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Joined 3 years ago

No no no! You got it wrong! It was because checks notes Imperialist USA!

I tested this and I did not got blocked or anything. So I assume, this was just an accident.

I know everybody loves to hate meta, I am am not a fan either, but I find it hard to belive that they outright ban the word pixelfed.

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You have posted basically the same post one day ago. This might be classified as spam by now ....

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While Gamers Nexus does some decent work, he suffers from what a lot of youtubers suffer: clickbait titles, sponsored segments, unnecessary long videos, etc.

Some find this so annoying, that they downvote this kind of content.

Also that asus scammed gamers nexus is not that relevant for most of us. I am not saying its irrelevant, but there are bigger news.

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By this logic the Linux kernel is also a single point of failure and attack vector.

sudo isn't going away, so does doas. run0 is just another alternative to use or not.

There are still distribution out there without systemd and if there ever won't be any systemd-free distributions left and systemd would become a critical part of the Linux ecosystem, then it would get the same treatment as the Linux kernel with many professional maintainers.


  • Self updating without user interaction per default.
  • Better support of codecs and drivers.
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AAA-Category was already stupid in the first place. It originates from grading systems, but instead of a sane A - F grading or 100% - 0% we got AAA and Indy.

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Many maintainers use the entire systemd suite, even if they don’t require all its components.

This is the level of systemd-critic today?

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AI art can be so ugly, and I don't mean the style. I mean the uncanny errors. AI art is the true uncanny valley.

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I use silverblue myself, but I think "cloud nativ" is a terrible name. "Immutable" is IMO better.

Also installing cli tools via toolbox/distrobox is not ideal. I hope for a better solution. Maybe someday i can install htop via flathub.

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Some thoughts:

  • Testing the capabilities of rust and proving what rust is capable of.
  • Seeing what rust is not capable of and proposing improvements for the rust language and ecosystem.
  • Trying new OS concepts. Linux for example is strongly backwards compatible. Starting a new OS is the opportunity to do things different and maybe better.
  • Maybe it will turn out, that the memory safety will improve OS'. We will only know for sure, if we try it.
flatpak install "$1"
snap install "$1"
appimage-cli-tool install "$1"
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What are good alternatives to GitHub except selfhosting? I only know Anything else?

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The problem is, that there are not many notebook producer, that are

  • Supporting Linux
  • Have reasonable prices and hardware
  • (Are not from an authoritarian country that has shady spying practices and uses slave labour)

There is Dell, Acer, Framwork and that's it, I guess?

This is cool, but if Microsoft would <3 Linux, they would do this themself.

Did you type: lspci > /sdc1 lspci.txt exactly like this? because that would pipe the output into /sdc1. You probably want to pipe it into /your/mount/point/lspci.txt (something like that).

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That is why I gave it a downvote. I hate clickbait and won't watch it.

There are good reasons to break userspace sometimes. If we would never do so, we would stuck on X11 forever.

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Caroline Ellison

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It's not the critics. The games are there, it's just thap people buy AAA games.

This even includes lemmy. Trump generates upvotes. In that sense, I did my part.

Who hurt you?

I mean, you got some points, but went way over board with it and beyond the scope of the question.

but someone decided that is is time to transform proven development techniques in the hopes of eventually selling some orchestration and/or other proprietary repository / platform like Docker / Kubernetes does.

So, you really think, that this must be the reason immutable desktops were invented?

I use Fedora Silverblue and in my experience the updates are very stable. But with Debian and Ansible automation I think you are not missing a much, maybe nothing at all.

Would you mind sharing how you automated your setup with Ansible or generally how to use Ansible in that way? I use some bash scripts for my automation and it is a bit hacky, so if I could improve that, it would be nice.

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People want to see the results, so they would vote anything if there is no "no opinion" option.

It's so stupid. Everything is boomer now.

It magically disappeared ...

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Todays ThinPads are not superior. Some things are:

  • Lenovo caught with spyware on Thinkpads
  • Hardware support for Linux is lacking
  • Lenovo caught using slave labor

Tipps Fedora

Very interesting. I wish flatpak would offer a better CLI experience. I don't want another package managing tool, but here we are.

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I think one could call credit rating a grading system. But I won't die on this hill.

Thank you for this in depth answer. It makes me want to explore Ansible and setup automation. Sounds really great!

and write a blog post for people like me, how you did it, so I can learn.

I am thinking about that ... 🤔

Thanks, I'll take a look at it. And thanks to all the others. :D

I think flatpak could perfectly fine for installing cli applications even though it is designed for desktop applications.

Shoving CLIs into flatpaks could be a thing but that wouldn’t really solve a problem, it would just mean adding one more ocean to boil and someone would have to volunteer to package htop for the 30th time.

Flatpak is distribution independent, which means, it could be actually reduce repackaging.

flatpaks and containers use the same kernel tech underneath, cgroups and namespaces, it’s just a specific implementation designed for desktop apps, and it has things like portals and stuff that’s specific for gui apps.

While that is true, I don't see, why this is a problem for CLI applications to be installed and run via flatpaks.

Direct package management in your home dir - also an option, you can just install homebrew, nix, or tea or whatever install packages in your home directory and then it’s totally decoupled from the system.

Can you explain, why this works better, than flatpaks? I mean it does not matter what flatpaks were intended for originally, if they do the job just fine.

So for example, if you use silverblue, you use htop, but it wouldn’t make sense as a flatpak when there’s a full fedora installation delivered via a container already on your desktop, you’d just dnf install htop and move on.

I found this approach lacking, because:

  • I always have to remember what is the right container for the right tool.
  • Installing software can be quite annoying. I can't simply add some dnf install foo in a bashscript. Controlling a container via bash is not that easy (or, I don't know how it works)
  • Tracking installed software is painful. Now I have to check every container, if and where something is installed.

Cool, now can China invest in fixing 1000 upstream bugs in Gnome, KDE, Wayland, Pipewire, LibreOffice, NextCloud, Firefox, and so on? Also, could they develop open source drives and firmware for all the hardware they are exporting? I am not sarcastic. I just wonder why all this big players that use Linux create an own Distribution, but beside from that, not doing much.

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