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But I thought Romania was the perfectly corrupt place for a genius alpha like Tate to operate his "business" without any hassel.

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Especially when it was regular, flat pizza that did him in the first time.

@Hazdaz I kind of feel like the GOP has imploded, though. Since Trump especially (and really I think this strain of anti-democracy conservativism dates back to the 2000 election where they saw that they could just bully their way into stealing elections), there doesn't seem to be much of the Republican Party that preceeded him left. Now it's all antidemocratic fascists and nutjobs. Just because they call themselves Republicans and win elections doesn't mean their politics really has anything to do with what their party stands for on paper.

I think it's more a case of being careful what you wish for. Yes, they imploded. Yes, they don't really exist anymore. What has supplanted them is so much worse


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Renting forever. Yeah, I'd like to own a house, sure. But on the other hand, I don't have to remove snow from my place, I don't have to pay a repair guy to fix stuff when it's broken, don't have to mow the lawn, or maintain the swimming pool. If I have problems with my neighbors, I can complain to management and they'll handle things discreetly without singling me out or involving me.

I suppose it depends on where you live, and what you're paying, but while it's not entirely ideal, it's also not awful.

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I don't think he knows about second tax breaks.

Michigan Republicans are extra evil and authoritarian. Thankfully they don't control the legislature anymore. Or the state Supreme Court. Or the Governorship.

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@Chainweasel Remember the January 6 rioters that got into the Senate chamber rifling through senator's desks? How when they came upon Ted Cruz's desk they started reading the speech he had left there, got all riled up about it, then one of the rioters stops them and says something to the effect of "this is Ted Cruz - it's okay. He's with us"?



Mr. Roboto, Tainted Love (Soft Cell version), Mack the Knife, Melikalikimaka for Christmas season,

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@whenigrowup356 Yup. And then you have the New World animals where we use the name of the animal for both the animal and the meat, like buffalo.


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@YoBuckStopsHere There's nothing picayune about the deep concerns reputable journalists are voicing.

That word comes in play with regard to how so many of us have just turned our eyes away from the threat Trump and his supporters pose because we have to deal with navigating daily life being entwined with these people that in the end are our closest family and friends.

Personally, I put a lot of blame for the US sitting on the fascist precipice as it is on the for-profit media that was so enamored of his f-list celebrity status that they couldn't help themselves but divert actual political coverage in 2015 to covering this idiot.

In following the spectacle of a candidate like Trump because it gets ratings, they elevated him to legitimacy in the eyes of the public, and gave a platform to the truly evil ideas he espouses.

Sure, a lot of it is drunk Thanksgiving uncle bloviating - - but there aren't any major "news" outlets covering uncle Bill's every move and having panel discussions on what he has to say.

It's all on the media for helping create then elevate this monster, and articles like this trying to exculpate them from what they've done are at the bottom line infuriating and insulting.

The media are absolutely incapable of taking responsibility for creating this mess.

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A good meat maker with a gun!

@The_Picard_Maneuver "Who's the bestest kitty inna whole wide world - - it's Rudy! Rudycat. With ears and eyes and toes and nose it's Rudy! Rudycat."

Michigan Republicans are extra evil and authoritarian. Thankfully they don't control the legislature anymore. Or the state Supreme Court. Or the Governorship.

Personally I think he's too young to be tried as an adult and it's obvious that his negligent parents both ignored his cries for help AND encouraged him to use weapons that the law prohibits minors from owning.

But on the other hand, they weren't the ones that shot up the school, and he does pose a threat to society. If anything this case illustrates how messed up and convoluted the juvenile justice system is.

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From their party.

@Fisk400 yeah, there's a whole Mormon YouTube ecosystem out there with all kinds of content.

@MicroWave @ShadowRam

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@YoBuckStopsHere I don't know, I feel like I've been waiting 40 years for a new political party to be formed in the US.

It seems more like the two we have just keep morphing.


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@httpjames Back in the day I liked to dabble in Linux, and I always liked the IT people in the larger firms I worked at so I imagine it's understanding basics of code, and then a lot of googling for fixes to problems people have already dealt with, composting code with templates and tweaking it to work with the specifics of the job at hand and then taking credit for saving everything because people are dumb.

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@macattack So when does Trump cut a deal to rat on himself for immunity?


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Live action Mr. Handy!!!

