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DDG keeps changing my search query because its "not returning a lot of results" or because it thinks I typo'd and it is infuriating to me, sometimes it doesnt even inform me that it did, not even giving me a link to click to get to my actual search query

'also noticed that it got worse around the same time google did

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all of these arguments are great and all but as an enduser: I just want things to work

I don't care about the why's or hows. A lot of these arguments explain and justify breakage

I am an enduser. I expect things to work, specifically I expect the programs I already use to continue working. I expect to lose no functionality

If they don't work, then clearly its broken. If I lose functionality, Wayland clearly wasn't ready

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I'm not so much in favor of IP law as I am in favor of informed consent in every aspect of the word.

when posting photos, art and text content years ago, I was not able to imagine it might be trained off by an AI. As such I was not able to make a decision based on informed consent if I agreed to that or not.

Even though quotes such as "once you post it, its on the internet forever" were around, I was not aware the extend to which this reached and that had my art been vacuumed by a generative AI model (it hasnt luckily) people could create art that pretends to be created by me. Thus I could not consent

I think this goes for a lot of artists actually, especially those who exist far more publicly than I do, who are in those databases and who are a keyword to be used in prompts. There is no possible way they could have given informed consent to that at the time they posted art/at the time they started that social media profile/youtube channel etc.

To me, this is the real problem. I could care less about corporations.

can't violate the prime direggtive

hey I know this is offtopic but have you migrated your mojang account to a Microsoft account? if you didn't yet, please do so now otherwise your account will be deleted soon, like very very soon, September 19th kind of soon

I know, it sucks, we all hate it but since you mentioned 10 years ago I figured I'd give you and anyone else reading this a reminder

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thank you, I'm glad you went with the short answer, leaving absolutely no room for doubt or discussion

this is good, I'm tired of the endless discussions full of goalposts being moved

how are you only getting 1% battery drain overnight? my pixel 7 w grapheneos drains 10% overnight and battery saver makes it worse somehow

I would like to know your secrets

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instead of the simple mobile tools, consider changing them out for fossify versions. Simple mobile tools recently got sold to a company that buys up apps to put ads and trackers in them, Fossify is a fork

eh, ddg is equally bad with it insisting it knows better than me what my query is and "fixing" it, leaving me to have to either fix it or click a link telling it "yes I really did want to search for that and not what you assumed"

resist fingerprinting resets zoom levels because its used as a way to fingerprint, sites can get zoom levels and the idea is to blend into the crowd

that said, I share your frustration, I have to disable Resist Fingerprint because of that, the persistent zoom levels are an accessibility requirement for me, no negotiations possible.

Ideally Resist Fingerprinting would allow for more granular options because while I understand the "blending into the crowd" aspect of the option as it is now, it just doesn't work like this for me and many others with accessibility needs, and that should be addressed

(also replying so I remember to check back for replies, sorry for the ramble, Resist Fingerprinting as it is now annoys me)

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the whole "cats are assholes" thing comes mostly from people viewing cats through a dog lens, expecting them to act like dogs, then being shocked they don't thus they most be aloof and/or assholes

I'm so tired of it. I wish people learnt to communicate with cats in cat!

what search engines are actually good these days?

because that's the problem, they aren't

search results have gone down a sharp hill lately

I don't think Kagi is the answer, but there is a problem - a big one

Is there a place I can see what beehaw defederated from? So I can be informed of what communities I can't reach

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I imagine you're not going to like this answer but since the genre doesn't matter: Genshin Impact

I do meditation. Not mindfulness because I need dissociation for my chronic pain management. I basically do a version that I altered to stay as disconnected from my body as possible and just focus on emotions and observing them.

I also use a yoga ball sometimes, helps me regulate as well

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this worked wonders for me

then bullet journals lost its "new" factor and now its dusting in the corner w all the other calendars, organisers, diaries and notebooks I tried to start

that's something

I've heard that synergy/barrier/etc doesn't work though and that is critical for my daily workflow so I won't be switching until it is supported

can you not do this? lets keep this disingenuous behavior over on reddit

most of my friends (and me myself) have far more than 3 accounts. Many instances I've been on have died, leading to me having to move and my old account on dead instances still being in databases. That said, even without that, I have far more than 3 active accounts

sure we dont have hundreds or thousands like spammers would but putting an arbetrary number on "amount of accounts an IP can have" is against what the fediverse is

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I think people should know those are just mutes

its like that on mastodon too, user domain blocks won't actually protect you from harassment or your data being vacuumed

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the fediverse largely prides itself on no tracking, in fact in the past instances that used cloudflare have been harshly criticised.

