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In fact, there are vaccines against some cancer types. There's a virus, which is responsible for almost all womb cancer cases. Here in Germany, the vaccine is free, if you're under 20 iirc.

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You're only partly right. You example services. Of course it is not possible to own services. Piracy is only applicable to products. The point of the Twitter guy is, that companies intentionally stop selling their software etc. as products to sell you the same thing as a service, so that you cannot own it.

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poor elephant 🥺

6 adblockers?! Have you looked into uBlock origins customisable block lists? You can combine at least 3 blockers with that. Additionally you could add custom block lists.

Edit: clarifications and spelling errors.

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What? There is a module for that called SafetyNetFix. I am fully rooted and can usw any App I want.

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The website is smashorpass.ai

The killer feature is cookie containers, aka no cross site tracking by default.

May I tell you about uBlock Origin?

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I tend to talk about it with my family or friends. Let the anger out, and feel understood. If its too much anger for just talking, I recommend physical activities, something to get you exhausted.

They need something to become sustainable. They've been making losses for years. But thata definetly not the way. Other ways would be to lock some future features behind paywalls, and / or to increase their cut of the sales price per unit sold in the future.

Hey, I am 23yo and I have left instagram ~5 years ago because it was such a waste of time. After school, I've gotten more cautious in terms of what happens with my data, but even though I was using DuckDuckGo and FF for everything, I was still hooked on YouTube and my phones stock ROM. YT is my absolute favourite Social Media platform to this date. Only a few months ago, I had a good talk with a friend of mine, who is also into privacy. He told me about how awesome LibreTube is, and showed me, the import feature of it. Since the, I only rely on Gmails servers for K9-Mail, and Google maps. (Any suggestions besides OSM?) Since 2020, my entire friend group, and my close relatives all switched to Signal, and I've never been happier with a messenger app. The only thing that bothers me and my privacy friend, is that we still hang out on Discord, but there's no way, we get our friends to migrate to another service, especially because there are no good alternatives with privacy in focus.

Since 8 months, I am running LineageOS with microG on it. When you're a tinkerer, I can absolutely recommend microG, but I understand, that its not for everyone, especially when you rely on GPay.

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Point out where I spoke for all women?

About there:

the fact that women find being attracted to imaginary women a pretty big turn off.

I dont feel threatened at all. Im just saying its dumb to speak in behalf of all women when it is just your opinion. And your double standards are also interesting. When you tell the world, what you consider a turn off but can't handle it for me to say the same.

Essentially it is exactly the proof against what you were saying: Even though I might find people sexually attractive from a visual impression, overall attraction to a person is way more nuanced.

I have a last question for you: Do you also have the same disgust towards people who would say that the girl with a pearl earring, or any other painted or drawn person is attractive?

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And this human being here is the prophet of all female human beings and can speak in behalf of all of them. I myself find it a big turn off for a person to be so insecure about what defines them as attractive, besides their visual appearance.

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Just as a tip: you can run every Add-on on Firefox nightly. You can add your own add-on collection and select from that. You have to go into dev mode though. Yo do taht by tapping the Firefox logo in the about section like 5-10 times. You have to have a Firefox account though. Or you could use my fairly small add-on list:

Username: 16700479 Name of the list: cookies

You mean games that arent available in steam at all, vor those which you haven't bought there? I found the easiest workaround for me was to simply add the games to my steam library and to launch it from there. Then I don't have to worry about what proton version I should use or whatnot.

iirc, they already had to impelement, that you can choose the default search engine in Androids first setup.

Once, I searched for a very specific thing about my laptops power throtteling behaviour and found an reddit post with an answer to it. After reading it, I saw my own username next to it :D I seemingly dug down that rabbit hole a couple of months prior.

Some OSes allow per app firewall, so the easiest way would be to disable network connection for that app in the android settings.

I also enjoy that one, but I found out, that the file transfer doesn't work on my university network.

Thank you, I'll give Magic earth a try

Have you tried using exclusive terms with quotation marks? Like "how to get rich fast" That should only feature sites with exactly that search term. Additionally you could link words with + between them i think.

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I know I'll miss the alert slider from my current OnePlus phone, when I have to replace it in the future. On the other hand, I miss the fingerprint reader in the power button. Its just more reliable.

So you're saying men aren't allowed to find women attractive that are objectively more attractive then them?

The same word could also be used to evaluate if you should kill an insect, so what's the point? It is a short form for: "Do you find given appearance sexually attractive, or not?" That term would be a bit long for a button, wouldn't it?

Problem with that is, idcac accepts the cookies, ublock blocks the banner and thus you havent given consent and no cookies should be placed. Note that some websites might collect data regardless but there's nothing much to do about it. ¯_ (ツ) _/¯

Vor the site you have visited and has some hidden SEO spam related to its topic.

UBlock Origin is the name of the extension. My autocorrect messed it up ^^

Replied to the wrong comment. sry

I can also recommend Libretube or Clipious for Android

If that is your mindset, you're definitely better without root. My phone is rooted for three years now and never had any issue. I never had an app fail with my methods to hide Magisk. I even got GPay and contactless payment working when I still had Google services installed. Without them, it is impossible unfortunately.