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Joined 1 years ago

The funny thing here is that there are many good distributions that are based on Ubuntu. I’m a Pop!_OS fanboy, many of my colleagues enjoy Mint. Yet, almost everyone I know in the Linux world despises Ubuntu.

Check your pocket for the fourth time. Might actually be there this time.

If I want to wear my sunglasses while I’m watching a movie in the cinema because I have a light-sensitivity condition—usagenof the sunglasses alters my perception of the film without changing the permanent media storage of the film—am I cheating and subject to copyright infringement action?

No, this is incompetent management.

Senior engineers write enabling code/scaffolding, and review code, and mentor juniors. They also write feature code.

Lead engineers code and lead dev teams.

Principal engineers code, and talk about tech in meetings.

Senior Principal engineers, and distinguished technologists/fellows talk about tech, and maybe sometimes code.

Good managers go to meetings and shield the engineers from the stream of exec corporate bs. Infrequently they may rope any of the engineers in this chain in to explain the decisions that the engineers make along the way.

Bad managers bring engineers in to these meetings frequently.

Terrible managers make the engineering decisions and push those to the engineers.

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It’s “Open” in the same way that OpenAI is “Open”.

“Open” ≠ “Open Source” or “Open Access”. It’s more like: “Open for Business”.

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It’s just a new form of messaging called X-communication.

oh wait.

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She’s a firebrand—that’s not an insult. But it is a fact that if the DNC puts her to run, she will mobilize a lot of voters who may otherwise sit this one out. Hard to say definitively how many on either side; but I think she’s likely more hated by the rightwing base than she is loved by the left wing/centrist base.

I don’t think it would be a good strategic move in this cycle. Although I’d love to see her in the Oval Office and would vote that way should the chance arise.

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Wonder if they’d block Gmail, too.

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Nobody escapes childhood unscathed.

Can’t wait to see this project too in Google’s graveyard.

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I’m training a code and language model to write Linux kernel code and provide snarky comments, of course all based on Linus’s extensive commit history.

Our AI Überherr will be pleased.

So… today?

I’m a Linux user. Been one for a long time.

When I’m doing dev-work, shelling into remote VMs and stuff yeah I have to get nitty-gritty with the command-line.

But on my regular daily-driver OS? I only use the terminal because I want to; or sometimes I think it’s more efficient. But I haven’t absolutely needed to for a long time now.

Linux GUI has really come a long way. It’s not at MacOS level (yet), but it’s very functional and aesthetic. Give it a try.

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But can you Handel it?

SOAD twice.

I’m not your bro, bruh.

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It’s part of Vegas’ branding strategy.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

As your ANAL Attorney, I advise you to take less Psyllium Fiber Optic Husk to prevent further Ethernet runs.

I work with Linux and computers professionally. Documentation is written but almost nobody reads it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve bailed out colleagues stuck on a problem by spending a few hours reading the docs and then like magic some parameter in the API solves everything. I’ve been bailed out countless times in the same way. Software and computers are complex and even those who do RTFM miss things, because documentation is information dense, often written as an afterthought to the code, and APIs are not always even internally consistent with the documentation.

But the toxicity culture around that needs to go. I love it when people geek out over distro-hopping and whatnot, but superiority complexes over what distro you use (“Arch, btw I’m so much better than you”) is fucking stupid.

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There are several comments ITT that mention the “just works” distros, like Mint or Pop!_OS etc. But make no mistake, these distributions are every bit as powerful as any other distribution. They’re not “dumbed down” versions by any means, it just means that they’ve paid close attention to crafting a polished user experience.

Case in point: I’m a seasoned Linux user and still I prefer Pop!_OS. Some of my even more experienced Linux colleagues use Mint, Fedora, etc. because we’re paid to write code that solves customer problems, not tinker with our operating systems on our workstations. I don’t think I actually know anyone in real life that uses Arch (btw)—is it even a real distro or is it just a meme?—or even Debian (unless it’s for a server and even then we’re more likely to use Alpine and install+configure everything we want and nothing we don’t).

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I’m a Linux user and fan for a lot of years now. Software engineer by profession.

It’s not ready for widespread adoption to the less tech-savvy masses.

It misses some functionality that is really hard to get right but is absolutely expected to get right. For example: graceful suspend and wakeups. It happens so often even to me that I close my Linux laptop for the day, next morning open it up to a bunch of warnings and error messages about Bluetooth adapters or whatever the device of the day that wants to malfunction is that prevents a sound ~S2~ S3 sleep.

I don’t get freaked out about it. But grandma sure would. And yet my 10 year old MacBook Pro gets it right every single fucking time; completely flawlessly. This is the bar of usability that Linux has to achieve for widespread adoption as a true, polished, personal computing experience.

edit: meant S3 sleep.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Not on my map! NZ is an Australian conspiracy!

