Michael Fisher

@Michael Fisher@hachyderm.io
1 Post – 2 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fully-depreciated, in urgent need of an upgrade, but still very much in service!

IT Cloud Solutions Architect. Other interests: sci-tech, astronomy, weather, music. He/him. DMs are not guaranteed to be private; I don’t block them, but please use a non-Mastodon channel for private communications.

“Kindness needs an infrastructure.” - D. Stern

@ajsadauskas @technology …and they’ll find themselves lapped by those who didn’t drink the LLM Kool-Aid.

2 more...

@BrianTheeBiscuiteer McDonald’s actually puts a burger on the bun. Not the best, but adequate for a quick bite. General LLMs put bullshit into the ether.