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I don't use mine much anymore but I still have it out, was a really cool idea and while it had a learning curve, definitely made controller gaming possible with a lot of titles, steam input in general these days is fantastic for that but even so I'd totally buy a steam deck layout steam controller v2.

I remember one of my engineering profs describing Midgley as the most environmentally destructive organism ever, Dude also was involved in the creation of freon.

The scadutree buffs are pretty big from what I can tell, I've got a bunch becauae I explore a lot on first runs and it seems to be at least 3-4% boost to attack and defenses, with some of the new talismans too found there's a lot of stuff to work with.

So far, feels pretty well balanced, it has challenge but I've not encountered anything that made me question how I died, first few big fights were pretty well telegraphed and super enjoyable. What I really like is that you can go try something else if you hit a wall, go level up a bit, try new gear or different approaches

There's room for accessibility options, no one is forcing you to use them. While there are tools in the souls series to solve issues, there's no reason not to have some sort of scaling option at the least for people that want it, things like directional subtitles, colourblind mode, those are just basic. Why alienate players who would otherwise enjoy the game but may have limitations, it's ok for games to have complex systems and themes that may not appeal to everyone, that's totally independent of accessibility. I personally really enjoyed my playthroughs, and would love other people to be able to enjoy these games as well, and I'm pretty sure fromsoft intends for their games to be enjoyable.

Your point about rhythm games doesn't support your point, guitar hero and rockband both had difficulty settings and later entries had nofail modes. They also had practice modes where you could slow down sections you were struggling with and work through it.

Quick edit: my only real complaint is FOV, camera is super zoomed in on some of the giant bosses, DS1 remastered supported ultrawide, would have been nice for Elden Ring to have that at leaat

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Oh damage sponges are the worst, probably one of my biggest complaints with Bethesda's games difficulty sliders generally just making things a slog, survival mode in fo4 is a good example to me of a challenge that doesnt make things an absolute pain, metro 2033 had a mode like that too that totally changed how you played the game, made it challenging without making it a slog.

Interestingly, bing of all things turns up better results than Google with the same search terms, first 3 blocks are "popular results", first is tutorial sites, second is w3 schools and third takes you to the current docs for functions and operators.

If you ignore those, the fourth result takes you to the current docs for comparison functions and operators. I'd prefer it taking you right to the official docs on the first result, but comparatively acceptable. It was memed to death but I've seriously found it more useful than Google these days, comparable to ddg's results.

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I waited until the last minute to get a refill (work has been hell, and the entire having to call in for renewals is so anti ADHD it's not even funny) and was off them for the weekend and today, not even funny how much more anxious and cranky I am right now, I do not have any energy to deal with peoples stuff today.

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Anecdotally, pretty much every time I'm searching for information on reddit a number of comments are redacted or even the op is deleted. The only reason I didn't purge my comments is in case someone might find them helpful.

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12 dB is a pretty decent reduction if your goal is hearing protection, 100->88 is also bringing it to something that absolutely needs hearing protection to something that's borderline acceptable for an 8 hour shift depending on your local laws, mine say 4 hours but still, way more comfortable to use.

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Seriously, even better with the beta where my partner can now play games in my library even if I'm playing something

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I think it was when all those clown sightings happened in 2016

I have no problems with discord as chat/supplement (and I remember setting up irc-discord bots in the past so you could totally have both) it's when discord is the only way to interact that it's annoying IMO. Part of the benefit of forums and git issues is searchability imo, can't really search discord externally for content and I definitely have found the search function annoying at best.

That said, video guides instead of manuals also annoys me, but that's a different issue.

The Future: More of the Present by Jake Likes Onions

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Oh eww I haven't booted insomnia in a bit, that's irritating. From a quick glance this looks solid, going to give it a try.

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The entire field of reliability-centered maintenance comes right out of aircraft maintenance in the 60s and 70s, term itself was penned by people working for united. It's responsible for massive improvements in aircraft reliability, there's a reason that you can point out specific events like this in the modern era.

On a different note, a lot of the guys I worked with out of uni were all aircraft mechanics who had served in the air force.

They have a whole bunch of purchases, the one I'm familiar with is Kobo years ago

Most of the comments focus on death states, as far as I recall you can totally beat TES 3 Morrowind after an essential npc dies. The game will tell you it's doomed and will prompt you to load a save, but you are largely able to continue, just have to live with the consequences, it might be a pain to do or rely on cheese, but apparently technically possible.

For real, I use(d) bandcamp for a good chunk of my music discovery and a not insignificant amount of my album purchases. A lot of small/indie labels provide bandcamp codes with vinyl and cassettes which honestly makes me want to support those labels more as while I like to collect physical releases, I'm 9 times out of 10 going to be listening digitally.

