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Joined 1 years ago

In an odd coincidence, the real killer reportedly died at the exact same time.

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I don't know why any underlings would decide turn on Trump, since he has always demonstrated a fervent loyalty and unrelenting effort to protect anyone who supported him.

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In an odd coincidence, the first crew of the Boeing space probe will consist of 10 whistleblowers.

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This also worked for me:

I stopped using reddit, because it turned to shit.

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As a RiF user for many years, I was completely insulated from the award bloat. Every time I see a screenshot of the official app, it seems so ridiculous.

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If you're a woman and vote to put any Republican in power in this country, no matter how small or local, you must be insane.

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Despite pushback from some users

Well there's your problem. You're still using the fascist platform.

Any active user who "pushes back" in an attempt to "fix" the fascist platform is either delusional or being disingenuous. There's no fixing it, guys. Just walk away.

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When police departments fight against releasing bodycam footage and only do so under immense public pressure, then still drag their feet and delay as long as possible, that tells you all you need to know.

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Yeah but Biden is a disappointing centrist, so clearly I don't know how choose between him and an authoritarian dictator.

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You are in this legislature, but we do not grant you the rank of human.

Don't wait until retirement. Balance your life now. It's going to be a long slog.

You don't need to find an amazing career that you’ll love doing until you die. People who get that are extremely lucky, and it's not the norm. You just need a job that will support you while still giving you time to do the things you enjoy.

Follow this: https://youtu.be/YHxwY3Fz2gU?feature=shared

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Is "dozens" a large amount?

Never-nudes: no

Safety flaws in aircraft production: yes

If you're ever worried that these corporate assholes are never punished for their blatant shady behavior, don't worry. They have to deal with raised eyebrows which we all know can be super embarrassing.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense: Ya don't say

Right-wing useful idots on social media: [Continue to echo Russian propaganda they've been saturated with]

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Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe

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Oddly enough, I did have that on my Republican Bingo card.

Here's the thing. If there's a 1% chance that the task will no longer be necessary by the time it's due, I can't afford to risk wasting the time to complete the task. Much better idea to spend that time in stress-paralysis until there is a 100% certainty of the task being necessary.

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Stop buying this shit, and they'll stop doing it.

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So let me get this straight. You're not having any luck competing with regular schlubs in the real world, so you want to fake your way into a situation where you compete with a group of fitter and more attractive people?

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Return Of The Jedi: All their optimism for restoring the republic, Luke restoring the Jedi, Han and Leia starting a family. All made pointless by the crappy sequels.

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We should probably stop devoting news cycles to this manchild and his vanity pet projects.

Politician reads the room and adopts the most lukewarm, obvious, low-hanging-fruit take in an effort to score free publicity. Damn, really raising the bar here.

She also lamented to her husband "But when you are free of this nonsense ..."

So ... checks notes about how the Supreme Court works ... that means she's eager for him to either die or resign, correct? Hey lady, at least we share some common goals.

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I can't even begin to imagine the life experience and mental gymnastics it would take to still be undecided at this point.

His base supporters, I get. They want a dictator. They don't care how we get there. No amount of criminal convictions are going to change their mind.

But for the rest of the people, how is it even possible to still be undecided. The wannabe dictator has made it crystal clear his intentions to become a dictator.

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Religions: We have the right to be involved in public affairs.

Also religions: No we don't pay taxes lol.

Also religions: You know what, we should probably get a share of some of that tax money.

Real talk OP: From your post and comments it's pretty clear that you don't have much plumbing experience. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with replacing a shower valve.

If this is your main bath, this is not the job to learn on. Especially if you don't have any shutoff valves between your main and the shower. If you run into something unexpected during the repair, and you'd be stuck with all your water shut off while you wait for a plumber, and then you're also paying emergency rates.

As it is now, you have all the time in the world to consult plumbers and compare estimates. With your water shut off and your shower broken, your options will shrink really fast.

If getting into home improvement is something you're interested in, and this is a spare bathroom you can afford to be out of commission for an indefinite period, and it won't require your main valve to be shut off, then by all means give it a try. But expect there to be surprises and fuckups as part of the learning process.

Imagine what a cakewalk it would be if the Democrats could scrape up a viable candidate under 65

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That's nice but do they hold the world record on Bowser's Big Bean Burrito?

They wisely stick to AAA games and avoid the hassle of AAAA games like ubisoft

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Nothing meaningful to say, just wanted to post a nostalgic loading bar.

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It's mind-blowing how bad they fucked up Overwatch. All they had to do was keep the OW1 servers and progression for PvP, and sell PvE expansion packs. Expand the lore through PvE expansion packs and offer exclusive cosmetics that people can show off in PvP, but don't stop releasing cosmetics that can be obtained through PvP gameplay.

Add on a battle pass for more exclusive cosmetics (NOT FUCKING HEROES), and bam you've got a stew going.

That would bring in more than enough revenue to keep the servers running and making a tidy profit for years, like TF2.

Don't let up. We need to turn up every single rinky dink local election and keep denying these fuckheads any scrap of power, no matter how small.

However this plays out, I guarantee it will involve charging more money for less content.

(takes a sip out of 1999 The Phantom Menace Taco Bell promotional cup)

I don't know what you're talking about.

I had forgotten how nauseating corporate doublespeak can be. This can't be for employees. I cannot fathom how any competent professional would actually this seriously.

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I'd like to thank all the teenagers who used their mom's credit cards to buy Fortnite skins so I can enjoy free GTA V, Control, Star Wars Battlefront, and now this game.

I am really hoping this gets voted NO in a landslide. This is the best opportunity for the sane people of this state to signal how fucking done we are with right-wing extremist bullshit.

Democrats have been losing statewide elections because they have been churning out lackluster candidates and confusing messaging. But this election is as simple as it gets. One issue to vote on, all you have to do is show up. If we can't get this done, we are firmly in the shithole red state category.

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