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Joined 1 years ago

Reddit won against its own users, the very people it relies on to stay relevant. In doing so, it showed a large number of users they don’t need reddit.

As the Lemmy apps get better, more and more people will check out the ad-free reddit. We can get their content without needing their platform, which is huge.

Reddit won the battle, but will it win the war?

I can tell whether a food has milk in it simply by eating it and waiting a few minutes.

It’s kind of a shitty superpower, to be honest.

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Glee. It started out as a parody of musicals and high school dramas in Season 1. Then went on to be a musical high school drama for the rest of the show.

The Simpsons started out as a parody of sitcoms and has since become the longest running sitcom.

The 1960s Batman was a campy satire of comics and itself influenced comic adaptations for decades after.

I once met a contortionist who could twist any thread to talk about their pet topic, no matter how asinine it was. Talk about entitled!

Closed. Open is a fire hazard.

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How do you know if a closed source application is stealing your data?

With open source, you can learn to read it, or talk to a community of people who know how to read it. If even just 1 in 500 people who downloads the software looks at the source, there are external eyes on it. Whereas with closed source, no one but the creator is looking.

Biggest thing is to still only install software you trust.

Using thermal imaging cameras, researchers found that closed-door rooms on both floors during the fire’s spread had average temperatures of less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit versus 1000+ degrees in the open-door rooms. “You could see a markable difference that a person could be alive in a room with a closed door much longer,” says Kerber.

Gas concentrations were markedly different as well. The open-door bedroom measured an extremely toxic 10,000 PPM CO (parts per million of Carbon Monoxide), while the closed had approximately 100 PPM CO.

a.Delta: The Surgeon General wants us to remove true information about side effects.

That is a false quote: there is no period at the end of that quote, because that was only half a sentence. The next word in that sentence is a big “IF,” followed by context that made it clear they only were requested to remove bullshit. This was followed by 4 other bullet points that further affirmed that the government specifically wanted them to remove half truths and lies, not factual information.

If you’re not even going to bother to get the whole quote, why are you posting? It appears the only one who is not actually interested m the truth is you.

From the start. Puritans and missionaries were here before the US itself was founded.

2001: A Space Odyssey

Simply the sun rising over the Earth set to Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

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Choosing a distro is sort of like driving a car. If you’re not a car person, you probably don’t particularly care what your vehicle’s 0-60 is, or how much torque your engine gets, or something else. You probably just want something that’s comfortable and looks nice.

As you learn about linux, you may become very interested in it, to the degree that you care about things like init systems and package management. In that case, there will be distros that suit your tastes. But if you don’t care, it’s perfectly ok to just something that feels comfortable and looks nice.

The people who are passionate about linux will have the loudest voices, and will make their favorite distro sound really good, because they are passionate. You don’t have to be that passionate, though. And if at some point you do become that passionate, you will likely be motivated to learn all the fine details on your own so you can make an informed decision that suits your own tastes, so you really won’t have to worry about matching someone else’s.

It’s good that people get excited about linux, but under the hood the distros are more alike than they are different. Don’t feel you need to have some specific distro experience to be part of the discussion: just use what you like, and if at some point you become dissatisfied, then consider changing.

For SBC, you can’t beat Raspberry Pi. The ecosystem is just there and the support outclasses every other board.

For hardware based on SBCs, Pine64 hands down. Devices like the Pinebook and Pinetab are SBCs in a hardware shell and as such should feel like cheap gadgets, but their build quality is excellent and these feel like premium devices. I have just started messing with the Pinetab 2 and it feels like a device 3x its price, to the degree that I don’t mind that the drivers and software for it are still a work in progress.

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Not to mention it’s a made up rule that doesn’t apply to literally any other acronym (radar, sonar, NASA, NATO, scuba, etc.)

Zoolander. Thought it looked bad from the trailers. I was wrong.

No, nobody thinks this.

Search for any communities you may be interested in. Many of them have the same or similar names to reddit subs. Also, subscribe to ! Once you have a few, flip your feed over to “subscribed” and browse your custom feed. Occasionally pop back into All to see if there are any other good ones you may have missed.

If you hate the web version of lemmy like I do, check out the mobile apps, which tend to have a more reddit-like design.

And once you’ve done all that, the only thing left to do it shitpost.

“Don’t need to: you’ve already bought it.”

