2 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

From a Linux user's point of view, Epic refuses to support Linux. They also refuse to support their own games using EAC on Linux (via Proton) despite EAC being Linux-compatible.

EDIT: Grammar.

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Someone taking the title of this community literally ;-)

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They've been around for a while. They often release Linux and Mac games, and I think they might be affiliated with Razor.

I hope AirVPN can still stay in business. I also hope that other governments don't start getting ideas.

That's why we had a market for region-free DVD players!

I'm not sure what problem you are having when you say 'nothing works'. I've installed several FG repacks over the years including one only a couple of weeks ago. Open and terminal and cd to the directory that contains your FG download, then:

  1. export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_gamename
  2. winetricks -q dxvk xact xinput vcrun2022 win10
  3. winetricks -q vkd3d corefonts win10
  4. wine setup.exe
  5. cd installdirectory
  6. wine gamename.exe

I separate the winetricks lines as sometimes winetricks gets overwhelmed if you call two many functions. I can assure you that this does work, though the repacks sometimes take ages to install. Personally I use rutracker as my source as the games come pre-made with wine.

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FitGirl only repacks; he doesn't defeat Denuvo. The only crackers within the last twelve months or so to crack Denuvo have been MKDEV and EMPRESS, both of whom are no longer active in the scene.

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For my needs, I use qBittorrent with jackett. Both excellent tools!

I've been sailing the high seas, or at least skirting the shores, since the late 1980s when my classmates and I were swapping BBC Micro software on 5¼" disks! Moved onto PC in 1990 and carried on. I even cracked a few games back in the day :-) These days I don't pirate so much, and I have quite a collection of legitimate music and software.

They cracked Denuvo on Fe recently. Granted that is a Unity3D game so the modular approach makes it slightly easier to crack.

However, in the UK at least, the ISPs are required to log your activity and pass on to the relevant authorities if requested. Best to use an approved VPN to be sure.

EMPRESS is actually Voksi in a dress.

Agreed, I have my jackett daemon wired up to qbittorrent and all is good!

The .to domain seems to work for me.

I use grip, generally.

A lot of games where either not available at all or we had robots, green blood or missing assets in them.

We even had that problem in the UK with Carmageddon. It wasn't a problem to locate the correct files, though!

I've been using AirVPN for quite a while and they are reliable and very Linux-friendly. The Linux GUI (Eddie) is easy to use, too.


My guy, I can’t believe I have to point this out, but FitGirl is a woman.

We actually don't know, as their identity has never been revealed. The 'FitGirl image' is of French actress Audrey Tautou.

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Yes, I still use IRC for things like games. You can often get a much faster download than via other means.

I'm not familiar with Macs, but are you able to download the source and compile your own version?

My dad was driving automatic Jags back in the late 1970s, but he did work in the motor trade. I am seeing more and more automatics around but I still think manual is king (at least in the UK) for the time being. If nothing else, you can save some fuel driving an auto!

I used to torrent Linux ISOs, but lately I have been using the network image of Tumbleweed on a USB stick and installing over t'internet.

AirVPN recommended here. Compatible with WireGuard and they have a Linux client, too.

Have you opened a port in your firewall?

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Well, you do you, but I'd give that a go just to remove it from the list of possible problems.

Rutracker has a forum dedicated to Windows games pre-packed with a wine runner. EDIT: Nothing to do with Fitgirl.

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They say they are a girl in the name they use, that’s good enough for me.

Well, good for you. Probably best not to worry about what others may or may not think.

Yes, rutracker is safe. In particular Kron4ek is a trusted repacker. You can also download games from certain IRC channels which is much quicker but requires some setting up.

HOTD = Haiku of the Damned?

Woman and girl also mean different things, especially to law enforcement.