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The article says that, but it's from Bild, one of the worst German news sites/papers. Can't really trust it. They're constantly lying or pushing their own POV or create drama for no reason.

A few years ago I had some respect for Musk because he build electric cars and quite revolutionary space ships. Funny how that's now all gone now.

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I believe I read that it helps with lung development when the fetus is swimming in the water in the womb or something like that. But otherwise not really useful.

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Why would a bot unfollow because someone is coming out as lesbian?

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I have no experience with Infinity, but Liftoff is a nice new app for Lemmy, which feels much more polished than Jerboa.

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Interestingly, many stable diffusion models are trained on pictures of Asian people and thus often generate people that look more or less Asian if there's no specific input or tuning otherwise. It's all in the training data and tuning.

See for example here for reference.

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In spring, I put a few sprouting potatoes in the compost, waited a few month and since July or so I have a huge bucket of homegrown potatoes that I have problems to use up. So very easy food source. Can recommend. There were a few pill bugs/ potato bugs who love the taste of the plants, but their damage had not much effect on the harvest in the end.


To a lesser extent, I liked Hitman 3, Factorio and Plate Up! (fun to play on the TV locally with friends)

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For modeling I like Freecad and Blender. Blender is more for general modelling and sculpting, Freecad is more for cad/constraint based creation of precise 3d models. So use blender if you want to create little soldiers or elephants or other more organic stuff, and use Freecad if you want to print a replica of a plastic part or an enclosure or something like that.

There should be tons of slicers available on Linux.

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However with Framework you still need to be careful in Europe. It's an US based company and if you have a defect or problem that Framework for some reason doesn't resolve, good luck trying to enforce your EU customer protection or suing them in the US.

Framework is also very strict regarding unsupported countries. If you move within the EU to a country that isn't supported by Framework, you'll have big problems with support in case you need help or parts or whatever.

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Yes, potato chips are completely fine in that situation. I don't know why people say they have too much salt. Sure, they have a lot, but when you have a cold, you're supposed to drink a lot of water, so that balances out. You can lose a lot of salt due to sweating (especially if you have a fever) and peeing. And salt is a very important electrolyte. And the fat and starch gives you calories.

Security is there to make sure you're not carrying illegal stuff, as long as that's fine, the only time they maybe check the id is before giving you the boarding pass.

Looks like the guy didn't have a boarding pass altogether, so not sure how he got into the plane.

There is usually a person or an automatic gate that checks your pass before allowing you through the plane. However that's more like a ticket check and to make sure people don't get on the wrong planes, it's probably not super hard to get around.

"most" would be an exaggeration, but many are. Other animals commonly used in placeholder names are also horse, chicken and lion.

Pig was just the most common meat animal, so any unknown animal that you'd eat would he called an xyz pig. Apple was also used like this for all kinds of fruits and vegetables:

orange = Chinese apple

tomato = golden apple (?)

pomegranate = granate apple

potato = earth apple

jimsonweed = thorn apple

And so on

Yes, it's very efficient and the core of what complession formats like .zip do.

The main difference to your idea is that computers count in binary like 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101 and so on and that you don't want to assign these very low codes words directly. Say you'd have assigned 1 the most common word, then that will would be encoded very short, but you'd sort of take the one away from all the other codes, as you don't know if 11 is twice the most common word or once the 11th (3rd in decimal) common word.

Huffman essentially computes the most optimal word assignments mathematically.

The main other difference between your suggestion and most compression algorithms is that you wouldn't use a huge dictionary in real time and loading it and looking into it would be very slow. Most compression algorithms have a rather small dictionary buildin and/or they build one on the fly looking at the data that they want to compress.

So sites like pornhub now simply need to host two sfw items for every porn video?

Framework has some quality problems, not everyone is a fan of the keyboard, and it's relatively expensive.

Tuxedo is quite good, but they often use stock Clevo models and customize them, so they might be cheaper and not that well designed than one by a "proper brand".

Not sure about the rest.

There's very little alternative if you want a ThinkPad style keyboard and track pad/trackpoint for the price of a used or older ThinkPad.

