
1 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Stay defederated. lemmy.world is just hot garbage imo. They were sitting there bashing beehaw and accusing beehaw of being freeloaders for defederating, hating on beehaw which they do all the time anyway, and generally are incredibly rude, transphobic, and fascist. I had an awful time on there and it was the first place I checked out coming from reddit too. Just truly a bad time overall. You'd swear some of the most toxic redditors went there. Oh and lastly, they have this thing that is super bizarre but they seem to think they are the best instance and are better than everyone else and that kind of attitude stinks and seems to greatly clash with the idea of beehaw itself.

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1: Maybe you could maybe like not have an attitude towards people doing what they want with their free time? People are allowed to enjoy different things from you and if you don't like it why comment at all? Just move along. 2: This isn't just youtube drama, this is a very large company with a lot of pull hurting other smaller up and coming companies, lying, being shady, and it should be called out. This company influences decisions and needs to be held accountable for theft at this point as well.

No one is forced to have an abortion and doctors don't have to perform them either this is absolute nonsense.

I really love the idea of this policy and I'm gonna have to steal it, thank you so much. 😄 I've been struggling to choose when and how much to respond to certain things but this will certainly help.

There's no talking to these people or applying logic to them. They want to be racist, they enjoy being hateful, but they won't admit that in those words. More and more though they are saying the quiet part out loud.

It's getting harder to see nuance especially in the US when it generally means the argument of one side is fighting against your life, rights, or ability to stay safe. That definitely isn't helping at all.

Where's the ukulele?

Mastodon and Lemmy share the same issue. The people who created them don't seem to be very great, or honest people. They both seem to go against what I understand Beehaw to stand for. Look no further than Mastodon merging with Meta. I've always been concerned about that. It's fine to have different ideals but when they are politically or financially motivated and will cause great harm to many people that are already on the lower rungs of society it doesn't feel like these places will hold up overtime and I believe we will see this devolve to become similar to twitter and that's what I see from the creators of both places. A lot of people don't seem to start out where I do and I've been outcast plenty for it but at least it was better here. My starting point is who made this, what are their intentions vs actions, and will I be safe both short and long term. That is what I care about and all signs point to no for both with lemmy and mastodon. Being disabled means it's hard for me to get out and socialize safely for a myriad of reasons and this project means a ton to me. It's given me a place to brave the intense toxicity of the current internet and chat with some cool people. Whatever happens thank you for showing me there is humanity left in the world.

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Abbott needs to be held accountable for this for once along with all the other bus trips and it sure would be nice if the title said he was involved instead of half way down the article. Our media is infuriating.

You literally are defending LTT. None of what you said makes sense. So what if it's a prototype? They were given instructions and other information and either due to negligence or complete disregard, they did everything wrong, gave an misinformed bad review, then gave the product away after saying they would be returning it. They have further excused themselves of wrong doing by saying it was for charity and given away at an auction and they didn't sell it. They have refused responsibility and growth at every step of the way. This is also a pattern of behavior and is not just this one instance.

No longer??? It was NEVER about the kids.

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I don't know if this is a direct answer to what you said exactly but over the last decade give or take the whole of the internet has seemingly been getting more toxic, argumentative, unable to have a back and forth discussion, and it seems like it's happening out in the world in society more too. I think things are getting to a breaking point in a lot of different places and I wonder if that has anything to do with some of it. There's a lot of people who can't manage to simply be nice to each other, so it's kind of disheartening at times.

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Republicans are banning books. That is a fact.

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I think they do but they generally don't care and what's done is done seems to be the mentality.

Sometimes it's hard not to feel really discouraged about humanity when it seems like we ruin everything we touch.

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I agree with this too. I also think if people don't like how beehaw is there's a ton of other options but not many like this. It's nice to have a safer space to chill and browse without all the nonsense.

