
0 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Ubisoft exec, you should get comfortable sucking our collective dicks

They killed sms for bullshit reasons but they gave us stories

Stories, on an app for secure communication. All the sudden all my family that I set up with it who know nothing about encryption stopped using it because they don't want two texting apps. It's border on useless for me now because I only know like 2 people who still have it

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Yep. I haven't bought a Nintendo product in a long time, and it's purely because they're horrible custodians of their own products and brands and seem to actively hate their fans

How in the world is an AR a spray n pray gun? Barrels shorter than 16" require a tax stamp and approval. An AR can be built to be pretty damn accurate. Do you just not like that it's semi auto?

Idk why people go after the AR platform when you can go buy a Barrett .50 cal anti materiel rifle in 49 states, and there's plenty of less scary shaped semi auto rifles out there.

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Only if you're the kind of absolute dolt to let your television connect to the internet

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You're wrong. Dealers operating even temp at a gun show are required to do a NICS background check before the sale by law. I've been to numerous ones, never been sold to without one.

The only way they're a loophole is you can meet private citizens there to buy and sell with because yes, private sales are legal. Anyone smart selling private doesn't do it without seeing a WCL and getting a picture of it.

I remember viciously hating this guy when I was like 12 years old

This sparks joy. Welcome to the party you created.

He doesn't need a citation for that, anyone can spend a few minutes on there and see.

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no, I don't think I will. Sponsor block is a must.

They've been "calling for it" since Biden campaign. And reschedule? It should be descheduled.

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I'm too lazy to look into this specific one, but basically all "hacks" these days start with social engineering

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I block every one of these garbage repost bots.

If I wanted to see Reddit content, I'd go on Reddit. Instead, I am inundated with content there's no point in interacting with, when interacting with content is the purpose of these site.

Ban repost bots

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I've been to gun shows, the only way you're buying one is from another private person who's there. No one with a table is selling one without a nics check

You'll be happy to know that as long as you don't sell it, it's completly legal to manufacture your own firearms without serialization

I'm guy buy it just to get a refund just for you

EULA roofie-ing shouldn't be defended

No, but there is at least one app out there that lets you set a panic code that will wipe the phone when used

No way you're actually Margot, there's no girls on the internet

You can set the brightness to 0.. it's just Linux

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I just watched a video of one of these going down the wrong side of the road yesterday

Email isn't private. They don't scan your email for ads which is about all you can ask for

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Over a year.

I hate people. Modern dating is a shit show. Not interested.


You're objectively wrong.

Email is not independent and hasn't been for a while. Go ahead. Try to run a mail server of your own. If you aren't paying one of the big companies, your email won't get delivered.

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Fuck you.

The lawmakers proposing this... We should bring back tar and feathers.

Citrix is garbage, I work with it daily

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Wow, who the hell cares? It's literally made up money. I've watched the debt climb year after year, with zero impact to day to day life.

Guessing you're in Germany, but here in the states 5g is near nonexistent if you're not in a city. I will keep my 4g phone long as it works. My breif experience with a 5g phone was awful and speeds were no where near 4g at my home

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I tried and hated both. Which sucks, because I have played just about every Zelda game up to botw. It's just not a Zelda game. It's generic open world adventure game number 58957853378 with a Zelda graphics pack...

Literally the reason I don't use it is how hard they push it. It's actually a great browser if you work in an office 365 environment

What the anti gun crowd doesn't get is, saying you have a mental health issue blocks you from getting em, so people are going to bottle shit up because one moment of weakness might cost you your right for a lifetime. It actively discourages people from getting help.

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Be pedantic if you want, either way the person is unemployed.

Nah last several times I ordered, I saw one date expected before I order. The next day the expected date changes and it takes a week to turn up. They've been trash for a while.

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Most of gaza is aged under 18, most weren't even born during the last election.

And maybe, just maybe it's all the war crimes Israelis are committing and then bragging on social media about.

It can even impact being hired for jobs. Low credit score? You might be untrustworthy or motivated to steal

Personally, this is one of the reasons I keep my mental illness to myself. I don't want to hurt anyone but myself (and that's not all the time), but knowing I might lose the right forever makes me keep a lid on things, and honestly prevents me from reaching out for help when I'm feeling particularly sour.

Also, the paperwork you sign before your NICS background check asks if you've been committed, voluntary or involuntary.

Also, involuntarily commiting definitely happens, but usually it's after a failed suicide attempt, and just nets you a 20-25k bill (with insurance) and having no way of going back to work for three days costing you your job. I've got two friends with that exact experience.

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Wow, that's beyond dumb


You have your ai voice generator say it, pronounced perfect