2 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh cool a form of “ethnic cleansing” that has nothing to do with race actually.

Like saying water is made of H2O but it doesn’t have hydrogen. 🤷

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Any app that doesn’t require any backend to function.

If you ask for a subscription for an app without the need to support a backend… I won’t subscribe. I’ll find something else.

Mostly anything else is fine.

Though, if it’s something like a Note-Taking app where the cloud infrastructure for backups and sharing would cost pennies and you’re asking more than $1 a month, I’m out. Looking at you, Evernote. $64 a year to replace the built-in Notes app? No thanks.

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We can shame a person and their actions without making it about their appearance.

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HP. This one is easy. Low hanging fruit. For me, I bought an expensive gaming laptop that arrived defective. I asked for a replacement, they denied and required I send it in for repairs. Waited a month for them to tell me there isn’t a problem. Asked for a refund instead of having it shipped back. They said that’s not how it works, they have to send it back first. So I get it, with the defect still, and call to get a refund. They initially deny a refund due to being outside the refund period and offer a “buy back” credit. I had to spend an hour explaining why that’s not happening and why they’re going to give me a refund or expect to see me in court. Keep in mind, I hadn’t used this laptop more than an hour or two and it’s been shipped around and forth for two months. I did get my refund at least, but the headache was insane and I refuse to even look at HP products.

Adobe: Already said by others. For me, it’s because they charge an insane amount of money for barely-functional software. I used Affinity products instead.

Google: They cancel their services so quickly, it’s more like they’ve blacklisted ME. I refuse to pay for anything they offer in the event it will be discontinued in a year or two. RIP Play Music.

Amazon: Prices increase, service quality decreases, value decreases exponentially. The product I paid for at $79/year was far more superior to whatever Prime costs today. Mostly third party cheap trash. Unfortunately, and most likely by design, there are just a few specific reasons I’m forced to give Amazon money every so often. But at the very least, I’m making the highest conscious effort to avoid them.

I’ll update this if I come up with more.

Edit 1: Netflix: They keep removing quality content and increasing prices. Anti-consumer shit. They are both the reason I stopped pirating and considered starting again.

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Let’s make each month 73 days.

5 months. We can figure out a season for each one!

And pay less than half as much rent!

AI in the terms of Computer Science, of course.

“they” is fine to use for any individual or group as a catch-all.

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When a person’s actions causes death to groups, don’t judge those groups for wishing death in return.

Water can go bad. That’s why stuff goes bad in general, usually due to containing water. This is also why freeze dried foods can last forever.

Stagnant water. You have roughly 12 hours.

If you use any app other than what Apple provides, you become a second class citizen on your own phone.

Third party apps simply don't integrate with iOS nicely unless Apple allows it. Even though you can choose a web browser, it has to use Safari's underlying code base.

I'm on a Pixel 7. A lot of people say it's like Google's iPhone, but I can use Firefox as my browser natively. Adblocking actually works, too. I can choose any app as a default for whatever. Lots of FOSS! Google doesn't own my Pixel the same way Apple owns the iPhone.

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I’m not smart enough to know, but that doesn’t seem like it’s enough to actually provide a person all their oxygen.

Any biologists here?

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Cool way to avoid the question with another question. Very engaging.

This is why people shouldn’t engage with people like you. Don’t act surprised when you’re simply ignored by rational people in the future.

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“Something bad said against Republicans is propaganda” doesn’t sound fascist at all, huh?

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That’s true, but it’s also possible to release apps individually on mobile similar to PC releases.

We also currently get the worst of both worlds with stuff like Goodnotes. They had a one-time buy, but currently they’ve injected AI-related nonsense into v6. They allow owners of the previous version to still use v6, but it’s extremely crippled and functionally worse than 4 or 5. Constant nagging about the new version and features. V6 fully replaced v5 on the App Store, so we can’t do anything about it now. Even in my purchase history, my purchase was forcibly “upgraded.”

What I paid for was a digital notebook app that I could write down notes on with my Apple Pencil and iPad. It had a few nice features I didn’t really need, but were nice to have like writing-to-text replacement. It had cloud backups, but they were through iCloud or OneDrive on the user’s individual storage so I’m assuming it didn’t add a monthly cost overhead to the developer.

Now it’s a subscription model app with features I don’t want nor need that completely replaced the app I paid for.

Here are some old ones: Shane Dawson

Not so old: JonTron

AI art is not OC. It cannot be.

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How do you suppose we have political conversation without pointing out the flaws relating to the party in charge?

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Yep, I was a young person that loved Kanye back in high school when Graduation was the CD I had on me all the time.

