
1 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Programmer, writer, mediocre artist. Average Linux enjoyer.

Man I love using Firefox.

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Why is it always the Save The Children Act and not the Erradicate Trans People Act?

In my eyes my problem with moving to SUSE or Ubuntu is that it's the same thing. A corporation backed or straight up corporation developed and owned distro still has ONE failure point. Right now SUSE are "the good guys", but what if they get bought? What if there's a new CEO? What if they suddenly just decide to abuse their power? Then you're simply screwed. Red Hat were also seen as "one of the good guys" some months ago, but the way things work, companies always end up pivoting towards what makes them more money. Them being ethical is nothing but a luxury that happens if they can afford it and if we are lucky.

I'm moving to Debian once I get my new PC.

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The correct term for nazi sympathizer is nazi. The correct term for nazi enabler is nazi.

Hitler's administration was a bunch of drug addicts, the economy 5 slave owner megacorps beaten by all other industrialized nations. They weren't even all that well mobilized before the total war speech. Then he killed himself in embarrassment. How is any of that "effective"?

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I mean, in my eyes Canonical is already evil. SUSE is pretty nice right now, but like I said, them being nice is nothing but a luxury. There's no guarantee it wont happen, and you could probably argue it's fated to happen eventually.

If nationalization is scandalous violence for you, let me say I want him to get the french treatment.

Then make your own instance and turn it into a safety bubble just for you. Don't ruin it for everyone else.

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Labour unions are not the same as a communist party or vanguard but to claim they're not mostly organized and consisting of socialists is just immensely naive and stupid.

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Actually socialism is more popular now than ever. Enough that mainstream media constantly writes scare articles about how socialist the young generations are.

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To give you the less complicated answer, communism is an economic system, not a form of government. Communism can and has been authoritarian, but it can also be libertarian or anarchistic. There's nothing inherently authoritarian about an economy without money and without classes, based on need. It's just the ideologies that want to (or say they want to) implement it in authoritarian ways that got to run the more famous socialist experiments. If you want to see how non-authoritarian communism worked, there are also historical examples of it, they're just smaller and lasted less.

Answering your question - in the period where most countries that called themselves communist existed, no capitalist countries accepted trans people either. But you are a capitalist nonetheless no? Huh, I wonder why.

If you care about privacy, don't use Vivaldi. They're closed source so no matter what they claim there's no way to know if they're actually following their word. If you care about privacy and need to use Chromium, Ungoogled Chromium is good.

Again with this. Wikipedia can't be neutral. Nothing can be. Neutral doesn't exist.

There is absolutely no way to be "politically unbiased" when talking about things. Being "neutral" just means being in favor of the status quo, which is not neutral at all. There is no third position, you either oppose or support the way things work right now. Bias is completely inescapable.

If you want to get an "unbiased" view of something, the only real thing you can do is to read many sources biased against both outlooks and compare and contrast. What you end up with will still be biased though, just by virtue of what you select to care about and not.

People who claim to be neutral and unbiased only say it because they think it makes them look more credible, or they have deluded themselves to be able to think they're somehow more rational than everyone else. There is no way to not be biased as a human being.

You can choose whatever you want for whatever reason you want, but don't spread misconceptions on the internet. With Proton, if you install a newb distro there is literally no reason to touch the commandline at all for what you want to do.

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Debian is 100% community run, it cannot "have tentacles" in it. There is no leader that takes the choices that can be influenced.

Enormous by socialist standards. The fact that they can have so many members in this day and age is commendable. A few decades ago any socialist thought being given an honest platform at all among the general population was a miracle.

You're the one that doesn't want to see us. I'm more than fine with seeing you.

You could use a SearX instance. It includes google's results.

I think you're seriously underestimating what most young socialists believe. It is true that they don't believe in revolution, but many of them change when they grow older and they lose faith in the system. I'm confident that will keep happening.

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Kropotkin is a nice start, though if you want an introduction I think Errico Malatesta's work is a lot better for that. The essay "Anarchy" is short for leftist standards and is very good. Also "At the cafe" is honestly an amazing introduction piece and it's written in a regular language as socratic dialogues, so it's perfect for starting. It even adresses a lot of counter arguments from many perspectives.