It's available, but they're still US based and basically importing it, you don't have proper EU customer protection or EU warranty* for example. I wouldn't buy it just because of that.

* They give 2 years of warranty for their EU customers, but not EU wide as would be required if actually selling from the EU. You also have basically no chance to sue then or otherwise demand anything if they for some reason ignore your warranty claim.

Some are, the intellij java community edition is even open source. The paid ones are not too expensive, I pay around 200€ yearly for the all products pack and that's definitely worth it for a professional developer. If you are a student or open source developer, you can apply for free versions also.

The post itself implies causation. Also why would a bot unfollow at all?

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Basic recipe for nice tofu:

  • freeze the tofu. This is important as it changes the structure (it becomes dryer and more "meaty"), this is a common technique in asia.
  • after unfreezing it, dry it with paper towels or something like that, cut it into die sized cubes if you want, sprinkle it with potato starch and fry it in a wok or hot pan with some oil. It should get brown and crispy.
  • sprinkle a few drops of Japanese soy sauce on it while it the pan and continue to fry it. The soy sauce adds taste and makes it caramelise.
  • add cooked rice, vegetables or whatever you want.

You can leave out some steps above. Without the freezing the texture won't be as firm, without the starch it won't be as crispy and without the soy sauce it won't taste as good. I'm just saying that because sometimes it has to go fast or you're missing ingredients, so you can compromise if needed. Doing all is of course best.

Also parts of the existing tech tree, just to be clear.

Nice, haven't played Factorio for a while, but I could probably get back into it with the expansion.

I always thought hdr was more of a preprocessing step to prevent clipping unrelated to display tech.

That's tone mapping, HDR is actually having more than 8 bits and often also more colorful colours than normal. I think 10 bits are common.

I think you would be fine for a long time if you drank old-style beer. Unfiltered, low alcohol content, some remaining sugar/starch and with lots of yeast, maybe some impurities that probably contain amino acids, vitamin b12 and other important stuff.

Gnome is great because of the large UI size. Like my 14" notebook has a roughly 2800x1600 screen resolution and it's still pretty usable without any UI scaling. If the bars are an inch tall, you're either using a huge TV or a screen from the garbage dump. Gnome really needs a modern system.

"gender identity" might fit. "Identity" taken literally, to mean if the birth sex/gender and the actual expressed gender are identical.

Edit: or "gender divergence" if you want to focus on the difference instead of the sameness.

I had fun for about the first two worlds. After that the puzzles became to grindy and frustrating and I didn't have much fun with the puzzles with the recorders and the exploding enemies in particular. Also as someone who fears heights, the last section was pretty much unplayable.

I'm not saying that support is lacking, all I'm saying is that you have to have complete trust in a company on the other side of the globe, because all the warranties and promises they give you are completely based on their good will. If they decide to stop supporting you for whatever reason, you pretty much have no leverage.

I live in Germany near the Netherlands border. Moving between countries is very common here because of different living costs and job opportunities and losing support because you move a few km west or east is not acceptable in my opinion.

I just wish there was a sequel or expansion or so. It's just too short and there isn't much replay value.

So in this case, the declining birth rates caused by capitalism might protect us from the reckless growth caused by capitalism. Sounds great.

It's Meta/Facebook. If people don't at least strongly suspect that they'll collect as much personal data as they possibly can, they're living behind the moon.

In most cases it will work fine as the first thing a good power supply does to the incoming electricity is converting the AC to DC using a full bridge rectifier. If you already supply DC, the current will just flow through it without a problem and the power supply simply continues to do its stuff.

However note that the DC input voltage needs to be relatively high. About sqrt(2)~=1.4 times as high as the rated AC voltage should be fine. So if you have a power adapter that's rated for 120 to 240 VAC, you should give it something between 170 and 340 VDC. This is obviously very high (and dangerous). Plugging in a normal car battery or the output of a usb charger or something like that will likely do nothing.

Using Jerboa right know. I kinda like it, but compared to Relay for Reddit and so on, it's of course not as polished.