I don't think people are okay with it, I think people are probably afraid to lose what very little they have left and like what are we going to do anyway? Protests don't work. We'd have to come together and we have all been incredibly divided and taught to hate each other. We can't even have conversations online without people picking fights for literally no reason.

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This isn't funny. This is all harmful. People out there are taking this seriously, getting more riled up, and it's going to cause harm to others. This is putting yet another target on LGBTQ+ people and someone with a gun is going to see this and think they are doing the right thing because the propaganda is so bad.

The left needs to take these things way more seriously and stop laughing it off then wondering why and how things like Jan 6th happened and acting all shocked like it came out of the blue. This is how these things keep happening. Just because it's stupid or nonsense to you doesn't mean it is to everyone watching it. Please I implore people to think of the ripple effects.

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I'm curious why you feel the need to constantly chime in as much as possible to prove that lemmy.world is totally safe and wonderful. It speaks for itself that it is not. Why badger and harass people further to sell this? You made your point, when is enough enough? We deserve to have discourse without this being shoved down our throats. At one point lemmy.world claimed it wanted to be the biggest instance be damned the consequences, which included opening the floodgates and allowing anyone to join freely, and that invites all kinds of people in that aren't going to act in good faith, trolls, etc...

Now all of the sudden the message is apparently different and there is a huge problem for you all when people in a separate space so much as try to have a discussion about their experiences. That doesn't sit right with me. There are so many users on there who regularly attack beehaw for no reason, unprovoked and nothing is done about that either.

There's still comments up about the defederation in regards to how lemmy.world users feel about beehaw: "Hopefully beehaw dies off quickly." "Yeah, the level of entitlement is insane." "It’s quite literally free-loading off other instances though. Not just in the content sense, but also the actual monetary cost of the image hosting, etc."

These are just 3 examples. Glossing over all of these issues and trying to paint everything in a good light is just totally dishonest and absurd.

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What did he do use password123 again?

I'm in the US and elections coming up next year isn't helping, but politics wise without getting into it, there are massive issues all over, as far as I know right now especially in Canada, the UK, Australia and I think Italy too. I'm sure there's more than that. We're all on the edge of our seats especially folks in any minority groups waiting to see what happens and it's a lot of constant stress. I think it causes people to be more likely to snap and argue as well, not to excuse it but I dunno. I'm sure there's a lot of things going on all at once too.

Aww this is amazing!!! ❤️

This interaction made me really happy. I miss when we could talk to each other online like this. Some people treat each other like they are so dumb for not knowing something but we have the power to help each other and learn together within reason and personal boundaries of course and this is such a shining example.

The block button doesn't have a set of rules and there is no morally right or wrong way to use it. No one owes people explanations for their use of it. This new idea that you should only use it for specific reasons is not only absurd, but it is unsafe for a large swath of people and it is a toxic idea to keep spreading that as a message. It hurts no one to use the block button and keeps many people safe.

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mitch.exe has stopped responding. Why are we talking about it like he's a computer? In any case I guess at this rate we're going to have to watch him die live because he won't resign.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Actually, do let it hit you on the way out.

You should see the latest video I just saw. Republicans running things like an auctioneer speaking so fast and slamming the hammer before anyone can say anything or do anything then saying "whoops too late."

I would probably follow beehaw elsewhere as long as it was safe to do so for me. I think this is something important to keep alive wherever it may be. I also think for anyone who wants to stay on lemmy and would miss beehaw, if you can create your own. It may not be the easiest thing thing for everyone to do but I'm sure there are more people out there who want a space that has the simple fundamental rule of be nice. We need more of this online and honestly trying to keep it within the confines of lemmy alone doesn't make sense. Spread kindness and let the spirit of beehaw grow far and wide.

I'm so glad, and thank you too! I was super nervous to post it!

