Miss Brainfarts

@Miss Brainfarts@lemmy.blahaj.zone
5 Post – 273 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

So my fear of sharks has gotten better, and I don't quite understand why.

Curious 🏳️‍⚧️

But anyhow, you've probably found me because you've seen one of my totally inconspicuous comments

I'm open to chat about these and other related things over on Matrix

You know what, I respect it. Knows what he wants, while being quick to correct any assumptions

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Peer pressure from people that don't even exist anymore, huh.

Well tough luck, the only pressure this aroace girl will succumb to is a sale on her favourite garlic bread

Stuff being free is hella convenient to me :D

On that note, are you free this evening?

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No need for the driver to order anyrhing, he has a whole ass meal right in front of him.

Like, damn

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What's wrong with all my trans sisters??

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Wait... what? What???

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God damn it, I can't see it as anything else now

A tip for (more or less) cleaning up jpeg artifacts:

Selective Gaussian Blur

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Aegis Authenticator, in case someone was wondering what to use

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My mirror is faulty, it always shows beard shadow. Some setting screwed with the colours for subsurface scattering

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Many LLMs nowadays perform better than I do in those regards, so...

Seeing removed comments is something that I've experienced a lot less, almost not at all, since being on Lemmy and especially Blahaj Lemmy.

You guys, gals and enby pals are the best <3

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„Me not having worked during that time quite literally means this time isn't anyone's business“

I think you should leave

Did you know that there are parasitic isopods that basically snuggle up inside a fishs mouth and become its tongue?

Weird little buggers

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The funniest thing is that even when the answer is correct, asking an LLM to explain its reasoning step by step can produce the dumbest results

Creative horny, I always like to find new ways to manhandle the hamcandle.

Well, technically I'm womanhandling it, but that breaks the flow of the sentence.

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Cute kittens infodumping are the most adorable thing in the world🥰

Don't worry, I'm working on growing my own

Okay but genuinely, what games are there? I know of Celeste, and... huh, that's the extent of my knowledge. I need more canonically trans video games for my gay little transbian heart

Edith: Well, thank you all, you lovely little gamers, you^^

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I wanna get my butt lasered so bad

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Linux only grants access inside user space, so yeah. Says a lot about any game that refuses to adapt to that

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There is one thing about interoperability that I don't see many people talking about:

Your messages going to and being handled by other services means you'd be subject to their TOS and privacy policy as well.

As long as services are transparent about it so users can make informed decisions based on it, that's generally fine.

But then services like Beeper, or just Matrix bridges in general, make it so anyone can setup such a connection between services without their contacts even knowing about it.

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Seems like a few countries should go over their laws again and prohibit those models from being sold. I don't know what else would be effective

So basically, a lens captures a large area of light and projects it onto a small sensor.
When you turn the lens around, it captures a very small area the size of the sensor it's supposed to be used with, and projects an image into the camera that is way too large, resulting in what you see being a severe crop.

Which means, the shorter the focal lenght (and the further away the lens is from the camera, for example using bellows), the more „magnification“ you get out of this crop.

Now, this means three things:

  1. You lose a fuck-ton of light, and since you're required to close the aperture by a lot to get any kind of usable depth of field in such a configuration, you will sometimes not be able to see what the hell you're even doing, because it's so dark.
    This is manageable with a 50mm lens, but obviously gets worse the more you crop.

  2. Since you're using old manual lenses, have fun with capturing a busy insect with all the right settings before it buggers off. Using continuous shooting and a flash that can keep up with it is invaluable.

  3. And lastly, you can't even use the focus ring anymore if you mount a lens backwards. Your focus distance is now fixed, and equivalent to the flange focal lenght the lens was built for.
    This means your only way of getting the subject in focus is to move the whole camera back and forth, which gets increasingly difficult the higher your magnification, since the depth of field is so incredibly thin, even more so if you keep the lens wide open to see what you're even doing.

But it's fun, and so much cheaper than dedicated macro lenses :D

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That is wayyy too accurate

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Great project that deserves all the funding it can get.

DivestOS is second only to GrapheneOS (from what I can tell, at least), Mull is a fantastic hardened Firefox fork that barely trails behind with updates, and... well I don't know much about his other apps, to be honest.

But those two projects alone are invaluable to the Android privacy and FOSS community.

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No wonder I'm not happy, my bootloader hasn't failed me once

Whatever I say, hm? Well well, I'd love to see that

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May I present to you, the longest german word where no letter repeats itself:


Every website that does this, repeat after me:


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Procedural recoil? So basically, random recoil you can never learn the patterns for?

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Some things are worth losing a limb for, I'd say

Fun fact:
This 3D model of Link is freely available under public domain, textured, rigged and everything. Didn't get updated to work with Blender 4.0 though, so that's a shame

The potential thing has to be one of the most damaging things you can say to someone. Not many things instill quite as much self-doubt.

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Maybe being trans will finally help me with my fear of sharks


lies, deception

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Eh, more frames means better latency, but up to what point it still makes sense is a whole other story.

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Well damn, this is the weirdest gender envy I've had so far

Juan on his way to check out another balcony