Can’t listen to it anymore. It’s ruined. :{

Powerful and continuing nationalism Disdain for human rights Identification of enemies as a unifying cause Rampant sexism Controlled mass media Obsession with national security Religion and government intertwined Corporate power protected Labor power suppressed Disdain for intellectual and the arts Obsession with crime and punishment Rampant cronyism and corruption

Oh, and fuck off. 🖕

One could look at the concept of the fediverse and relate it to the ideals of segregating higher powers (big businesses) and giving power to the working class (pay for labor). IE: the concept of dividing up Lemmy as a service into multiple-owned servers instead of a single monolith like Reddit. This tends to align with the ideology of Leftism (to be clear, the progressive class of beliefs, for anyone non-American) tend to be more inviting and inclusive to people. This makes for a good platform for trans people to feel welcomed.

This is not a factual answer, and I do not believe anyone here holds the authority to state a fact. It is only my personal observation.

To this day, Adobe CS5 is probably the best all-encompassing software package they’ve ever released. CS6 added a few things, but was buggy AF. Then CC came out and it’s been in eternal-beta since. So many lost files and sometimes even OS-destroying updates.

I strongly recommend Apple Music. It has one of the largest libraries and pays better than YouTube, Amazon, or Spotify.

Apple Music is also platform agnostic; there’s even a browser version now. Also, you can download music and choose the quality. It’s far less “algorithm-y,” which I prefer.

Tidal and Qobuz do pay out more, but have much smaller libraries. I don’t personally like them much. The apps feel subpar.

YouTube and Amazon are straight up bad experiences for me. If this was back in 2013, I’d actually have recommended Google Play Music. RIP.

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What device? I’ve only used it on the Samsung S22 Ultra and the Pixel 7. IMO was a fantastic experience.

Adam Lambert.

Holy fuck his range and control. It’s insane.

Even if his music is mediocre, his vocals are amazing.

I hate to bring this news, but I cannot withhold information in good conscious:

This has robbed my positive relation towards the music completely.

Depends on if you’re No-Items Final Destination Only.

I have never been a huge fan of the combat for the series. I put 2 hours into 2, 20 hours into 3. It’s just too slow for me due to how it prioritizes animation.

I definitely prefer more responsive combat over fancy animations. I don’t expect 4 to do that, I’m not really the target audience.

If it does, I’d love to give it a shot.

This is the first 2D Mario in a long time that I've been excited for!

Yep. Since 2011. Fucking bye.

To be clear, saying this can cause cancer is similar to saying that water will be classified as toxic.

Cancer is a genetic/cellular lottery we play every day. Consuming certain substances can change those odds. We’re talking 1 in a Trillion (a number I pulled out of my ass, to be clear), and perhaps consuming aspartame changes that to 100 in a Trillion. 100x more likely to get cancer? Not really.

Just like how water is classified as toxic if you drink too much (cellular over-hydration) consuming too much aspartame can cause cancer.

Though I suppose it remains to be seen. I’m making broad assumptions and I’ll wait for the professionals and studies and scientific journals to tell me what’s what.


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Any chance you could refer me? I’ve been applying for places since January and I graduate in December.

This is the opposite of what we want to see. How Awful and tragic.

It definitely is. I’ve had to do a lot of recent deliveries.

The only way I could do that was if you wanted me too I could come and pick it out and then I can go pick up it from your place or you could just pick me out of there or you could pick me out and I could just go pick up my truck or you can just come pick me out or you could come pick it out or you could go to my place or you can come to the store or you could do that and then you could pick up whatever I was up and pick up the groceries.

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What sucks about exercise tips is that I live in Florida where there is nowhere to hike.

Stroads everywhere so I can’t bike.

Gyms? Not unless I pay $150 a month.

Walking? Oh right, stroads.

It’s fucking built to be depressing here. I hate Florida.

It has the same benefits and issues as most platforms: People.

Some people need to know that they don’t actually need to post a comment. It’s okay to type something out and delete it.

Though at least it has somewhat more technically inclined groups. Lots of people way smarter than I am that I like to learn code/tech tips and tricks from.

It's easy not to if you stick with the default apps that Apple provides! Or if having a limited, ad-filled experience is fine.

Pixelmator Pro is one of the few amazing one-time apps on MacOS. Also Xcode and VSCode are a killer (free!) combo.

The Apple offered pro productivity apps (Logic, Final Cut) are also excellent, but now the iPad versions are each a subscription. This is a shame, especially since owning the MacOS versions do not carry over.

One of my favorite games ever released, no joke.

If King’s Field looked interesting, but too slow and boring… then this game is actually perfect for you.

Something I want to make an example of with this comment:

The previous person states their frustration of the subreddit. What value does your comment bring to their situation? Does it help address the problem?

When I post about an issue online and someone says "no problem here," that doesn't help solve the problem.