in another 20 years with higher framerates and better displays.

Fax is still quite popular in healthcare. It needs to die already...

That $52000/year isn't enough to pay for even a single full time IT person. So now you're probably either spending dev time on server admin (which is wasteful of dev salary, and it's a subject they aren't experts in, so you're literally paying more for worse results), or outsourcing to an entity that hires the cheapest employees it can.

Oooor, use a cloud provider. And if you're a small company, you can probably get away with cheaper shared hosting.

I mean, the other other option is violence/terrorism.

When peaceful revolution is made impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.

But the outcome is wildly unpredictable. You can easily end up with a worse result than what you had before.

I don't like Reddit's approach. It hides nearly all information about the post. You don't get to see the number of upvotes or comments, and you can only see as much of the title as fits on a single line.

I'd rather the image post viewer default to an expanded state, and have a clearer delineation between the image and comments. Right now, there's not even a header saying "Comments". You're expected to just know.

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I loved the video it has about nuclear fission reactions.

GitHub recently got merge queues. I desperately want something like it for AzDops.

It's overly optimistic to put a timeline on it, but I don't see any reason why we won't eventually create superhuman AGI. I doubt it'll result in post-scarcity or public ownership of anything, though, because capitalism. The AGI would have to become significantly unaligned with its owners to favor any entity other than its owners, and the nature of such unalignment could be anywhere between "existence is pointless" and "CONSUME EVERYTHING!"

Stopping math is never a good idea. By limiting your own constituents, you set their progress back from what other governments' constituents can achieve.

Also, effectively replacing a CEO requires AGI level capabilities. We're closer to that than ever before, but LLMs in their current state aren't it.

Nice, thanks for the link. That link is about the posting side, whereas I was talking only about the viewing side (apparently covered in issue 808), but the posting side is arguably even more important in reducing fragmentation. Just as it's frustrating to group N communities for viewing, it's equally frustrating to post to N communities, and then have to interact with them separately.

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Even on a slow connection, if you've clicked the link, you're there to view the post. The image simply must be visible by default. It would be more interesting to allow clients to choose what image quality to load, but I don't know a good way to do that. Maybe default to low quality, then you can choose high quality after logging in?

Eh, if you're mostly just consuming/lurking, it's probably better to use Lemmy by viewing all posts on all communities on all instances, then filtering out the communities you don't like. Gonna be like that until it gets more popular, and importantly, stops becoming less popular.

or communicate with real people

You lost me.

The biggest benefit of DOCSIS 4.0 is the ability to dynamically reallocate bandwidth between upload and download.

DOCSIS 4.0 makes that a reality. Your connection will reallocate your available bandwidth between upload and download dynamically as needed.

That's just a network effect. All we can do is help those people move to platforms that are better aligned with their users' interests.

A lot of the problems and stupid glitches people had were from playing off of a hard drive. The game really needs flash storage, even if it's SATA. That should've been a recommendation from the start, if not an outright requirement like it is now with 2.0.