
1 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have no sympathy at this point for anyone buying one of these pieces of garbage from a company led by a person who quite obviously a flaming piece of garbage, producing products that are quite obviously flaming pieces of garbage.

I mean, there are so many alternatives now, you really have to ignore how horrible Musk is to buy one of these, and you have to have your head stuck in the ground for a couple of years now to not know that Tesla quality control is diaper poo.

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The candidates from the GOP smell like my Son's dirty diapers. The only difference between them is the color of the poo.


No, it's toxic. Replace it with carbon steel, stainless steel, or cast iron.

Stunning - they found an even more extreme whack job than Jordan.

These devices were annoying a decade ago. Comical that people still buy these when Roku and Android TV are so much nicer.

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Condemning Israel is not anti-Semitic, Nora's calling out the atrocities committed by the people in Israel against the Palestinians. The fact of the matter is, Israel's repeated violations of international law and pushing beyond boundaries established by the United Nations push the Palestinians into the arms of Hamas. If Israel had displayed years and years ago a good faith effort to establish a Palestinian state and treated the Palestinians with respect, The problems would have been solved long ago. Instead for decades Israel has pushed an apartheid state, randomly killing Palestinian citizens and treating them like garbage, perpetuating the problem. We (the US)should not be supporting Israel given their reprehensible behavior and continue to legal stealing of Palestinian land and continued abhorrent treatment of the Palestinian citizens. I am Jewish by blood, atheist by belief, I hate Israel. I don't blame young people in the United States at all for their protests against Israel.

At the same time I also hate Hamas. However I view them as a disease, and the cause is Israel. For every innocent civilian they kill, Israel creates at least one terrorist, if not more. Their current course of action will only make things worse in the long run.

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The mental health impact of this must be beyond measure. Just over and over...

I live in a very Jewish area, with the Halocost Museum 20 minutes away, my brother in-law is Jewish, I'm friends with his whole family and a bunch of others. Nobody supports Israel, and it's a common topic of conversation. I don't know anyone either in local politics that supports Israel, and I am active there. Israel IS the problem - their horrible treatment of Palestinians resulted in Hamas rising to power. they're continued unrelenting land grabs and abuse have continue to strengthen Hamas. They want to continue to steal land, and if they make peace they won't be able to. If You total the body count over the last decade there are far far more dead Palestinians than there are Israelis.

Even now, with every civilian they kill in their response, they create four or eight more terrorists. Israel's government is on the fast track to authoritarianism with the anti-democratic movement there that is actually worse than the GOP here. We should not be giving them a dime. We don't owe them anything, and we're broke. We've giving them more than enough.

The Democrats are on the wrong side of history for every day they don't condemn the atrocities Israel is committing.

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France is now on the same track as Italy and others now, with birth rates taking a nose dive from 2015 and again another 13% drop just from 2020. Their immigration system is just as much a mess as the U.S. too. It'll be interesting to see where they go from here. Sadly a good bet they move the same directly as Italy, into a population death spiral.

It's absolutely epic - I LOVE that game. I still remember getting in trouble with my brother and I for staying up all night binge-playing that shooter.

I was there at nearly the beginning with Redhat 1 and kernel series 1.1.x and 1.2.x series. Redhat died when IBM bought them. My company has finally completely moved away - I pushed very strongly to dump RHAT - all Debian and FreeBSD now.

Advocating hatred against LGBTQ people, is bullying which also happens on college campuses and has even regularly spewed by the current speaker of the house. That should also be against the code of conduct on college campuses and especially in Congress. Simple as that.

The problem is that these positions are unconstitutional. The real world doesn't have safe spaces. What's next? Banning books? Morality police?

Poll in article != definitive

Even my right wing father-in-law is against Israel, and he's the last person I expected to be speaking up about it. I would say the old people that aren't clued in via the internet still support Israel, everyone else that is aware of their terrorism, nope.

yes and no... NATO would decimate Russian troops in Ukraine in a matter of days via long range missiles and air power. It's just a matter of what the Russian response would be.

You ignore the fact that Trump is the one displaying blatantly senile examples. He keeps repeatedly over and over again mixing up Biden with Obama, he gets world leaders wrong, he gets the location he's in wrong, and various other examples. He looks, unwell in general, his health appears to be declining rapidly. If You think he will somehow be out of jail and healthy enough to survive the election gauntlet next year You are wrong. I get let you apparently don't like the DNC, with good reason, but the whole ragging on biting about senility doesn't fit the facts.

Israel perpetrates atrocities against Palestinians, creating terrorists, which Israel uses as an excuse to continue stealing land and killing Palestinians, creating more terrorists, which Israel... a few decades of that now. Would be quite happy to end that ancient war with nukes, and put up a monument on the green glowing glass - "This is what religion gets you"

LMAO - You must have $5,000 down votes across postings now. You come across as an angry incel living in your mother's basement, listening to right-wing radio all day. I see you haven't posted in a week, perhaps you are gone, which would be better for everyone.

Get D.Mannose and take like 2 grams a day till it's gone. Mileage may vary, but it cured my wife of recurrent UTIs after more than 20 infections.

So buy a hybrid, charge at home, and done. Is the environmental impact different enough from a fully electric vehicle vs hybrid, when you take into account the pollution from lithium mining and refinement? Not dramatically better, no. It's idiotic to buy a Tesla that is a flaming piece of garbage, just because it's the only option in a particular area or country. The simple solution is to wait until viable, good quality products are available. It won't be long.

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Yes, expensive new car shiny. Right up until something or anything goes wrong with it and you get charged 10 times more than any other company and ripped off. I'm sure at that point your opinion about that car will change. perhaps you'll be among the lucky owners that don't encounter that kind of fun. Your solo experience means practically nothing.