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7 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Thank you, worked like a charm.

Fixed the issue by going tothis link (posted by @Tzeentch),, and implementing the solution mentioned by user, Pablo:

Trying it out right now

Update: I think that Onboard is good enough to replace Gnome's OSK.

This worked.

I edited the fstab file:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/New\040Volume/ ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

My hdd is now automatically mounted by Debian.

Thank you!

Will Debian users be able to use Cosmic's tiling manager?

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How do I do that?

I'm relatively new to linux but I have some experience with Java and Python

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I just installed QEMU/KVM.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get it to run Win 10 and Kali

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Using \040 instead of single or double quotes resolved my issue.

Now Debian automounts the hdd.

These files are anywhere between 600 MB to 1.5 GB in size and thet are stored locally on my PC.

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There were no asterisks in the fstab file, I just placed them here to emphasize the name of the hdd.

Btw I got Debian to automount the hdd (thanks to @shortdorkyasian) by adding this entry to the fstab file:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/New\040Volume/ ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

Using \040 instead of a space or quotes (single or double) made it work.


I'm trying

Got the command to work. Here's the info for one of the files for which a preview thumbnail/icon isn't available:

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We must integrate Skynet AI into everything

Virtualization mostly. I need Win 10 and Kali Linux to run at the same time on the host distro.

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I'm going to give openSUSE Leap a try.

If you meant it like how “stable” is used in “Debian stable”...

Yup, that's what I meant

Thanks for the tip!

The font issue is affecting other websites I go to as well.

I installed the mscorefonts (sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer) but still having this issue.

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Yup, that's the name.

I changed the entry on fstab to this (tried it with both single quotes and double quotes) and I'm stilling getting the parse error:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 "/media/lucky/New Volume" ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

Btw I'm using the ntfs-3g driver, if that helps.

But you have a space in there. I don’t know how spaces are handled in fstab. You’ll either need to quote it or at least escape the space

Instead of using spaces or quotes (single or double), I used \040 (as @shortdorkyasian) said and that made all the difference:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/New\040Volume/ ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

Thanks, I was looking for a solution like this a couple of months ago but couldn't find it so I ended up going with VMware Workstation Pro. My first choice however was KVM.

Well, I'm currently using VMware on Ubuntu to run Win 10 and Kali Linux. I don't know what exactly caused the problem, it was either Ubuntu's updates or VMware's updates, but now Win 10 is unusable because it crashes (same with Kali Linux)

Ubuntu imho is unstable in and of itself because of the frequent updates so I'm looking for another distro that prioritizes stability.

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lol 😂

On a serious note, the guy who made it was a genius but unfortunately, he had schizophrenia or another condition like it.

That REALLY doesn’t seem like a good idea considering that *'s are wildcards for anything, and Linux isn’t really fond of spaces.

There are no asterisks in the fstab file. I put them here to emphasize the name of the hdd (I edited my original post to remove them to avoid confusing people).

Also do you have a lib or something for linux to handle NTFS file system types?

I'm using the ntfs-3g driver.

Btw this is what the entry on fstab looks like now but I'm still getting the parsing error:

UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 "/media/lucky/New Volume" ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0

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Which ones in specefic?

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I'm having the same issue on other sites as well (not all but some). Does this have something to do with Frefox and MS fonts?

My main PC

These were the respective XML values of the folders:

Important Folder A: domain="0x0000" bus="0x05" slot="0x00" function="0x0"
Important Folder B: domain="0x0000" bus="0x06" slot="0x00" function="0x0"
Important Folder C: domain="0x0000" bus="0x07" slot="0x00" function="0x0"

I need Windows and Kali Linux to study for an exam so after VMware stopped working on Ubuntu 23.10, I decided to use QEMU/KVM. Unfortunately, I couldn't get shared folders or a bridge connection to work in KVM so I decided to just install Debian 12 on my PC and hope that VMware works on it. Shared folders and a bridge connection are must-haves for me.


They are a proof of concept (so if I can get Important Folder A, Important Folder B, and Important Folder C to show up on Windows, then I can get the real folders to show up as well).

I renamed them A, B, and C.

No, I was relatively new to Ubuntu when I started using it so I didn't have the wisdom to choose the LTS version.

Looks good but I'm using X11

Do any of these support bridged wifi connections?

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Shoot can't install it because it's probably in a repository that is not listed in my sources

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This is what I see when I open Gnome Files, click on the icon with three lines, and select Preferences (there's no option for choosing the max size):

I have been installing the codecs through the Software app. Should I delete them and then install through the terminal?

Btw here are the codecs I have installed through the Software app:

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The asterisks are not in fstab file. I just added them here to emphasize the name of the hdd.