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Joined 1 years ago

Not me though thanks

It's not a phase mom this is who I am

That level of irony should be illegal

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People died.

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Sex with kids is a conservative prerequisite

Yeah, but people saw a video game before it was released.


The whole GOP should be charged with conspiracy and treason

It's not a recession, it's outright class warfare.

I think it's so ironic. The people who I associate strongly with conservatism, farmers, exploit immigrants the most. Why do they fight immigration? Just for someone to hate?

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True, but think of the shareholders

It is 2023

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It's the Magic 8-ball response. Reply hazy, will try again later

A debate would legitimize Trump. Good call.

Why does trump and his cronies look all weird and creepy

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Policing a certain demographic more always works

No transfer for me. My boomer dad already sold our family's property to slumlords

The gun industry really has us by the balls don't they?

US: Help we have a problem with mass shootings!

Republicans: Have you tried more guns?

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Not just Trump, look at the rise of right-wing extremism happening the world over, it's not a coincidence

No, we're not. The fear-driven "news" media want you to think that

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I have proof! But it goes to another school.

He's just a turd in the shit sack called GOP

Not exactly. It's the age of stockholders, and doing what's best for them is the law. They expect unlimited growth

Well I didn't vote for him

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We must erode your privacy in order to protect it. You know, for the children.

A man wearing a dress or makeup isn't sexual. In republicans mind it is though wink wink

It's to devalue labor. The larger the workforce the less they can pay. Think of the pictures of kids with coal on their faces in the early 1900s. Appalachia was a full coal economy. Dirt poor, and still feeling the effects today. Regulate labor.

It's creeped into the car market as well. Can't even clear codes on new Dodges

There won't be a civil war. Every Republican I know is a coward.

Poor Ron lost his tennis court and his property value may fall. Have a heart guys.

Don't need to do any better when I can just keep everybody else down

Oh, you will. When my grandmother had to rely on Medicare and the shitty insurance she got through retirement her healthcare cleaned out her bank account and most of her retirement

I'm sure there are financial benefits being a federal judge

My boomer dad inherited his mom's house, then sold it to a rich guy to rent out. His house will go to my bitch stepmom or her kids. Dgaf, I worked for my own. Gen X rules

A combo anywhere I go is over 10 bucks. What do they want from us, consumers are already being overmilked like a skinny cow

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It's really not. He read about flat earthers crackpot theories and thought there was merit


Fear, hate, and grift. It's all they know.

Metal Gear Solid on PS1

Did he fire his attorneys? No? Then it was on purpose. He's building up to some political bullshit.

It's intentional