The best thing I've ever done for any type of surgery is just to make sure the place is reviewed well and that the doctor has a lot of experience and isn't fresh out of school. I don't really want to be someone's 5th real patient. Also stock up on soft and cool/cold foods, and ice for outside your face for the swelling really helps. If they give you meds for pain make sure to eat something with them even if it's crackers. Lastly definitely make sure you follow aftercare and don't use a straw for however long they recommend. I'm not sure if this helps but it's not as bad as you are thinking and it's truly better to do it young take it from me who chose to wait for financial reasons. You'll spring back faster the younger you are. Best of luck!

Just out of curiosity, what makes you think downvotes not being here removes negativity? I do think it can be a double edged sword. If someone makes multiple accounts to downvote someone to harass them it can be frustrating, but on the flip side I've found it to be a really good indicator of what the overall community thinks of the response and it can be telling and helpful. I'm just really curious to get a different perspective on it, I think it could help me because I feel frustrated in not having the downvotes. /gen

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This and your other comments are exactly my point. I was bombarded every time I commented and the attitude over there is terrible. You people can keep ignoring this stuff all you want and excusing it away, but my experience was so bad I almost quit lemmy all together and I'm not alone. That place is toxic and the harassment is out of control. When you tolerate intolerance no matter how much you claim you don't, things get bad really fast. Even to the point to come in here where people are just sharing their experiences to try and shove it down our throats that you aren't what we claim, and this excuse and that excuse, and to invalidate us in a safe space proves my point. Also if you were truly accepting of Beehaw defederating why would you even come here to stir the pot so much? You wouldn't. You'd respect it and leave us alone. It's ridiculous. This isn't a good look and really drives the point home on why I found another space. This just absolutely proves to me that I want nothing to do with lemmy.world ever again if I can help it. I don't care if other people disagree with me or if they like lemmy.world, or even have a totally different experience from me, that's fine, but I should be able to leave that place and share my experience and thoughts safely without being harassed by it further. Just totally unacceptable. I purposefully left and the fact that I have to argue my position with someone from there somewhere totally different is absolutely wild.

100% yes. This is a great way to describe it all. I also keep seeing people complaining about slow growth but at what cost do they want faster growth? Memes that are just disgusting? Racism? Transphobia? That's what you get a lot of times (not always) with a fast growing community especially with the lack of mod tools from what I have understood. There's no connecting in those spaces just a lot of fighting for no reasons and enforcement of rules is lackluster at best.

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I saw this and it is really heartwarming and nice to see! I'm really happy he is able to come out and embrace his full self!

It's nice to see someone questioning these things and not ignoring the fact that you'd still have to use the platform even for self hosting. There's been a lot of mastodon instances of people acting in bad faith, there was even someone who had the FBI take their hard drive with everyone's posts on it. This isn't inherently safer at all it's just not run by those large corporations. What about hosting something where people in other countries have different laws? No one seems to talk about that much either. Also the guy who made mastodon wants to partner with Meta anyway and people are arguing in favor of that. What was the point? On lemmy, are the posts truly deleted if you can recover them or if there is a backlog of comments and changes sitting somewhere? This isn't for people who care about privacy and it's not discussed enough and oftentimes when it is it seems the person or people get piled on and it goes nowhere.

This is interesting because this kept happening on lemmy.world to me too. People would deny seeing things that were easily available to find in abundance. I mean great if you're avoiding those things but it seems like a lot of us have had the same issue. It's extremely frustrating when people then jump on you for making things up and demanding screenshots or links because lemmy.world is so perfect and so much better than everything else and those aren't my words.

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Imagine that.

I mean that goes back to the point of people are not able to come together at this point and are scared to lose what little they have left. I think we'll have to lose it all at this point to get people to budge but who knows. I agree with you though!

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I guessed things were scams that were not and I got "trusting tabby" which made no sense. How am I trusting if I thought they were scams and knew safer ways to handle those things? This article seems set up extremely poorly and without more context to some of the questions, they are impossible to answer.

This isn't hackery it's political discussion and incredibly important.