3 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Trump denies wrongdoing. He says ... that it didn’t matter what he put on his financial statements because they had a disclaimer that says they shouldn’t be trusted.


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It's fine, most of us are used to being disappointed by god

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AAA studios were used to having local build farms, in-person build-review sessions, and testers being in the same physical space so engineers could see what's going on. They have collections of unreleased hardware that need to be distributed and secured.

It's not simple to completely overhaul a setup like that and go full remote. You're moving 100s of GB a day to each dev and trying to change every one of your processes.

Every AAA engineer I know complained about how how slow everything was remote. Studios are figuring that shit out now, but I don't think "hurr durr Todd Howard old" is really accurate or adding anything to the conversation here

It disincentives gaining skills that can only earn less than 40k a year.

VS for Mac was really just a renamed Xamarin Studio too.

I take the bus to work every day. It's a set route for my set work schedule and it's great.

But everything else I do in my life? Not on a bus route, schedules are slow on the weekend or stop completely after a certain time.

When you come up with a bus that goes wherever I want to go when I want, I'm in. Until then, a car that doesn't require a driver and is easily shared between many people to take them the last mile is an actual solution.

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Agreed. It's a solid game that just gets boring. I enjoyed the campaign and the co-op play. I liked the variety of play of the classes.

But since the launch they've just made the game boring. The first big patch just nerfed every build. It's not a competitive game - they just decided you should have less fun I guess.

Gems are super boring - instead of being excited for them to drop, inactively ignore them. And the first seasons only mechanic is.... fancy gems.

The towns are designed to make you run around a ton. The mount mechanics are actively hostile (maps have areas where you need to dismount to progress, then there's a 10s cool down before you can mount again). Inventory management kinda sucks. The whole loot management part of the game is kinda flat and that's a major component of this series.

It's weird because this was the smoothest launch of a Diablo and the game felt feature rich as you leveled. But the end game is so fucking boring. They have so many things in D3 they could have just copied but instead we'll end up with yet another patch of nerfs in a single player game.

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How many people clicked the phishing links in your college papers?

The initialism is decades older than any iDevice. Go complain to people on USENET from before you were born.

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I envy a life where you've never had to clean a bathroom.

Lol Artefact. I did forget about that

It's a 10 year deal. Sony can use that decade to invest in its own shooters like they used to with Killzone.

Sony refused to allow cross play for years, effectively making you buy a PS to play with your friends. They took cross platform MMOs like Destiny and made entire parts of it exclusive, stealing what should have been available to everyone who already paid.

Meanwhile Microsoft makes their stuff available on Steam, has nearly-full backcompat going back two decades, and gives me a path to play my games on phone.


But there's also a demo that lets you play the first few hours and it'll quickly let you know whether it's for you or not

This is nowhere near reality.

Even if you could just "translate" code from one language to another, that ignores asset pipelines, asset store libraries, and all the build pipelines that allow you to ship cross-platform.

You also need to now train your entire dev team on a new tech stack.

Switching engines is an enormous effort

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Which part of the article confuses you?

On the mobile website, Feeds > Friends seems to get rid of the suggested posts and also appears to be chronological.

There's probably the same option on the website

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Check the spam filter in your email for a validation link. Registration just spun for me until I found that

We can try and ignore it until people start dying from rabies because fucktards think the vaccine will make their labridoodle autistic

It really is a niche entry. It's a weird gameplay mix of real time stealth and then turn-based combat. It's also a weird setting mix of fantasy and noir.

And the turn based gameplay just isn't as fun or deep as XCOM or even gears tactics.

Kudos to paradox for trying something, but I'd rather to they released CS:2 earlier instead

Which person in this article is afraid of sex? The one who streamed herself having sex on the internet, the one who paid $30 to watch it, or the one in charge who said none of this matters?

Keep down voting me, but I bet I'm the only one in this thread that's actually played the game.

What part of it is unfinished? Also, it's on game pass, so I paid nothing, and am playing a sequel to a game I love and spent 100s of hours on. Real evil ploy here.

I'm accepting it because I've played another dozen hours of a game I enjoy. CO spent 8 years updating the first game and I expect no less. Paradox isn't some evil publisher, have you even played anything they've released?


All 50 states require commercial insurance for drivers to earn money with a ride-hailing service. Uber maintains commercial auto insurance for drivers — including at least $1 million of liability coverage once a ride is accepted. Personal auto insurance typically doesn’t cover activity on ride-hailing apps.

Two months, but either way "better than Facebook" is a pretty shitty way to respond to criticism.

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I had no idea there was a shopping list app. We've been using Keep for that kind of list and it syncs pretty quick, but no idea about Home.

This article is literally about how they tested 25 brands and zero of them passed privacy review.

As we all know, bathrooms are the correct place for your top secret government documents

Not a deal breaker for me. Runs perfectly fine, except for an occasional hitch when zooming.

It's at the bottom of the hamburger menu for me, sometimes those options seem to move around.

They informed customers so they can make their own decision. I have hardware that allows me to play the game.

I'm playing a developed, finished game. If you don't have hardware that can run it, then wait until it's fixed.

They were open and honest, and I'm not sure why you're so angry with that

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What did you do with all the time you saved typing I've instead of I have?

If you want to play the same game over and over, there are plenty of those.

Live games are for ever-changing environments.

Fallout 76 didn't ruin New Vegas

Ultima online wasn't a "cancer" to the gaming industry

I wish Final Fantasy XIV ruined the franchise so we didn't get the abomination that is the latest two installments.

Greedy shit developers make shit products, no surprise. But GemStone, Asheron's Call, World of Warcraft (the early years, I can't speak to the latest) and other forms of long-term games offer a chance to experience a world for years in an additive environment instead of waiting for the next installment of starting at ground zero again.

Have you tried paying for YouTube premium? Or is there some 3rd definition of can't you wanna make up?

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Different games are made for different people. If you don't find a genre or model fun, their existence doesn't ruin anything for you.

Live service games have been around for decades.

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