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Joined 1 years ago

If you want to get things working then never "tinker" with things, maybe it's not worth it. But if you want to learn and be able to try new things it is really helpful. Having a new VM not breaking existing VMs reduces risk when trying something new.

I think GPU passthrough has improved since you have used it. Some command line prep work is still necessary, but the passthrough config is done in the GUI.

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Have you used Google lately? At least chatGPT doesn't make me scroll past a full page of ads before giving me a half wrong answer.

Maybe if you wrote better code ...


They are loosing to Sony so they have to find new ways of competing for business. You know, how it's supposed to work.

Wish it worked that way more often.

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I have worked as a driver helper in the past. This pay makes sense. It's a demanding job mentally and physically. With the pay being good it also means people work really hard to get that job and really hard to keep it. Congratulations to them.

Having read the article it sounds like Pat is more complaining that Intel would have been positioned to milk the AI cow if the previous CEOs weren't fucking idiots.

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Which you can probably afford to do with the money you save working from here me.

They are, but it's literally a single pixel video resolution and a really low frame rate.

So you want a modded steam deck?

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They have more money to spend on lawyers is how.

If it still has working USB you can hook it up to a $10 raspberry pi with wifi to act as a print server. I can understand if that's a more ambitious tech project than your ready to take on.

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Good call. How are you? Have you had enough water today?

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I would stay away from kubernets/k3/k8s. Unless you want to learn it for work purposes, it's so overkill you can spend a month before you get things running. I know from experience. My current setup gives you options and has been reliable for me.

NAS Box: Truenas Scale - You can have UnRaid fill this role.

Services Hosting: Proxmox - I can spin up any VMs I need and lots of info online to do things like hardware passthrough to VMs.

Containers: Debian VM - Debian makes a great server environment as it's stable and well supported. I just make this VM a docker swarm host. I managed things with Portainer for a web interface.

I keep data on the NAS and have containers access it over the network. Usually a NFS share.

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Just put them in a separate library and only share it with people that ask for it.

I found passive activitys can help with that. Just sit down and watch a good show that is engaging. Even going to bed early but listening to an audio book or podcast.

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A VPN is going to offer better security. I would only use cloudflare if you need something to be open to the public. This is useful when you have non-technical users that aren't going to understand using a VPN.

Joke way to tell people, "As an autistic/ADHD person, if you want me to be able to read the room you better write it down. Preferably with bold text an bright colors."

Are you certain? They could be making clothing with divisive messages.


Just made me think of the quote: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

My guess is the motherboard manufacturers could get away with this in the past without any issues. But Intel is pushing chips so close to redline out of the box that now it causes problems.

Syncthing is a better fit for your use case. As much as I appreciate having my Nextcloud setup, it can also be a pain in the ass some times.

Calendar on my phone. If a thing needs to happen it goes on the phone and a reminder is added for 15m to 1h before. Even things that don't need to happen at a specific time, add it to the calendar so I can plan out the day.

Listen to audio books, plays video games, socialize with friends on discord, work on computer projects, spend time with pets.

I get that you're trying to look at the potential positives of a situation. But your telling a group of people who are struggling to keep their heads above water how amazing it is they can hold their breath for so long. No shit we can hold our breath, the alternative is to drowned.

If you ever eaten anything made with any grain, you have eaten some amount of bugs. Just like you have eaten some amount of dirt.

I think there is an author that said, "Books aren't completed, they are abandoned." Code can feel the same.

Easier to abuse position of power. Visa people need to stay employed to stay in country.

Most likely cost of entry and ease of use. Those are the things most people are going to be concerned with.

I think part of the challenge we face is a larger hurdle to get engaged with a task. So we either need something very interesting or stressful enough to capture our attention. But once it has our attention, it tends to have our full attention. Also we so frequently have to solve problems in a rush because we put it off until the last minute we are familiar with that mode of operation.

That is called a "loss leader". The idea is to give you a really good deal on the chicken because you will probably buy more things while you are there.

You honestly sound like your stressed out and in fight/flight mode. The first step is just acknowledging where you are mentally and how it's going to make everything seem worse than it really is.

Try looking into "autofs".

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Other people have suggested good info to gain nuisanced knowledge. I recommend starting with a simple fact. With enough time and/or the right conditions all storage will fail. Design your setup with redundancy. I personally had to replace 2x 12tb drives this year. I have raidz3 (3 parity drives) and a hot spare. So I just bought cheap replacements from a reputable seller on eBay and consider it part of the cost of self hosting.

Hallow Knight is a good Metroidvania. I think i can run it at 90 fps with no drops with the 8w profile.

I'm sorry. That sounds horrible. I have ADHD but I didn't have trouble like that. I'm sorry that happened to you. is a good fit.

That's silly. But I'm pretty sure AMD is pretty happy with the situation.

The "umbrella" theory of management. The employees hold up the manager and make them look good. The manager shields them from everything "falling from above".

Taxes. My understanding was that tax rates for the very wealthy used to be much higher. So the logic being if they are going to be forced to give up millions of dollars, they can donate to charity instead of paying taxes. Then they at least can still choose what the money gets spent on and their name on a building.