Mom Nom Mom

@Mom Nom
5 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am definitely a llama.

🤫 🦙 ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

It became a thing in Lemmy 0.19 - as long as you're on an instance that has updated to that, it should be available to you. At the bottom of the settings page in the web ui, but if you use an app they might not expose that to you yet.

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Omg, I can finally use my cane and carry more than one f*n thing at a time! Or - on a rough day - use my walker and carry my coffee without fear of a tiny bump into something spilling coffee everywhere! It's the little things like that that I miss


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Baud. Maybe kilobauds.. That and "da bomb" are very memorable to me from then...

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A peck is (was) a unit of measure, oddly. Same with a bushel. I know because my Grandma used to say "a bushel and a peck, and a squeeze around the neck!" to me when I was young. I had to ask her too.

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A lot of misinformation was spread through the course of the pandemic

Not to mention people making mask-wearing - even the existence of Covid - highly politicized. As though an infectious disease cares who you vote for.

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As a person who had spent 30+ years thinking that "a warm seat = someone had been sitting long enough to make it warm" and thought it was therefore gross, now that I have a heated toilet seat/bidet combo, now I think a cold seat is worse.

What about The Lion King? (I'd have to recommend the 1994 animated movie, but I haven't seen the newer one)

Sync for Lemmy is my daily-driver, but I also use the pwa (Voyager/wefwef), Liftoff, and Connect.

Yep, 4 apps for browsing Lemmy with, and I love them all for different reasons. I've used Sync for years and had no problem paying to get rid of ads - so many hours of entertainment have been facilitated by Sync, and I appreciate that enough to pay for it.

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I assume you mean IRL activities?

  • Lock picking,
  • knitting/crocheting,
  • learning to roll a coin over your knuckles,
  • working with beads or chainmail,
  • definitely piano but other instruments can also help,
  • and also typing. Home-row, no-looking, speed typing, is I guess what I mean.

Since a lot of women have started to call their female friends "girlfriends"

This isn't really a new thing, though... Is it? Or did I miss the era where we didn't use "girlfriend" - at least sometimes - when talking about a female friend?

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No sunrises allowed

Your voice is fine, and I don't think it's annoying. At all.

Maybe "hate" is a strong word for it, but everyone's voice sounds different to their ears than it does in their head. It has to do with resonance chamber something something

This is what my family (and a few friends) use. We have been using it for a while now because it just works. Also, the kids have never complained about using Conversations, or about using it only for us (like if you have that one family member who won't leave SMS behind - we're that guy, I guess), and we can make as many channels as we need for the house, the kids, with each kid individually, for our MTG cards, with our couple of friends that use it, etc…

I don't personally do the hosting, so I can't speak to that. That's the hubby's thing

Are bionic spines a thing already? Cause I'd really love it if those could be easily available for all of us with chronic back pain. Hell, even not just chronic - any bs back pain.

Edit: I see now that it has been researched, at least. Here's an article about building a bionic spine but why don't I have something like this at the pharmacy?

Edit 2: I accidentally a word

I feel like I’m failing adulthood after being bested by a bedsheet.

Don't worry - most older adults people aren't going to quiz you by bringing a fitted sheet to watch you fold. If you want to bunch it up and shove it in a cabinet, just go ahead!

A lot of times when I wash our sheets I just put them right back on the bed. Now there's a life hack for ya!

…And right into rocks/gravel…

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Also, I like using "weak-sauce" if I have to watch my language - I think I'm too old to use "cringe" as often, unless it's, like, really cringe.

P.s. I'm disabled, walking problems, bad back, one leg a little shorter than the other... I use "lame" to mean shitty/uncouth/sucky/disappointing/boring and don't take offense to it..

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For Android, I know Sync and Connect both allow it, but I don't know how good either are at it.

For me, it's Grim Dawn, honestly. (And Diablo before that) 10 classes to choose 2 from means a lot of new skills and builds. Tons of random loot, but also recipes to make and collect.

I mostly play with mods now. Grim Internals, full rainbow, some rep and exp gain ones, and the Item Assistant. I play solo, and have enjoyed every hour of it!

Concur. I have every card, note, poster, or coloring page I've ever gotten from a student. (I volunteered with kids younger than OP)

Misspelled words don't matter (I guess maybe if it's your language arts/spelling/writing teacher it would matter a little) because they thought of me and put time, thought, and energy into a gift for me instead of making a tiktok or whatever.

Like the Santa maggot guy

I kinda like the idea of it being Santa instead of Satan 😁

Once you're able to pay rent and not sleep on the floor you're a sellout.


Good luck out there!

Tight-rolled jeans with rolled-down socks.
Also, aforementioned backwards clothes - even trained my Grandma to reply "jump, jump?" 😁

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When I was in my training for the Army, I did use caffeine pills - it was a jittery and uncomfortable experience, but I couldn't fill my canteen with coffee, and it's not like we were allowed to swing by a café.