Distros based on Ubuntu, such as Ubuntu itself, Mint, Pop!_OS, Zorin, etc. are targeted toward new and casual users. They automate a lot of things that other distros assume their users want to do on their own.

Mint is a popular choice because it’s non-corporate and has a very Windows-like default UI. But you’d be fine on any of the ones I listed.

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All of them do. You’re free to criticize your government in them.

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  • Breaking Bad
  • Better Call Saul
  • Titans
  • The Good Place
  • Barry
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He killed Tyrell in rage, and it’s implied he killed Sebastian as well.

You need to figure out:

  • What you like
  • What you’re good at (or can become good at with training/a degree)
  • What people will pay you to do

If you like something, you’re good at it, and people will pay you to do it, that’s a career. Stick with it your entire life.

If you’re good at something and people will pay you to do it but you don’t like it, that’s a job. Work it to pay the bills, but don’t be afraid to jump ship as soon as something better comes along.

If you like something and are good at it but no one will pay you to do it, that’s a hobby. You’ll need to supplement that with a job to get by.

If you like something and people will pay you for it but you’re not good at it, fake it ‘till you make it and hope no one notices.

If you only like something, you can git gud or find something else. If you are good at something but don’t like it and it doesn’t pay, stop doing it. If you can get paid but you don’t like it and can’t do it, don’t waste your time pursuing it.

Obviously, if something is no to all 3 then it’s not for you.

It was a great little browser for that short period between Netscape and Firefox.

The simple explanation is your instance doesn’t “know” what’s out there. doesn’t know when adds a community, and it doesn’t know when hypothetical.server pops up as a new instance. There’s not really a good way of knowing that without having a central repository, which defeats the purpose of a centralized platform.

One thing you can do is use Lemmy Explorer to search for communities on other instances and subscribe to them. This will fill up All for everyone on your instance.

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  • Our Flag Means Death (HBO)
  • Avenue 5 (HBO)
  • Russian Doll (Netflix)

Hot take: Scrubs Season 8 was weak. Dr. Cox as chief was lame, the new interns were lame, the Janitor’s wedding was lame.

Season 9 was actually a bit of a dead cat bounce.

Strong agnostic, weak theist.

I think God’s existence is ultimately unknowable, and those who claim to know one way or another are using wishful thinking to plug the gaps. But I was raised Catholic and still nominally believe in some sort of deity, though it wavers day to day.

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One of my brothers is in an interracial gay marriage, my sister is in an interracial international gay marriage, and I married a trans woman. So they’re kind of running out of things they can bitch about in front of us.

I’m thinking you want Arch btw. You can use archinstall to skip the tedious manual install process.

Avenue 5

Not in my area. Stores have both regular self-checkout lanes and express (<15 item) self-checkout lanes.

  1. Set up a server somewhere, such as on a Raspberry Pi Zero W.

  2. Enable SSH via public key authentication only.

  3. Connect it to the internet.

There, you just set up a private space on the internet for $10.

The quote attributed to Stallman is made up and is a distortion of his actual views.

He created GNU as an operating system. His position is that when talking about the GNU OS, it is appropriate to call it GNU/linux if it’s running the linux kernel, though he is also fine with calling it GNU.

You’ve gotten a lot of good replies, so I’ll give you an example:

My wife and I set up a Minecraft server on an old work computer of hers. We would SSH in, start the server, and play. However, if the host lost the SSH session, the entire server would crash because the session would close.

With tmux, we could attach, start the server, and unattach. I could start the server and later my wife could attach to close it. I could SSH on my phone via iSH, attach, start the server, unattach, and close the app. We could troubleshoot mods together, since we could both see everything that happened in the session on our screens.

It offered a level of flexibility a traditional SSH session doesn’t give.

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No it didn’t. It always referred to customer service.

It’s backed by the government. Yes, if the government falls apart the dollar will be worthless, but if the government falls apart a lot more will happen than just the currency dying.

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“I don’t understand it so therefore it’s bad!”

Your PC can run any distro smoothly. What are you looking for that Mint doesn’t provide?

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Or the old riddle of having to match 3 lights to 3 switches with only one guess, since the solution relied on the bulb getting hot and LEDs barely get warm.

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“The customer is always right” is a bad maxim, just like “caveat emptor” that it replaced was a bad maxim.

A better one should be something like, “Valid customer complains should be taken seriously.” Sometimes business do something wrong and should have to fix them; other times, customers are full of it and should be informed as such.