M. Orange

@M. Orange@beehaw.org
2 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

a big neurodivergent pile of vegetable matter // 29 // sf bay area

Strhubarby Bars


Rhuberry Bars

In short, the maintainers have made questionable decisions over the years, and the Arch Linux packages are held back by two weeks on Manjaro for... basically no reason.

If you want an out-of-the-box solution to Arch Linux, just use EndeavourOS.

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Please remember that SpaceX and Tesla have entire teams dedicated to handling Elon and reversing his decisions. Twitter did not have the infrastructure required to handle the sheer level of stupid that is Elon Musk.

In other words, Trump is only three years younger than Biden.

The only repacks I trust are FitGirl's, mostly because they're compressed to all hell and she's always just... kept her head down.

It's good for low-power devices that can't handle more demanding emulators, but bsnes is considered the gold standard for accuracy now.

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A lot of scene people say they only do it for the "competition and glory" (which they said in here) because none of them really play the games they crack, but obviously it's hypocritical as fuck.

I somewhat agree with the sentiment behind the article, but...

And when you actually pick up the controller and play one of them, you begin to feel like you've been through the same gameplay loop as many other games this generation: Tales Of Arise, Scarlet Nexus, Nier Automata, Valkyrie Elysium, YS 8 and 9; they're all essentially the same action game with different spices and aesthetic fluff.

Games like Tales and NieR (both long-running franchises) have never tried to be anything but action RPGs---not to mention NieR, which I'd honestly just call a straight up Platinum action game. I'd actually call NieR closer to Elden Ring than it is to Tales, and yet the author isn't out here calling Elden Ring a JRPG. What more does NieR have in common with Tales or Ys than it does with Elden Ring besides country of origin? Does JRPG mean "game with anime-ish art style"? Maybe it's the art style, but even that's a bit of a stretch to me.

Which I think strikes at the heart of the matter: what defines a JRPG? Is it the country it came from? Obviously not. There's a very specific style of game that "JRPG" refers to, and it's a style that was very popular in the 90s and 00s. Obviously games are still made in that style: I could just as easily show a JRPG renaissance by namedropping Dragon Quest XI, Xenoblade, Yakuza: Like A Dragon, Persona 5, all the Trails games, etc. But the author is basing his notions of what a JRPG is solely on trends from 20+ years ago. Trends change. People change. Maybe in 20 years, people will be whining about whatever Japan is putting out then and saying "WHY CAN'T JAPAN GO BACK TO WHAT THEY DID RIGHT AND MAKE ANOTHER TALES GAME LIKE TALES OF ARISE?".

Yes, I think developers, studios, and even industries should take pride in where they've been creatively, and that's where I agree with the author. That said, why can't we let new games be new games? People are still making plenty of traditional JRPGs whether they're made in Japan or not (hi chained echoes and edge of eternity), so why bother the developers who don't wanna make those games and essentially tell them "you need to get over your internalized xenophobia"? It's possible they don't have internalized xenophobia like this article is suggesting, maybe they're just tired of people putting them in a box.

I don't know why everyone's all doom and gloom right now. Yes, this is a massive issue, but they're not even federating right off the bat, just allowing accounts to be imported. Who's to say Threads will even take off? While they may take a bunch of new users, I can't see a ton of people currently using Fedi services switching to Facebook (I refuse to call them Meta).

Yes, we need to be on our guards, but don't forfeit the battle before it even begins.

I was a little kid in 2000; all I knew about him was that he was a presidential candidate who wasn't gonna win. This interview opened my eyes up to who he actually is, what he did for America, and just how similar my views on politics in America are to his. I'm glad I don't see him as just a punchline anymore.

Also, he was kinda daddy when he was younger.

For people asking what it means, my Spanish is not great, but I think the first sentence is something like "These are stories relating to ECM(? don't know what that is) of experiences surrounding death (I would assume near-death experiences?)"

Not directly concerning on the surface if they're just talking about near-death experiences, but I have no idea what the content of the videos is.

EDIT: Found the English version of the channel. Definitely some woo-woo shit, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a suicide cult.

I read the whole thing, and the one thing that stuck out to me the most is that this Diane Baird is an disgusting person. I had such a visceral reaction to this article, and her use of pseudoscience to take advantage of foster parents and rip children away from their birth parents is absolutely horrific. The more factors you load onto one variable (in this case, eye contact), the less it means, and she uses people's lack of understanding about that to draw absolutely insane conclusions that no competent and ethical psychologist would.

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I get what you're saying, but commending a group that is currently running fascistic, theocratic, totalitarian government for repelling an invading force isn't exactly the talking point you want it to be.

Not to once again prove Godwin's law, but it's like saying "Hitler may have nearly eradicated all the Jews, but he brought Germany out of spiraling hyperinflation!" You may have a point, but no one's going to listen closely enough to prevent them from interpreting your statement as an endorsement of Hitler.

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I love it, but I wish it were open source. I have since switched to LogSeq, and now I'm even trying out TiddlyWiki.

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No one said the legends were good.

You just have to talk to them to get to know them. I’ve had many conversations with them on the train and there’s a lot of good people out there who were given a tough break.

I wish I were the kind of person who does that. I'm definitely a big introvert and don't really like talking to people outside of controlled social situations. Honestly, I feel like maybe being that kind of person would make this whole situation easier, but... yeah.

Thank you very much for your perspective, though. It helps.

Hi bi, I'm dad.

Seriously though, I'm proud of you.

I tried it, but it was way too full of cryptobros. I felt like I didn't fit in.

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I don't really have anything notable or profound to add. I just want to say that, setting all controversy aside, RMS is a titan, an icon, and a living legend, and I'm so happy that his treatment is going well. Here's hoping that he and his beard make a good recovery and he's around for a while longer.

