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Joined 1 years ago

Honestly I cant live without UBlock Origin after using it for so long. The modern web is so horrible with ads

Firefox mobile has pwa support, which works well for me and I never had a website that doesnt work on firefox (except for google earth maybe).

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The tiling concept that was shown off some time ago for GNOME looks amazing

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For me personally there is no open source calculator on android that even comes close to Hiper Calc Pro. Having actual expressions and physical constants makes things so much easier and makes the app better than most physical scientific calculators.

Consuming drugs should not be illegal. Doesnt matter what effect the drug has, punishing the consumer does no good for anyone.

Selling drugs can and should in some cases be illegal though

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Also, wolfram alpha

The album prices are pretty high sometimes and many artists are not on bandcamp

I didnt hear a lot about negative experiences with both of those companies, do you have any examples?

That is why lemmy is decentralized, no one can buy every single instance. and even when a corporation buys the codebase of lemmy, another person can come in and create their own platform that is still compatible

Funnily enough twitter just suddenly got much worse like a couple days ago for me, only pushing blue-check accounts so I might just finally stop using it

I feel like the design of this fits better with the gnome desktop than gnome system monitor

A corporation send you to the most beatiful alien planet and you will put floating concrete platforms everywhere

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Custom launchers and icon packs should work on any android version

Currently running fedora, because it is stable, easy to use and just works. Also, gnome is imo the best designed major, full-featured desktop environment that exists out there (even including windows or macos).

You might get a more tailored experience with window managers but im currently to lazy to set that up. I did use dwm for a time though, but it wasnt really flexible enough for me.

The message UI of K9 was changed and I think the app already implemented the auto-setup of accounts from thunderbird, otherwise its still the same app

Her actual name is Ashley I think, icky is just a username

The first time I tried ubuntu I did not install it because it felt like half of the screen space was used up by the sidebar, top bar and window decoration so yeah.

That little detail put me off of installing linux for like a year or so because I did not knowthat you can easily change stuff like that

The single battery cells in electric cars are pretty much already standardized in size, just the assemblies and cooling systems are not.

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Imo using a text based tool for presentations is really counterproductive because presentations should use as little text as possible.

For me currently, libreoffice impress is actually the best option because it has all the necessary features (wysiwyg style editing, svg support, latex equations, some animations).

Im basically exclusively using Firefox on my phone and loading websites is pretty fast, the app just feels less responsive when scrolling compared to chrome/bromite

In my experience most problems with linux are at the intermediate level, i.e. things like setting up university/work vpn, installing games (with wine), getting used to different applications for office stuff. This is all stuff that many people have to do that can be hard to achieve if you only have guides for windows/mac

The logitech g305 runs on a single rechargable AA for half a year and is probably the only reason I even considered a wireless mouse

Just fyi, I found that aurora store often works a lot better if you log in with a google account. I know its not the best option for privacy but I kind of rely on some play store apps working and being updated and I still had a google account either way.

Also, do you have microg installed? Most google play apps work without much hassle for me on lineageOS microg

Up to the introduction of quantum mechanics imaginary numbers where only ever a theoretical tool and any calculation in electromagnetism, mechanics or even relativity can be done without them.

Also, any measurement you can make will always result in real numbers because there is no logical interpretation for imaginary measurements (a speed of 2+i m/s doesnt really make sense)

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I genuinely dont see the reason for a windows tablet without a stylus. Note-taking is nice with a stylus but for just holding it and watching videos or browsing a surface is honestly too unwieldly and the windows touch interface is also not great.

I was just trying to make an argument that imaginary numbers were technically not necessary and thus it makes historical sense that they werent seen as something 'real'. Im not trying to get people to stop using them ;)

I think it has been shown that certain plastic softeners (e.g. phatalates) cause fertility issues, some of that might be included in microplastics but plastic itself I have not seen anything (And these specific softeners can be banned and are already mostly banned in the EU).

I said that any calculation in electrodynamics CAN be done without imaginary numbers, I never said that it would be the most common or convenient way of doing things.

If you use a different form of solution to maxwells equations, electrical impedance can totally be expressed as just another real property. Fourier transform also is not necessary to solve maxwells equations or any other physical systems. It just might make it significantly easier and more convenient.

Obviously imaginary numbers existed and where used way before quantum mechanics was a thing but they werent technically necessary in physics because they never appeared in the equations of fundamental theories (Maxwells equations, general relativity, newtonian mechanics)

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Also, all the arguments for market economies being useful and the typical supply/demand arguments completely break down for a product which is infinitely duplicatable for free


Honestly fedora has been the most stable distro I ever used, whats broken about it?

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Great how basically the only argument for this from the consumer side is AI-stuff, which perfectly works already and even has foss versions which can run locally

I really want to know what this game is because it sounds amazing

"infinity ... guarantees all possibilities" no, no it does not and that is such a common misunderstanding of infinities its kind of annoying.

I.e. The list of all even numbers is infinite and still doesnt include a single odd number. Real numbers are densely infinite and still dont include the imaginary unit or chocolate cake.

If you had infinite time, you still would probably not be able to learn to fly with just your body and still would die if you stopped breathing.

I used to have some problems with manjaro, fedora seems to also be working well for me though

That really depends on what kind of computer you are using and how fast your internet connection is. Also a desktop computer should be (for most people) as little maintanance work as possible and having long update/install times really stands in the way of that.

its p2p download from other users, if you want to share your library you should probably use a VPN. You dont have to share your library but its kind of frowned upon to not do it.

Ableton doesnt have a linux version right?

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I dont really think that music production is performance limited though