Otherwise Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloo is also amazing.

I looked at it, it seemed mostly vanilla, had good servers, didn't have defederation drama like lemmy.world, thought it's cool.

I'd be open to move to a "leftist" lemmy instance, but as a staunch anarchist I'm not really compatible with lemmygrad or hexbear.

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Not every ideology is equally deserving of respect.

Linux isn’t that bad nowadays, though when you hit a problem it still entails quite a bit more work than when on Windows.

I really don't understand the people who say this. Having an issue on Windows is an absolute nightmare. You have to navigate through countless menus, look through a bunch of SEO farming shit pages that say they have solutions but they actually just want to sell you DriverEasy or whatever, look through similar if you're lucky microsoft support pages, that basically all they say is "oh, do sfc /scannow in the terminal... oh it didn't work? delete everything and reinstall windows"

On Linux if I have an issue I lookup the error and the solution is in the first few results, which is usually "put this command in the terminal" or "change this in this config file" and everything starts working again immediately. Most of the time I don't even have to reboot.

That's the thing with 100% community backed distros. There's never any drama, there's never any controversial decisions, the most you'll hear of is some leader figure being replaced or not treating others well. Honestly it's what Linux should be in the first place.

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I am so tired of techno-fetishist AI bros complaining every single time any of the many ways in which AI will devastate and rot out daily lives is brought up.

"It's not the tech! It's the economic system!"

As if they're different things? Who is building the tech? Who is pouring billions into the tech? Who is protecting the tech from proper regulation, smartass? I don't see any worker coops using AI.

"You don't even know how it works!"

Just a thought terminating cliche to try to avoid any discussion or criticism of your precious little word generators. No one needs to know how a thing works to know it's effects. The effects are observable reality.

Also, nobody cares about advertising companies? What the hell are you on about?

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Hey, thanks for the help. Can you elaborate on what kind of issues BTRFS gave you? What caused them, too?

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No, an average person in the DSA believes in wayy more than any regular social democrat. I agree that they're not radical enough, but they're an enormous organization of people against the status quo and so many of them genuinely care, so it's no surprise that a huge part of current radicals are ex-DSA members.

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Firefox isn't slow, you just want an excuse.

Absolutely agreed. I just don’t think many non-IT businesses would consider using Debian.

Really? I'd assume the opposite case, no? If a business is not related to IT, it doesn't really need to be compatible with the RHEL environment or tech support, whereas an IT business would prefer those. I also use Debian for my server and have never had any issues with it. Just upgraded it to bookworm recently and it was boringly seamless.

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Thanks for the help. Both of my drives are SSDs, the boot drive is M2 and the storage is SATA. I've heard filesystems that support compression would be better for their health and lifespan as they'd have to write less. But yes, no matter what, I will keep constant backups. Snapshots would be appreciated, but since I'll run Debian I don't think they'd be that necessary, if to have them there's a lot of problems to deal with in exchange.

I don't plan on installing Windows at all. The only thing I'd do in my boot drive is have a separate home partition, I won't really do anything else though. Did the corruption you experience happened just on its own? Or was it something you did?

How do you typically recover things on zfs vs btrfs? Also, is the out-of-tree kernel modules thing something you have to deal with or take into account?

Thank you, that makes sense.

It wouldn't be for backing up, just for the storage to last longer if one drive fails.

I went to the Anarchism community, which was completely inactive, except for one post with 200 comments, all of which were statists making fun of us. After that I never looked at it again.

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I guess I'll give it a try. Thanks for being patient.

Like I said I didn't dig very deep into the site. I searched for the anarchist community, saw that it was almost completely dead except for this one post with hundreds of comments: https://hexbear.net/post/272574 And I saw that all of the comments were belittling and/or making fun of anarchists. So I left.

Are anarchists part of the moderation team, or is it all run by MLs that are just benevolent with us like most "left unity" subreddits?

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That's what the media has always done. It's just that in this age it's the easiest it's ever been to see past red scare propaganda.

For the standards of leftists in the USA, they're massive.

How in the world did they think no one would notice? Aren't they a tech savvy company?