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Joined 1 years ago

I don't know what these words actually mean and I don't like them.

What do you mean 'hostile to other'?

They redesigned it similar to old reddit and lemmy? Wow I can not believe it took years to do it. I really like how it looks on a mobile (I use Boost anyway) and yet to see desktop version.

I used it too, the biggest issue is no webdav support, than zip support is bad, pdf viewer is bad, no built-in image viewer, so you always switching to gallery (it is great, but switching back and forth is not good) eventually I decided why using two file managers instead of one and CX is really good and simple to use.

That was the first distro switching from Mac. Obviously. Used for 5 days only. Everything is too simple to make it convinient and easy to use. Top taskbar is absolutly useless, yet takes some vert space. Replacing most default apps or try Mint? Mint was ok (BTW).

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They pretend to defend their users from 'bad' instances. Until users are happy at 1984 instance (beehaw is even worst) that's okay, otherwise there are still options to register at some normal instance, which let users decide themselves what they should see or not.


  1. Check logs, with strict settings they block own domains. Even their telemetry is opt-in, not opt-out as other browsers do.
  2. Cryptoshit is a thing, but 100% opt-in. Accountless sync is real solution for privacy.
  3. False. Both Cromium and Brave borrow patches from each other, that is a nature of open-source. They sued someone using Brave branding, and some scam projects as well.
  4. False. That's how Windows is made, VPN services installed are only manually started.
  5. That's maybe even good, same-sex marriage is not normal for most people, but anyway that has nothing to do with browser, even if CEO eats childs on breakfast.
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