Literally one of the Plasma devs showed up in the thread and seemed very annoyed.

Unless the m4a files are ALAC-encoded, you shouldn't do it. m4a files tend to hold AAC-encoded audio, which is a lossy format. Opus is also a lossy format, so you'll only lose sound quality, basically. You should only convert lossless to lossy.

I mean... that's on you, then. Historically, that's not how the Fediverse has worked, and it likely will continue to not work that way. Things could always change, considering the Twitter exodus and now the Reddit exodus, but the way most Fediverse services are set up seems to encourage smaller communities rather than large, centralized ones. Plus, if you have centralized ones, what happens if admins go rogue? What if the servers go down? What if, what if, what if? With decentralization, you avoid so many issues that come with having those large, centralized instances. Of course, there are downsides, but if you want something centralized, maybe try something like Tildes?

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It seems that this study was conducted for NT people (I would hope they controlled for attentional issues), so I kinda get that. It would make a lot more sense tho to compare - caffeine, Adderall, and placebo.

Side note, as someone with ADHD, Adderall is the fucking devil. It makes me jittery and bitchy, and it was only formulated so Shire could have something to sell under a patent after the Dexedrine patent ran out. I wish it would go away.

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The Dems have TRIED being the adults, and it hasn't worked; it's only gotten the country to where it is now. Might as well sabotage the party and let them wallow in their misery for another couple weeks.

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"They don't really work for Amazon because we just fired them!"

(i know that's not what the article says, but that was just my first thought)

In Kvaesitso, just go to the app list, long press the app, hit the three vertical dots in the corner of the pop-up, and select hide.

Could be doing this in preparation for the Switch 2.

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Like it would even be enforced.

Is it not well-known that trans people are generally more private about their bodies and sex lives than the general population?

Not by a long shot. Trans people are thought of as pornographic and obscene because most people's only knowledge of them is unfortunately through porn.

Personally my policy is to give them money even if they use it for drugs, as a former addict myself that money will keep them alive physically or mentally, and or both no matter what.

That's definitely what I was thinking: even if they're going to buy drugs, maybe they'll be able to do it safer. I love the idea of harm reduction and am aware of the studies that say how it helps. And congrats on kicking your addiction!

I can read quick and you put it in proper paragraphs so it wasn’t a pain to read.

I tutor English for a living and constantly stress to my students the importance of breaking things into paragraphs. As someone with ADHD, I write the way I'd like to read, so thank you for that comment lol

Alternative workaround: just use Piped or Invidious.

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Right here.

This post also clarifies the differences between the entities that make up the Open Collective family and what this dissolution means.

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It's important for the same reason that UX research is a pretty important field nowadays: you wanna make your software/platform/whatever as easy and pleasant to use as possible.

Alternatively, Epic lacks a value proposition. Having games spread across multiple platforms is inconvenient. Most consumers value convenience, so they're going to stick with the most convenient (read: the most dominant) option unless they have some reason not to. For example, as messy and crappy as GOG's storefront is, they've managed to differentiate themselves from Steam first by focusing on making old games playable and then focusing on a DRM-free and more curated catalog. What does Epic offer other than doing the same things Steam does but less well and in a different app?

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First, while hallucination is a common symptom of schizophrenia (and that includes hallucinations involving ANY of the five senses), it is not a REQUIREMENT to be diagnosed with schizophrenia.

There is nothing wrong with having a mental illness. Having a mental illness does not make you a bad person. That said, it does sound like whatever is going on with your head (whether it's schizophrenia or not) is interfering with your life in a negative way.

As much as it can seem like they don't care, most doctors aren't actively looking to screw you over, but at the same time, 1000 bucks is indeed a lot of money. You probably shouldn't be going to a psychiatrist without also going to a licensed clinical psychologist for therapy. Developing a good and trusting therapeutic relationship will give you the space to figure out what's actually going on with your head AND it will give any psychiatrist you see someone to work with to figure out diagnoses.

Please find a therapist you trust and feel safe with, possibly someone who specializes in psychosis because you seem to occasionally detach from reality (based on what you're saying at least, in my very unprofessional but somewhat educated opinion). And regardless of what you do, please don't stop trying to improve your life; you deserve to have a happy life!

"Both sides are terrible, but at least one doesn't wanna kill me."

Or similar. Just damn the Dems with faint praise.

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From the moment it was announced, I could not contain my excitement for Octopath Traveler from the art style to the graphics to the music. I was even into the name. I was so enamored that I bought the collector's edition.

Then it finally came out and never have I regretted a game purchase so much; not because it was awful, but it was so mediocre. Honestly, if it were awful, I might have been more okay with it, rationalizing how a game could turn out so bad with everything going for it, mourning what could have been, etc. It did everything it promised it would, I just realized that it didn't really promise much beyond an art style and being a turn based RPG with 8 main characters. The package was delivered, but it turned out to be Game Gear, not Gameboy.

I think buying that game put me off collector's editions. The package for it was very impressive, but I think I finally saw the man behind the curtain and realized that what I was buying was just a bunch of plastic and art books that I was never really going to touch anyway. The only physical bonus I cared about from that point on was Steelbooks, but I don't even buy physical games all that much anymore thanks to my Steam Deck.

Honestly, Octopath Traveler put me off blindly preordering games in general. Now I just blindly buy old games, so if they're bad, I have no one to blame but myself for not doing the research LOL

The app itself has to support it, and even then those options can be hit or miss.

I appreciate the dissertation, and I read every word of it. 💕

Literally never used Usenet, but I guess I'm about to start. Is this a good indexer?

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If I remember correctly, it specifically never goes on sale.