10 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The four-color theorem is pretty cool.

You can take any map of anything and color it in using only four colors so that no adjacent “countries” are the same color. Often it can be done with three!

Maybe not the most mind blowing but it’s neat.

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Expand and term-limit SCOTUS. This system is ridiculous

Can someone explain why r/privacy is so up in arms about this? Seems fairly obvious that my actions in the public domain are public, but they’re all “Lemmy doesn’t care about your privacy”. Why?

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Totally. Microblogging (twitter alternatives) have a much harder task because they depend on the right users. Especially famous/influential people. Post aggregators (Reddit alternatives) don’t have that constraint.

It’s type 2 fun. You don’t want to do it, but you’re glad you did when you do

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Wow I’ve never heard of someone wanting to ban a medical procedure all together because they experienced an adverse effect of it. Thanks for the view into a psyche that I didn’t know about.

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Yeah here’s a take that resonates with my cynicism about Republican politicians. They literally see it as a way to get more numbers in the long run because they know it disproportionally affects poor people (ei forces them to have more kids) and they know they can get those people to vote for them through other manipulation.

Seems like a pretty long con though right? The same cynicism tells me these politicians just care about short term wins.

I know he says it’s pronounced “jif”, but I just don’t care. It’s like “gift” without the t

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Lol yeah but we were 12 back then and we still understood the internet better than anyone else 🙃

I’m not basing my statement (about American sentiment) on what I see on the internet though! The polls and votes seem to support abortion access.

Can a brother get a tl;dr?

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I get that. And definitely simpler. But what if a new community pops up? It sounds tedious to keep checking back in the search engine

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Yeah I mean I think most people know that there are negative consequences that can happen, just like with any medical procedure. I’m just surprised by the fact that people might get a medical procedure then want to prevent all future people from getting it because they had a bad experience. Shows what I know about people.

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I’d like you to cite a source to back up that claim.

Cocain addicts made me chuckle. What what does “bottom” mean?

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This is the greatest website I’ve seen since

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At least you know the instance host isn’t selling your data right? The advertisers already have it 🤪

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I think the commenter didn’t notice that the analysis controlled for age through stratification. You’re right that that confounding variable is taken care of.

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That’s kind of the problem I think. I was able to find like 2 people there I want to follow. Lemmy is going to be far more successful at displacing its alternative because all the communities you’d want to subscribe to are here.

Well would you look at that

I’m down with it. I would like to occasionally hear what influential thinkers/creators etc have to say, but don’t want to use Twitter to hear it.

Yeah there would be plenty of circumstances where you wouldn’t, like politics or local news or something. But I have to imagine there are more circumstances where you do want it. I said this below - what if the community owners grouped themselves with their counterparts, kind of like sub-federations

Ironic that you criticized the comment for hyperbole and then use the straws an fallacy to try to shoot it down. The comment did not claim that all 350 million people are racist. You just acted like it did so you could criticize it.

And yes, the US is an amazing country with far fewer racists than ever before. I agree with you there.

It’d be really nice if they clustered by instance. Then one could theoretically follow all politicians in their favorite party without having to look them up manually.

Can’t emphasize enough how important this is for the growth of Lemmy. Many people I know only access Reddit through google searches.

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Glad I don’t reuse passwords.

I always wonder about this though. Are hackers really going to manually test out my password in miscellaneous sites? How would they know what sites to try? And why me along the hundreds of thousands of passwords they would have stolen with mine? Seems like that’s something they would do if they’ve targeted a particular person, not if they’ve stolen a whole dump of credentials

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Yeah and the swastika was originally a Buddhist symbol, but when a nazi uses it I’m gonna disapprove.

I think you might be assuming that OP doesn’t know the history, when they really seem to understand how/why it’s being used in the current context.

Is anyone under 40 still on Facebook? I think it’s all old people at this point.

Wow two developers! How do I support the other person?

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They have to expand and term limit SCOTUS. Dilute his power, incentivize good behavior and force him out eventually

Lemur? Lemming?

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You know it’s just bots right?

How do the coworkers of the instance host get paid?

It’s a lemming

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They definitely should not write bills in such a way that the opposition is excluded from its benefits. That’s a real bad precedent. Imagine a security situation where blue states are forsaken by the military.

I believe Trump even mused about something like this, which is how you know it’s unethical.

Me too. It’s a little pejorative though

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Yeah exactly. With the example I gave, there’s a good amount of content on each, but none of them is so active that I’d want to follow it alone.

Yeah I guess so. Some 2000’s internet video hosting

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Sometimes the obvious answer is wrong, but there are plenty of other reasons to run this study. Advocacy is better with real numbers backing it up, there are probably similar circumstances that are less obvious that now warrant a closer look…

Hold up, that’s not how the game works. Nobody ever loses the game. You’re stuck playing it forever. You just lose a game point every time you think of it.

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