Also when I used to go to conventions, and caffeine is handed out like crazy (because, gamers - so pimping your brand of caffeine is an obvious move, and free shit is good for business) - but it's also kinda "required" in order to get the most out of the experience. Late night parties and concerts and next morning panels, and more! Plus visiting the city!

But it's too much for just a normal day now, and the jitters and sour stomach aren't worth it. Part of the problem is that it's basically delivered all at once whereas I can add a little bit more caffeine throughout the day if I need it via coffee or soda or tea.

It's tea. Or maybe a cold soup, in the way that a taco is a sandwich.

(Preparation and ingredient rebels can make anything tea.)

I had a bottle of Arak from Palestine, that a previous boss had imported, and then gifted to me. It's anise flavored, clear when warm, looks like a snow globe if you refrigerate it, and turns white when poured over ice. So neat, but it tasted like anise :-P

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Kevin Conroy and Adam West are both awesome Batmans, but Lego Batman isn't bad either.

I think wood chips were added later (after I was out of that school) "for safety" and then rubber mulch was an even later upgrade.

And when did something soft go in the playground area? Waaaay later, the school got actual grass in the playground - instead of playground equipment. 🙄 Building was closed within a few years of that happening.

Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

About dealing with feelings of inadequacy and intrusive thoughts. You are worthy, and things can get better.

The thing that gets me a lot of the time is falling up. I would trip while running or riding a bike, and lose contact with the ground. Soon I'm beyond any trees that I could grab, and just falling. Up. Until it wakes me up.

I've had nightmares about it since I was a kid (I don't know when "old" starts, but I'm probably closer to that than to being a kid. Well, in age - I'm still pretty immature 😅)

When the first flavors of Pop-Tarts were released in 1964 (strawberry, blueberry, apple currant, and brown sugar cinnamon), the packaging machines were expensive, resulting in hefty up-front costs. So, to be economical about their investments, the company decided to package the product in twos at the start (explained in the book "Better Than Homemade: Amazing Foods that Changed the Way We Eat" by Carolyn Wyman).

“To package them singly would have required twice as many machines. Kellogg’s didn’t want to invest in a lot of machines until they knew how it would sell," said Bill Post, who managed the first plant to produce Pop-Tarts.

Not a new thing at all

It's quite dirty for that right now, don't you think?

I think that's why it would be a good punishment for crime. Do a crime thing, go hang out in the dirty water?

That ! has a large list of links to other plant-based communities! Thanks!

I would also suggest your primary care physician first. They can direct you to the next step and give you any referral you might need to get there. Orthopedics is probably the next step, but possibly physical/occupational therapy, or a neurologist (to determine the extent of nerve damage, probably?)

I went through the process (in the US) for a repetitive stress injury that acted a lot like carpal tunnel issues. You might be able to just talk to your PCP (via messaging, email, tele-health appointment, etc) and get a referral to orthopedics; depending on your healthcare system / insurance situation, maybe you don't need a referral.


PAX - before there was PAX Prime or PAX East.

I would have to agree with that - I'd rather have someone else's butt take the full brunt of an outdoor, nighttime, northern England, cold toilet seat. Lol - those types of cold seats are what taught me to "hover" when necessary. (Well, not specifically the same as northern England outdoor toilets, but similar)

I think that - if you want to read current Marvel story arcs, but not buy every tie-in story (from characters you don't really like or care about, for example) - digital comics are how you'll want to go.

There are lots of ways to get free digital comics, and as the other reply said, use a search engine or wiki to find the reading order and all the tie-ins. That's just the way Marvel does things, and I'm pretty sure DC does it the same way - that's how the story stays cohesive, and how more sales are made. Your friend is absolutely right.

If you're going to a local comic book store, try asking the employees - not everyone cares, or pays attention, but sometimes you'll find a passionate employee (or owner) who can help you find the tpbs involved in the storylines.

Shit, sorry

In the game Crackdown - you had to increase your agility and strength, and weapons proficiencies to be strong enough to move onto the next area.

You could get the xp by doing things like killing guys while jumping or whatever, or you could find "agility orbs" at the tops of a lot of buildings (and smokestacks, billboards, factories, etc.) and get extra xp from finding them. As you level up your agility, you can get to taller places. Eventually I'd just climb places because I could not because I saw an orb.

That and blowing shit up with a rocket launcher, getting a faction really pissed at me, and then quietly leaving the scene after I get ran out of rockets. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, how many random accounts were made just by this most recent incident of spam across the fediverse? If there was a new account made for each of those spam posts? Not even talking about alt or abandoned accounts. These numbers are gonna be off because of that stuff, right?