5 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

[ developer | music addict ]


How do they expect to survive without serach, if they can't even profit with search?

Oh god

This seems to be the most popular one, though I can't use it in the way its written here, because it will fuck up DNS. I'll substitute the dots with dashes and then it should work.

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Good argument. But isn't that always the case when asking if ppl are / aren't into a topic? A person, who is invested in the topic is way more likely to reply. I agree with you, but I don't know how I could've avoided said issue.

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I still don't get, why ppl go to blue sky.

Like, he sold his platform before, what says that he would not sell out again?

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Yes. It missed the joke though. Framstag is the combination of Friday and Saturday in German. It is used for advertising by a store chain named Penny.

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now we can merge the bsd source tree

This is genius! Why didn't I think if that before?

When I opt out, do they delete or lock my account?

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I also selfhost forgejo and im really happy with it. (I moved from GitLab.) Personally I cant wait for federation (which GitLab is also working on). If it were so be implemented, then ppl could actually contribute so projects on selfhosted git servers, which I am really looking forward so.

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Fair. Personally I prefer wireless, since my headphone wires break all the time due to heavy use, but I can understand, why you'd like to be able to use both.

15 more...

You use Java not for the languages itself, but for the tooling and the ecosystem.

This is why I love Kotlin so much. You can use the Java ecosystem with a modern language.


Another LineageOS + microg user here.

I used stock android and iOS before making the switch. Best change yet.

Saw the Burnout series in this youtube video once.

Never played it, it does look like fun though, I'd like to play it sometime.

But how do they want to check if a game has been pirated?

chore: replaced println() with proper logging util

I forgot to replace them water finishing debugging.

Psst doesnt report the songs played and the time spent listening to Spotify, so it only reports my mobile usage. :/

Not necessarily. Its also possible to view unlisted videos using a frontend like piped AFAIK

tyvm! This helps a lot!

Lost as well..

I'll use this in the future! I really like the idea!

especially with them monetising karma

wtf? what happened? I deleted my reddit account, so I'm ootl.

Probably. I just reactivated it. It took almost a week to refresh. No idea why.

But the greens have nothing to do with this one. They were not mentioned once in this article, see:

The culprits are the SPD and CDU, the latter being in the opposition. Your reasoning does not make sense here.

I do not need an imprint, since I do not make any money from my bot. (Imprint is only required, if the website / service has a profit intensive. Atleast thats the case in Gemany). You are probably right about the privacy policy though.

Tyvm for your comment

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But that comment was correct and not offensive. What happened? Was there some kind of argument / rudeness, which I am not seeing?

Thank you. This is very helpfull.

I think I'll have to sleep on this one.

It sucks that I have to dox myself in order to provide a free service, where I don't receive any economic benefits. It doesn't seem fair.

Thank you for your comment.

Tbh, I dont see why my service would be geschäftsmäßig. I don't collect donations, I don't offer any way to pay me and I do not offer any telemedia in a business-like manner. Though I could not find a good definition for geschäftsmäßig, so if you found one, please link me to it.

About the GDPR: God damn it. I completely forgot about that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Though it is probably possible to use a P.O. box in order to not leak my home address.

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IntelliJ (with IdeaVim) for Kotlin and Java programming; Rider (with IdeaVim) for C#; NeoVim for everything else.

Messages are never deleted, only hidden, a GDPR violation

This is partly true. Messages are not really deleted until you delete your account.

Deleted usernames are also not deleted, only hidden, same thing

This is true

Stuff remains on federated servers even if you delete it

If everything works according to plan it should be gone, though there might be cases, where some instances don't update.

These question were also answered in this github issue.

EDIT: Imho this should be changed. At least the first two points. It does not need to be 100% foolproof on other instances, as they may be down when the deletion happens, but I think that the instance, which hosts the content should NOT have the content after deletion. Another idea would be to edit comments / posts to just say "[removed]".


Probably, since it is optimized for the rpi.

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This guy is becoming more and more dislikable every day.