I'm a data engineer/architect and it's the same over here, I get asked constantly "how can we stuff AI into this solution?", never "should we consider using AI here? Is there a value?", my view, people don't understand their data and don't want to put in the effort to understand their data and think that it'll magically pull actionable insights from their dataswamp, nothing new, that's been a constant for as long as I recall.

Like I totally understand the draw of new and exciting, but there's so much you can do with traditional analytics, and in my view you really need to have a good foundation before doing anything else.

I got the email in Canada, so yes? It's not uncommon for us to not get things when they do across the border.

How bad is this to use? 5 Mbps isn't awful to use but that ping concerns me, high pings in my experience are worse than slow speeds in a lot of cases (gaming, browsing, chat etc.)

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My minor but really irritating gripe is the unmovable taskbar (which I'm not sure if this has changed or not), I've been a top taskbar person since xp and it doesn't make sense to me to remove a feature like that. Apparently there are Reg hacks or third party tools to do what I want but I really shouldn't have to resort to that Imo.

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I actually really like Metro, live tiles are criminally underused and imo it gets a lot of hate becauae of how microsoft pushed it in windows 8, but for a touch interface it's clean and really nice to use. Loved the sideways laid out apps too on windows phone and windows rt, wp itself was actually really nice to use and I actually kinda miss my lumia 1020

If you're not familiar with the table, use a select top 10 * from table if you're on sqlserver, postgresql uses limit and oracle has fetch.

Don't recommend select * without limits or conditions unless you absolutely know the table, you can very quickly make a DBA unhappy

It's also supposed to be an accessible/helpful font for dyslexics.

Did not know that, for some reason I thought it was (or at one time was) based on Google's

Don't give Nintendo or Konami ideas about Metroidvanias...

Jokes aside, IMO its a common term and like has been a thing for a long time, roguelike as an example

A lot of industry does use grey water or untreated water for cooling as it's substantially cheaper to filter it and add chemicals to it yourself. What's even cheaper is to have a cooling tower and reuse your water, in the volumes it's used at industrial scales it's really expensive to just dump down the drain (which you also get charged for), when I worked as a maintenance engineer I recall saving something like 1m cad minimum a year by changing the fill level in our cooling tower as it would drop to a level where it'd trigger city water backups to top up the levels to avoid running dry, and that was a single processing line.

Wait that's not on steam anymore? Is there an easy way to find what in your library can't be purchased anymore?

Will echo the recommendations of debian or mint. I have mint on my 13 year old rog laptop, it's my lab computer and runs klipper for one of my printers, pretty much always up, very rarely reboots. Debian is what I run on my 4 year old zenbook s, pretty much perfect for my uses, it's what I cart around for light/mobile work and I swear it actually has better battery life than it did running windows.

Can't link directly but from the gov site there ar 6 under review

Windows + C is apparently already the keyboard shortcut for copilot, which is actually what I was going to suggest as an alt to a dedicated button. Actually there's a bunch of windows key combos I wasn't aware of, I can kinda see why they want a dedicated button as I don't think most people know that there are a lot of keyboard shortcuts in windows based on my experience.

I got almost a decade on you, I got diagnosed at the end of 2021, it's taken years of therapy to unlearn some of those behaviours. Seriously don't beat yourself up over it

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Is keepass really a lot of work though? If you use xc you have a client that works in windows or Linux, the file itself can be hosted anywhere, I ran for years with it on a USB key. There's no accounts to create, you just download and go.

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I went from 1080p60 as my standard for literal decades to 3440x1440 @144hz over the last 2 years and I can't go back, mostly for non-gaming activities, find the ultrawide better than multi monitor for me, would love a vertical e-ink display though for text. I also limit my fps to 120, I don't like feeling like my PC is going to take off and the place I rent is older so the room I use for my office is smaller, heats up quickly.

Anecdotal, I've not actually had a lot of instances (if any) of Spotify having something but Tidal not, usually find albums that I'm interested in from band camp no problem and if it's missing its missing on both. Sound quality is noticeably higher which is the reason I tend to prefer, the app has gotten better in my experience

I have all my digital copies on my NAS with jellyfin to stream them as well, sometimes it's just easier to stream off tidal or Spotify though

Tomb Mold does a few of the tracks on Ritual FM, I really liked that they got realworld artists to do in universe tracks. All of the stations are solid, love that they implemented radio outside of vehicles as well.

Quebec is almost entirely hydro, Ontario is primarily nuclear and hydro, there are no operating coal plants in Ontario last I checked, just some gas plants. Those 2 provinces alone are just over 60% of the country, looking at the latest energy future report something like 81% of Canada's power capacity is from renewables and nuclear, 61% being hydro.

Totally imagining them unironically pitching the running man as their "original idea"