Mohammad K.

2 Post – 10 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Subtitle composer can do that:

Also Kdenlive has a feature for it as I know, though I never tested:

I also like Kate. I use it for Python, Html/css and some other stuff. I really like it since it's light and fast but full of features. Also integrates well with my desktop.

Yes. Manjaro is a so unsable and garbage (for many reasons). Though Arch (EndeavourOS in my case) has been a lot stable for me due to my experience.

I should think for a few seconds before talking about right or left directions. I sometimes make mistake when I say it without hesitation!

And the fact is that wearing socks don't help. Only blanket is effective against those monsters.

I was a newbie user, telling a friend of mine about rm -rf /*. I typed it in a hit Enter, telling him it doesn't harm since I didn't enter sudo. But I'd forgotten that I have still permission to delete my home directory. 🥲😂

Also have a look at Anker earphones. I had a pair of its headphones and it was awesome.

What was that vulnerability and how it's related to Libreoffice? I thought it's just about browsers 🤔

Zotero is actually a paper and reference manager. Pocket is more like a bookmark manager. Though it's really good for those citation management usages 👌

Could you please give the result here after you checked? I got also curious if it's temporary copied to ram or disk before moving.