9 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes, that is what i am used to.

I guess headless is better for performance and i do not see an advantage at all.

Another question: Why do you have several debians-vm's? You also could take one, right?

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Hmmm, I have a few dockers, but most stuff is running in lxc‘s (Proxmox). Btw: I tried Heimdall (or Homar?) but I had to enter all services by hand. Is there a way or an app to automate that?

That sounds to complicate for me. I am still a beginner.

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This looks great! I will try Zabbix first! More than I expected. Thank you

No, on arm-device you have to install armbian and afterwards yunohost by a script: curl | bash

I think that is the way I want to go! Thunderbird on my PC is the „central mail client“, so I just have to draw the archived years (imap) to a local folder. The advantages: If I look for an older mail, I do not have to search in seperate archived files (mbox/eml). And with backing up thunderbird, I have a backup of all my settings AND mails!

I think that is the way I want to go! Thunderbird on my PC is the „central mail client“, so I just have to draw the archived years (imap) to a local folder. The advantages: If I look for an older mail, I do not have to search in seperate archived files (mbox/eml). And with backing up thunderbird, I have a backup of all my settings AND mails!

I will use that for documenting further stuff. If Zabbix works a few screenshots from there should explain a lot but everything else I would add to the wiki.

Thank you. Had to edit the folders. Not the stack was "successfully deployed". Have to watch now if the backup works.

Rescuezilla can't clone LVM's, so i had to take clonezilla. This worked! Just rebooted from the "new" ssd and it works! I am amazed.

I am also - and always will be - a joplin-user and thought about outsourcing the tasks/todos. Was looking for selfhostable, opensource alternative with a mobile app (iOS) but it was harder to find sth than i expected.

These were my candidates:

SiYuan -> selfhosting does not work with apps (web only)

Anytype -> did not get the server to run (there are a lot of variables in the dockercompose.yaml und .env)

Affine -> there are no mobile apps at the moment

Logseq -> no selfhosting

Now i try to get Appflowy to run on my server:

BTT: For shoppinglist i use kitchenowl, for collaboration mostly nextcloud.

Ok, i will have to check out what a LXC is before i start, but that helped a lot. Thanks

My Lemmy-client forces me to add a picture. I was pretty sure to find a solution with thunderbird - what I did

This is good. there was an OLD vaultwarden-folder in my root-directory and i thought this would be the current, but you are absolutely right: The folder is in the compose-directory!

Do you really think this is a good place?

No problem. I use vaultwarden for years. In this case I am not really worried about data-loss because bitwarden keeps an copy of your credentials offline. So in the worst case, i can export them.

I would like to post it, but i have issues with formatting. voyager does not have this "code-format" and writes everything in one line.

Is there a workaround?

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That's it. Nice. I tried ' instead of `, so the 2nd useful thing i learnd today. Thanks.

It is almost a fresh armbian. I just installed omv, docker, portainer and nextcloud (docker). Yes, my plan was to move to the nextcloud in yunohost, if i like it.

Sounds interesting. Never heard before. On their page I see the "ksuite standard" for free with 2 emails/15GB. The next upgrade to 5 adresses/3TB(!) would be 3,29€.

A LXC is a container, so i use CT, right?

I cloned a 256GB-ssd to a 480gb-ssd. Can i resize the lvm-partition with gparted afterwards?

Yes, it is unprivileged. But the mp0 is defined in the 107.conf (107 is the containerID).

  1. conf

arch: amd64

cores: 2

features: keyctl=1, nesting=1

hostname: dockge

memory: 2048

mpO: /media/8TB HDD

net0: name=eth0, bridge=vmbr0, hwaddr=06: FB: 9B: 82: 17 : 58 , ip=dhcp, type=veth

onboot: 1

ostype: debian

rootfs: m2 ssd 4TB:vm—107—disk—0, size=18G

swap: 512

tags: proxmox—helper—scripts

unprivileged: 1

unused0: local—1vm:vm—107—disk—0

Is this not enough?

I will watch the video, maybe this will help. Thanks

Ah, ok, i see. In the future i always have to write about the way i host the services on the proxmox. I use onlx LXC's. Also docker is in a LXC.