1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's just... so surreal. I have a very hard time getting inside the head of someone who endorses MTG's speech (as she meant it).

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Anybody who gives the slightest fuck about finding an alternative is already aware of kbin/Lemmy.

you exist in a filter for people who know about kbin/lemmy. I only ever heard about them because of hackernews, which is a strong filter.

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well, you certainly live up to your name

just … bring them to a library or thrift store… they're better at figuring out what's actually valuable

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you can easily kill people driving. learn to drive. if you think they failed you through no fault of yours, try a different place.

or at least no rhetorical questions looking for a circle -jerk

why would you expect it to get better if Google is broken up?
Google has a massive conflict of interest; it both sells ads to SEO'ed websites, and ranks searches. Their incentive is for you to go to the pages with the most of their ads possible. Even a company with revenue purely from ads on the search page has less terrible incentives.

Those sort of people are either vulnerable to fascism or are already fascists.

A friend I would have 0% hesitation calling a communist haaaates modern art with a passion. stop overgeneralizing. RETVRN type stuff in general? yeah, low key fascist.

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many other places bury their wires and or do proper maintenance

I mean, why are interest rates high? indirectly its inflation

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my bike.

I mean, as much as I think gates/bezos have abhorrent business practices, they do both have fairly large charitable foundations, and iirc, both have actually built literal hospitals with their money.

in the bay? you're hilarious.

being extremely lazy, you can use Thunderbird

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anonymous RIF seems to still work, even though logged in doesn't. it's not like the whole website is gated, I suspect many of these apps treat anon vs logged in requests differently

Also see Rule 10

Rule 10: No US-internal News: Articles about events within the US or related to the US internal news with no involvement of foreign officials or international organizations and no effect on people outside the US are not allowed here.

came here to say this. though if American slave traders had actually been a unified corporation I'd be pointing at them.

and yet there are still plenty of maniac drivers on the road

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This... isn't world news... Are we going to have to make anime_tiddies all over again?

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Dresden… is not the example you want, it's really not. maybe don't hold up one of the worst warcrimes the allies did as if it hurt the Nazis (it did not)

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good thing you easily duplicate the hat!

the assassination of Alexander the second backfired completely.

this took me way too long to get

fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me a third time, shame on the regulatory state.

come on dude, there are better and worse descriptions of everything. Providing sources should just be routine.

what a terrible metaphor. poverty is unjust, not unnatural.

you forgot lutefisk and lefse!

I thought painting FDR as a terrible President was outside the American Overton Window. I have no idea what their values are, or where they fit.

I love the SCP movie!

Wisconsin cheese curds!

on that note, Miyazaki's filmography. just all of it

he doesn't have the copyright. X won't last

my dude thanks for your statement, but you've reposted it like 5 times. could you delete the dupes?

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It's first and foremost American news. The normal reason world news subreddits get made (since any news is technically world news) is because American news tends to dominate if you don't specifically rule it out.

gotta say, completely unrelatedly, that your avatar is amazing

So as much as eliminating the problems of old age would be a huge win, there are two things that really make me hesitate to endorse it:

  1. Plank's Principle "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it ..." widespread immortality would mean that senior respected scientists would maintain their extremely respected position, and would potentially stifle any progress as their reputations were sunk into existing paradigms. The strongest voices in the community would have a permanent vested interest in already existing. Hopefully eliminating aging would also eliminate the tendency to calcify in one's beliefs, but the reputational reasons to not change their minds would persist regardless.

  2. The indefinite perpetualization of existing dictatorships. Succession is when dictatorship is at its weakest, since the new ruler doesn't have the legitimacy that the previous regime did; with immortality, dictators would be able to maintain their position indefinitely.

the phrase is embrace, extend, extinguish, and Microsoft has been doing it for years

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It does look like the 1 year tbill is back at the rate in the 90's. for comparison, the inflation rate. Doesn't really change the fact that the reason interest went up was because the Fed is combating inflation however.

There absolutely are conservative intellectuals, they just don't tend to endorse MAGA.

Here's a great example: Knocks it out of the park all the time. Then again, he rarely spends his time talking directly about culture war topics.

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You… know it's possible to be a conservative without being a Republican, right?

If you want to say there are no politically relevant conservative intellectuals, that I would agree with. the Republican party is currently dominated by grifters, so anyone involved is going to be doing a lot of shoddy post-hoc justifications. But to say that being conservative of any stripe bars one from actually thinking deeply and critically is narrow minded.