This is against the fediverse's core values

no its not, consent is important

I do not consent to having my bodily waste be enjoyed by my toilet

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oh I see you're that kinda person

No means no

Not gen z, millenial who loves labels

my identity was stolen from my by abusers. I was who they wanted me to be and nothing else. I knew I was different from my peers, I could tell just as much as they could, and they did not let me forget for even a split second. I was never given the language or space to explore and figure out what was so different about me (turns out it was that I am autistic and trans and a bunch of other things, go figure)

Not knowing was agonizing. Seeing notcable differences. Between yourself and your peers yet not understanding why or what or how left me so isolated. Labels can bring understanding, peace of mind, self acceptance and community

Now I label and microlabel everything and I will not stop

other than that, labels can open doors: In this society you wont get your needs acknowledged unless you have a particular label. Should that be different? Yes! Does that make labels obsolete? no IMO

That said you dont have to understand, just, please as a fellow millenial, don't do the unhelpful, unproductive and frankly dismissve "stop labeling yourself, labels belong on products not people". That's someone's understanding of themselves you are dismissing by doing that

ebikes are amazing. I'm disabled and they help me so much in being able to go places!

Nobody's requiring it until devs start not supporting X11 anymore and start saying things like "won't fix, use Wayland". Which is already happening

See: GNOME's response to a critical GTK4 bug on x11 that makes any program using GTK4 unusable on certain devices under x11

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people keep saying you can do the same thing in ublock as in umatrix but the UI is completely different and not nearly as intuitive and I don't nearly have as granular control as I had in umatrix

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omg quickpic

a blast from the past that I forgot about

which part of "no negotiations possible" do you not get?

I would like a more granular choice, acccessibility is not something I can give up, I don't care sites can fingerprint me with it

Simple mobile tools has been sold to a company that buys apps to put ads and trackers in them. They likely wont be open source in the future either anymore. Consider changing the links out for the fossify versions, that's a fork

I have so many favorites, Ori soundtracks are amazing, Kingdom Hearts, Genshin Impact, Minecraft

For more lighthearted yet genius silliness though: Part Time UFO

Not really a game but a visual Novel everyone needs to read and listen to: Umineko

and yet plenty of stuff still runs in the background for me, eating my battery when I don't need it to be in the background

given how often disabled people are yelled at for using disabled parking spots, I would not be as optimistic that we'd not be included

As for how they were able to use it, maybe using it for a little bit is okay but it starts physically hurting after a while leading to them not being able to put it back, that has happened to me before. Or maybe the return cart area is a bit up a hill or otherwise inaccessible

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so in other words you need the sandbox if you want access to what microg would normally provide for you, with the caveat that an account is "optional" for things that "require" one, which in a normal google environment is almost everything and with mirog is pretty much nothing

sounds like microg is the better deal then, if I want to avoid google accounts and Google's snooping

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I'm not a she but otherwise yes I agree

I would switch if it worked at all I just get a black screen if I try a Wayland session lmao. If switching is such a hassle then I'll just stick with what works.

That's not to even mention all the things I use that aren't supported

I'm looking to buy a new phone soon, can you use GrapheneOS without a google account? because playservices is generally account locked right?

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a big collection of art courses that I downloaded before it got dmca'd off the internet. Nowadays as I understand it, the collection is around but usually distributed in pieces on request if someone happens to have it. Many courses got lost (or are only on cgpeers which I do not have access to so idk)

if I knew what exactly was causing it hardware wise I would have a way to fix it, and I don't

given GNOME's solution is "use Wayland" (which I can't for a variety of reasons) I don't think I can ever figure out what the problem is. Their attitude from the start is already non helpful.

all I know is my hardware isn't niche nor really really old. And Im not the only one experiencing this