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you know, good for her, i guess, but i absolutely fucking hate that they just paint this picture of her like a normal, well adjusted person who happened to get involved in some Weird Shit, because she has to have ignored or dismissed a LOT of red flags to get to where she was.

i'm glad she finally did her due diligence, but i don't think she deserves a glossy write up about how she did a little oopsy fucky wucky that may have made many children's lives measurably worse.

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i cannot believe they think we are stupid enough to accept that shooting rubber bullets at unarmed student protestors on public property is justified and morally correct.

paternalistic bullshit like that breeds hatred and contempt; they are making their own enemies in order to justify more crackdowns, and more fascist behavior.

it's dark, but it will pass. i hope for the better.

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the worse parts of our lives come from very few people in the ownership class, and they have names, and they have addresses.

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yeah i'll choose bear on this one

insurance doesn't cover everything, and the things they do not cover always just happen to be the most critical things necessary for treatment. it's a scam.

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but when the IDF does it it’s a feature?

it's a genocide; that's the point.

Nobody comes out of this clean.

it's a genocide; it's not rational.

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jackson is an extremely common surname in the black community?? the fuck??

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click bait never changes or whatever.

they aren't.

exactly, this will eliminate some jobs, but anyone who's asked an LLM to fix code longer than 400 lines knows it often hurts more than it helps.

which is why it is best used as a tool to debug code, or write boilerplate functions.

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the blame does not squarely lie in complacency

in exchange for almost never running it during the day: i turn my A/C down to like 68 F overnight and sleep like a baby.

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this rules, thank you!!

would a factory reset destroy any driver/codec updates, or are those a firmware based changes that wouldn't be overwritten?

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lol no, that's the most american thing about me and i refuse.

i literally use metric for everything else in my day job and overall life; but for temperature, Fahrenheit makes more sense to me. 100 F? deadly. 70 F? great. 50 F? chilly. 0 F? deadly.

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i have news for you.

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i was banned for similar reasons.

seems like a lot of mods just have the ability to say whatever about whoever and the admins just nuke any account they target.

every time someone tried to call me in i would say i've had alcoholic drinks; they shut up pretty quick after that.

trans people and our allies are fighting; that's why the christian theocrats are freaking out and using us as the threat of the day to drum up their stupid, ignorant base.

what a save!
what a save! what a save!

this is pretty much what i think, yeah.

a lot of programming/software design is already kinda that anyway. it's a bunch of people who were educated on computer science principles, data structures, mathematicians, and data analytics/stats who write code to specs to solve very specific tool problems for very specific subsets of workers, and who maintain/update legacy code written decades ago.

now, yeah, a lot things are coded from scratch, but even then, you're referencing libraries of code written by someone awhile ago to solve this problem or serve this purpose or do thing, output thing. that's where LLMs shine, imo.

the issue is not with individual doctors or nurses.

the issue lies with for profit healthcare providers being slaves to the insurers. i work with providers daily; they are overworked and often are not able to provide the best care possible because the system sees people as a collection of data/telemetry to optimize.

it's disgusting, shameful, and damn near barbaric. not if you have a lot of money though.

song goes so hard

i didn't downvote you, regardless internet points don't matter.

you're not wrong, and i largely agree with what you've said, because i didn't actually say a lot of the things your comment assumes.

the most efficient way i can describe what i mean is this:

LLMs (this is NOT AI) can, and will, replace more and more of us. however, there will never, ever be a time where there will be no human overseeing it because we design software for humans (generally), not for machines. this requires integral human knowledge, assumptions, intuition, etc.

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i'm going to snap and i'm going to

jesus, well this is cementing my choice to move to a deep blue state to get away from people politicizing my existence.

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yup. i'm tied to unreal engine 5.

(yes, i know there's a version for linux. i need to be on windows for the latest updates and work though.)

in my experience, the state colleges are literal cops and are not private: they are literally the same as city police, with all the privileges and power that comes with it, which makes them subject to the same oversight.

you're probably right about private colleges though.

i hate microtransactions, but as they go, this implementation is fairly benign.

jesus christ you should be shoved into a locker

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what's the logical conclusion of your point here?

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i like this

sorry i live a happy well-rounded life and don't know what any of this means.

same, i also abuse free trials pretty hard.

(virtual credit cards and visa gift cards with little to no money on them work great)

hmm, this is sort of helpful.

hell yea.

i'm about to install GNOME on my old Surface Pro 4 since W10 EOL is next year. first time i looked into linux in a long time and GNOME is gorgeous.

i agree with the first part

well said.

glug glug

you can keep self sucking all you want; it's a genocide. eat me.

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cool, i'm going to go to your house and squat in your backyard with a questionable document that says i have the right to be there. then, i'll start expanding into the structure of your home by destroying key areas. then, i'll start taping out walkways through your home you will not be allowed to use. if any member of your family attempts to stop this i will use my extensive military might to kill them.

this process will continue many decades. feel free to go with the flow.

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