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@greaterthanstupid ISIL bulldozed and dynamited World Heritage sites to rubble. The Taliban blew up the Bamiyan Buddahs. It's not always Americans.


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@stopthatgirl7 She also ended up with slightly frizzy hair compared to her relatively straight hair.

All around messed up and creepy.

@IonAddis honeydew melon.

@TowardsTheFuture IIRC the SCOTUS struck Biden's forgiveness down.

@MicroWave @apfelwoiSchoppen @jackoneill @forrgott

Every action by the Satanic Temple?

Though they are kind of amusing trolls about it.

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/Every red state has entered the chat.

@whoami @StarlightRose @LetUsGo

@AFKBRBChocolate Rigging or no rigging, if she did endorse or support Biden or whatever, there are enough dumbasses out there that might see a KC win as some kind of Biden endorsement from on high.

I put that down to projection as usual on the part of the GOPs conspiracy theory wing, though.


@FlyingSquid He might tell us to go fuck ourselves!


@lazylion_ca it's a fast food version of Mexican.

I like crunchy tacos with one packet of hot sauce per taco. Crunchy taco supreme is good. Burrito Supreme is good, too.

Sauce is very important, though. You have to have it. Start with the hot sauce (orange packets), and work your way up if you need to. They used to have green sauce that was pretty good, but it's only available in grocery stores now. 🙄

For a drink, you need to try a Baja Blast. It's like their signature thing. Very sweet, has its own flavor you can't really describe.

Just keep in mind that it's fast food. It's not casual fast like Chipotle or Panera - - more Macdonald's or Wendy's.

One thing Taco Bell has had over a lot of fast food places for a long time is that vegetarians and vegans can actually get edible meals there. It's basically all of the same ingredients, just mixed around differently.

They also have bowls you can get. They're not terrible. I prefer my old standard menu items that haven't changed in 40 years, though.

The other thing that just occurred to me - - most of us in the thread responding to you are suggesting their old timey comfort favorites. I'm no different (54 years old and had my first Taco Bell when I was 9), so at 50, your palate may not understand or have the associations with this place that ours do.

I'm really curious what you're going to think about it, though. I think most people going in with realistic expectations don't wind up hating it, though.

Definitely some of them use it that way. It's clever in a thuggish way because the implication is that the base is just regular, normal folks.

@MicroWave But I thought corporations were supposed to have the same free speech rights as people!


I'd say the best places to reside in Michigan are going to be in the lower half of the Lower Penninsula if you want a temperate climate. Doesn't mean winter won't fuck your shit up at least two or three times a year.

Beautiful nature spots are a day trip or long weekend away and quite lovely, though smaller in scale than the sprawling, mountainous naturescapes of California. We don't have anything quite as epic as Big Sur, Lake Tahoe, or the Redwoods here (souece: Michigander lived 13 years in the Bay Area), but we do have some very lovely areas and they're imo much more accessible for the average Joe. Oh yeah and when fall comes in, the color is AMAZING. It's a rather flat state all in all, though. Most places you have to drive to see anything rolling lamdscape-wise. It makes winter with all of the leaves off of the trees rather bleak if you're in sputhern Michigan.

But, there's a lot of interesting lore that you don't really get anywhere else like Great Lakes shipping/shipwrecks, bootlegging hotspots, a fucking shit-ton of musical history, tons of breweries and local agricultural festivals. If you're willing to pick and choose your urban areas, you can definitely find those spaces that have a Californian vibe about them, but they're not really centralized.

@NaibofTabr your comment led me to give op an up vote without listening because I knew exactly what song it was from yours!

@weirdbeardgame @FartsWithAnAccent

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My boiled egg slicer. It seemed really frivolous when I bought it, and I probably only use it five or six times a year at best but man if it doesn't cut down prep time for any salad with boiled egg in it, it also works with avocados!

@LaLeLuLiLo Fuckin classic.

@Greedy_Refugee I could not figure out Soundgarden. I would have drawn a more botanical garden looking thing if I was the artist. I was all "music plants? Note field? Field notes? Music plot?"

In Soviet Russia, Beast is marked by YOU.

@abcd Stars are yellow?

@Melatonin @Alperto

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@Kovu you're so fuckin hot I'd eat Belgian waffles off of your sixpack with a spork. Fuck. You're amazing. I live to breathe the air you exhale. 💕💞

Right? Count Dooku was a Count and a Jedi..