There is a “tool library” sort of service (for profit) operating in my area. The prices are absurd—people are charging like $20/day for a tool that would cost $100 new, or half that used on craigslist. My projects often span multiple days, especially if there’s an unforeseen delay—which there always is because I’m a good engineer but a shitty carpenter.

I don’t use the service. I’m all for communal ownership but it still has to make sense.

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If I could make my Model S a “dumb” car, I would in an instant. As it is, retrofit-electrifications are still really clunky, infinite pits of expensive despair.

My absolute dream car is a dual-motor FD RX-7.

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Who was DenverCoder9?

Coffee shop named ‘meh’. tbh I’m feeling pretty ‘meh’ about it.

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We haven’t learned our lesson about Unix time overflow yet, have we? Better up it to 64 bit signed, just to be sure.

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My record is a year. Holy fuck did I burn that networking opportunity.

“Hey there; I know it’s been—holy moly, a year?!—since you messaged me but I just wanted to say that it was good to hear from you and that I enjoyed working with you.”+some other specific potentially identifiable stuff.

I never got a response; even a year later (although that would have been super funny to encounter such a similar soul).

Yes. It contains ceramic nano particles that reflect UV without interfering with visibility.

edit: I meant IR. But it reflects both.

Well Twitter, Spotify, and Netflix are all like standard system design/architecture case studies and interview questions. Pretty sure Twitter has been invented like 300,000 times in various iterations. It’s not exactly like CocaCola’s recipe.

No Odd Job!

Was the standard house rule in my circle of friends. We hated mines too, but allowed them. But no fucking Odd Job.

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When will then be now?

They need to tell that to Theodore Ts’o.

There are alloys of stainless steel (I forget the numbers off the top of my head, it’s been more than a few years since I worked in that field) that are perfectly fine and compatible for food/grade hot-process work.

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As if I give a fuck about anything on Ubisoft’s platform. Honestly it’s an annoyance that makes me never want to pay for their games again. I bought Assassins Creed Origins on Steam and somehow I still have to fucking use Ubisoft’s launcher. Fuck them. Great game, but fuck them anyway.

Still some paperwork in a divorce so you’d probably want :wq!

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Yeah, I hear you. I still run an old MacbookPro with MacOS for personal computing stuff. I just don’t always want to tinker. It’s been a living meme: “the year of the Linux desktop” for years on years now and yet we still comprise like 0.3% of the desktop market.

But I really do see a tide shift now. Microsoft is doubling down on the enshittification of Windows. Apple’s hardware is still—as always—prohibitively priced. Steam OS on the Steam deck. The Indian government officially adopting it—and its FOSS office application offerings. Companies like Pop!_OS and Framework are making real headway for popular adoption. HP, Dell, Lenovo all offer Linux-default laptops now, that aren’t just “Pro-Dev” offerings.

Linux is not as polished as the for-profit offerings. Perhaps it never will be. Perhaps that’s also its appeal.

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I asked ChatGPT to help me understand this. It’s a little better.

  • The impending reign of GEOTUS prioritizes dictatorial vengeance over political agendas, driven by a rejection of reasoned discourse in favor of reactionary impulses, as explained in Kahneman's System-1.
  • This societal shift stems from deep-rooted interpretations favoring male-centric ideologies, leading to Trump's inevitable rise due to systemic failures in education, parenting, and institutional oversight.
  • Projections include the erosion of legal frameworks, the rise of authoritarianism disguised as lawful governance, and the dissolution of international alliances.
  • Environmental degradation will be exploited for validation, exacerbating global crises.
  • Despite impending threats, Israel remains entrenched in ideological beliefs, unaware of looming dangers.
  • Humanity stands at a pivotal moment, grappling with unconscious ignorance and the allure of reactionary violence, facing the stark reality of self-destruction.
  • Scientific predictions underscore the importance of objective observation, highlighting the critical choice between embracing growth and succumbing to ignorance.
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I’ve managed to stay away from Twitter while it was free.

Pretty sure I’ll manage when it’s blocked behind the paper curtain.

In fact, they’d have to pay me to join. And with all the new paying subscriptions they’ll have, maybe they’ll have enough.

I won a free LASIK in a contest from the local newspaper. The surgeon’s practice office manager tried to claim that the prize was a free single eye (effectively buy one get one free) but the way the contest prize statement was phrased made it very clear that it was both. We mutually decided to cash-value the prize at 0.75 because I decided there’s no way I want a pissed-off surgeon pointing a laser at my eyes. In exchange, I signed a 5 year NDA about the whole thing—that was about 7 years ago.

Used the cash for a down payment on an awesome car, instead. That’s my story on how I got my Tesla. The company’s frontman is a massive douche but the car is freaking awesome.