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Joined 9 months ago

Order it, step down, get pardoned by President Harris

We were all thinking it, but it takes an eldritch abomination to say it out loud

WTF? She probably has more fans than the NFL and these morons think she’s getting signal boosted?

Obviously this is a psyop to boost awareness that the Chiefs exist.

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Your cpu: made of transistors. My cpu: made by trans sisters.

Until you cook them. Then they’re purple-ly clear.

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Homer tells Barney he’ll strangle Bart if CPS responds to Ned’s call

So TIL my parents will be voting for a convicted felon in November 🤦‍♀️

According to supersymmetric gender theory, there are 10 genders. Other commonly studied theories include 11 or even 26 genders.

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There there, the monads can’t hurt you here

If that line doesn’t work, move on. They’re not worth your time.

I heard the poll result was Statey McStateface

None, it’d be my mom’s money

And this time around he can’t prevent deployment of the national guard

Hurricanes gonna be lining up around the block in excitement

Who believe horse dewormer is a cure

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Thanks for the reminder, I need to re-watch Nichijou

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SCP-3008 but it’s Costco

I mean, wasn’t the modern state of Israel invented at least in part so antisemites would have a place to deport them to after it became gauche to kill them?

This is correct. Additionally, if x is NaN, then x ≠ x.

Thankfully, not into the environment.

Context: you’re reading a thread about Covid. Ivermectin is not a cure for Covid. Nothing else you said is relevant.

Why haven’t I ever seen them in the same place then?

Left Kidney

They decided to be the Russians they wanted to see in the world

In my experience, this often doesn’t happen. So many developers are either inexperienced or cowboys, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with either. But at places where projects are small and numerous, teams often end up with nothing but a combination of the two.

As one of our office’s engineering “fixers”, I’ve taken over maintenance of several such projects. They usually have shattered remnants of code taken from other projects, open source libraries, internal libraries, stack overflow, and so on. Whole source files copied into the project, modified in ways that introduce impressive new failure cases while failing to add new functionality, and used in ways that completely ignore the features natively implemented in that code while those same features are bodged in as barely-working piles of if statements, balanced on a knife’s edge to avoid triggering the failure modes added by the project’s modifications of the copied code. I’m usually able to purge 20-30k lines of code from such projects in the first month, simultaneously closing multiple outstanding issues the PM had been led to believe were intractable.

That probably sounds like arrogance and/or shitting on everybody else’s work but it’s just reality at many workplaces due to a pace driven by unreasonable expectations from management. I just happen to be the person here that ends up sifting through the wreckage when a project reaches the inevitable osteoporosis phase, because of a natural disposition for reverse engineering. It would be great to escape for this and other reasons, as far as I can tell, most places aren’t that different.

Let’s prosecute the others too!

So what is your favorite? Obviously not banana.

This wasn’t a case that ID would fix. He registered illegally and voted under his own name. It wasn’t caught because government information is not shared very well between agencies in the US. Rather than the election officials actually checking, he had to sign a sworn declaration that he was legally allowed to vote as part of his registration, and lying in that sworn declaration is one of the things he was also charged with in this case.

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He should most definitely do this.

They didn’t take Jan 6

That sounds like some kinda employment shenanigans to avoid paying them benefits or something.

Easy fix, just transform it 3 more times! Or just once if you don’t mind it being phase inverted.

Umm… communists?

And in many places, also the House and their state legislatures due to gerrymandering.

NyQuil. No!

Also I have to work overtime at the bookshop because of greedflation

Seniors are also a lot more likely to even have the option to answer the phone. The rest of us have to work, clean house, feed kids, etc

I’ve got an appointment in a few months. No idea if you’re in the US but, if so, the secret is the same as everything in American health care - money, debt or navigating insane bureaucracy to get insurance to cover it. And, in my case, also traveling a long way to a place that does adult evaluations and scheduling the appointment nearly a year in advance.

He’s ready for a bit of the old ultra violence

Hydric acid - it has the highest pH of all the acids known to humankind!