
16 Post – 107 Comments
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I have it installed for a few years now. I started with the AIO but moved to the separate container install after AIO was deprecated. I imagine the install process is too complex for portainer. https://docs.funkwhale.audio/stable/administrator/installation/docker.html

I did steps 1-4 and skipped the rest because I already have a proxy server running. Don't remember anything related to snapd though. Mine is running in a Debian 11 VM on proxmox instead of an LXC, but the process should be the same. Also they have a matrix channel for help https://matrix.to/#/#funkwhale-support:matrix.org

From what I remember it was relatively painless to install, but upgrading can be a chore, especially this last upgrade. My main interest in FW was the federation aspect as far as finding new music. If you don't care about federation, maybe a simpler option would work better for you.

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I guess I don't understand. You followed the docker installation directions correctly and it didn't work or you modified the directions in a way that you prefer and it didn't work?

The soulseek network is still alive and well.

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I don't think I would ever be in favor of activity that leads to further centralization. I don't disagree that fragmentation can make things somewhat confusing for new users, but there are some advantages as well. I like to post to smaller communities for the most part rather than the larger ml and world domains. The responses are more focused on the topic at hand, the communities are usually less hostile and hive-minded, and having all discussions on a just a few big servers leads to a the problem of having all of your eggs in one basket (ie. discussions and accounts disappearing when these servers can't maintain server costs, the admins move on to other projects, or just poor maintenance practices.) To me it is worth the effort to cross-post and seek out other communities to find interesting content.

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Response seems pretty reasonable to me.

Probably true convergence between mobile and desktop, where your linux phone is powerful enough to be your only computing device. You would only need something like a lapdock (basically a laptop without the guts) and instead of a cable connecting the two, a slot maybe somewhere within the keyboard that your phone slips into. Maybe this exists already, I don't know.

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It notes that Bluesky users will be able to participate in the global conversation, instead of the one dictated by the community they join, as aspects of how your experience differs from others is in your control thanks to other features, like custom feeds and composable moderation. The latter means moderation is not tied to your server. While server operators can set rules around the content they host, communities can use blocklists and soon, independent moderation services, to introduce additional layers of moderation. That means there’s not as much pressure on server operaters to block other servers (defederate) because of the content they host, since users will have their own tools to manage their moderation preferences.

This is a nice bit of tech.

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There's an interesting book I read recently related to this called The Anxious Generation: how the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. I'd recommend it.

As a counterpoint, EFF put out this article today: The Surgeon General's Fear-Mongering, Unconstitutional Effort to Label Social Media

I agree it sucks but at least you have that option considering the nature of the Lemmy project.

Funkwhale is federated. I have discovered lots of good stuff on there via other servers. Not algorithmic, but once you find a server that appeals to you, there's a lot to dig into.

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As far as I know there aren't any that are fully functional, but there is AsteroidOS

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I have been running my own PT instance for about 3 years now. I only post videos of things that interest me, plus a videocast of a The Linux Lugcast podcast we do. I don't post video after video like that. It's very sporadic. PT is not YouTube, you will not find that level of engagement. If you are looking for lots of eyes on your content, PT is not the route to take. If you are interested in federation and want to move away from centralized platforms, it is good for that.

You didn't mention if you were joining an existing instance or hosting your own. That will determine whether your current PC is adequate or not.

There is none, except for server mirrors. But most admins don't bother with that. The ultimate solution is to host your own instance. You can do that because the source is available.

But what's the solution to investors dumping reddit, Elon running X into the ground, etc? Not only is there not one, but Reddit hasn't been open source for years, and the only thing that's been opened with X is its recommendation algorithm.

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I'm not sure how soon you need this, but if you can wait sipeed has a $20 kvm with ATX control that should be out soon https://lunar.computer/news/sipeed-announces-new-20-risc-v-kvm-device/

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This is where the nature of federation really shines. .ml is one of the biggest lemmy communities? It doesn't have to be. In fact as lemmy is still so new and various situations continue to shake out I would wager that in a few years time the top current communities will be replaced. And later on those will be replaced. Censorship resistance is built into ActivityPub by virtue of its decentralization.

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I have the 4GB model. It's a really nice little board for the price. Currently have Debian 12 installed. I have the Orange Pi camera module and am using it in conjunction with the board, OpenCV, and a wild bird model data set to detect different kinds of birds outside my window at the bird feeder. I don't have a desktop installed so I can't speak to that. I'd say judging by the pics it's about 50% accurate so far. The graininess of the photos from the camera module and the distance from the bird feeder have a lot to do with the poor performance. Using a higher end USB camera should help with this.

A big bonus with this board is it has 4 temp sensors, and you will need them. Like all OPi boards, heat is an issue. You will need sinks and active cooling if you would like to use this for extended periods of time without roasting it.

Another vote for icecast here.

What's stopping your own home instance from doing the same?

Nextcloud is very quick IF you don't mind applying extensive PHP and web server optimizations. This takes time and may have to be redone after upgrades depending on what changes. This is why I don't really recommend it to those just looking to self host a simple file server.

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This would be perfect for a BBS.

All of them.

I see your point but you can call out China's Uyghur genocide while still being against forced labor in other parts of the world.

neochat has been my go to

It sounds like you are more concerned with the matrix.org homeserver than matrix itself. Matrix.org homeserver will eventually go away for personal use, this is the plan for the future. Matrix has always kept this homeserver open as proof of concept, but has not planned to keep it open forever as the goal is the widespread adoption of the protocol and for people and orgs to host their own servers and build tools using matrix.

The bullet points you listed are all currently able to be realized on any self-hosted homeserver.

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Check out Droid-ify. I've had better luck with it.

If you want to continue using Fedora try Kinoite or Silverblue. With their immutability and ease of rollback, I've really enjoyed using Fedora again.

As was already mentioned, an RSS reader would be best. I like miniflux in conjunction with the News Android app.

Matrix for a few years now. Proxying it correctly is the only difficult part.

Post your nginx config

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OP I crossposted your question here https://lemux.minnix.dev/post/123971

I'm curious as to how you would improve the mod tools Lionir. I have found mod/admin tools and especially Mjolnir to be quite good.

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Honestly writefreely can be as elaborate as you want it to be if you self-host it. There are lots of options under the hood as well as the CSS being fully customizable. I host my own with a single core, 1GB of RAM and 16GB of storage and even that is overkill as pictures and videos are just embeds from other platforms. Plume is deprecated, and micro.blog is paid and not self-hostable. There is microblog.pub though which I haven't tried yet but looks promising.

https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/libreoffice works. Make sure you use a 64bit OS

Just keep in mind that even with a jetson board you'll need one of the higher memory configurations to have a non-frustrating stable diffusion experience. 32-64GB like the Orin and those aren't cheap. The nanos just don't cut it without severe optimizations and very long generate times.

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Traffic take longer? You're talking about milliseconds. Also Wake On Lan has been baked into BIOS's and Network cards for years so there's no need to waste power. Is the issue that you just don't have a PC? Regardless, if this is the path you want to take I think it's a cool learning experience and I'm interested in seeing how it turns out.

I'd love to find something like this for movies as well.