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Not to give any judgement on whether usage of a CDN is good or bad. But I think it is a bad idea to talk about decentralized hosting and decentralized ownership like they are identical. The problem with social media the fediverse is solving isn't that all social media goes down when CloudFlare/Facebook CDN goes down. It's to be independent of one organisation or even person that can ruin the fun for everyone. If CloudFlare bans every instance, the owners are still in control of their DNS names and can just move to another CDN or their own reverse proxy/cache

Just in time to not be able to see anything on Reddit without signing in. And I'm sure companies won't figure out how to astroturf even more.

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The contrast on the highlighted sections is horrendous in some places. A brighter color would help I guess and maybe darken the background as well

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I was also confused about this. I didn't find an article talking about yet either. My current assumption is that it is just this game and that it is still a closed pre-release. So they maybe just wanted to remove noise from people that don't have the required specs during their testing phase. It's also not a lock to a specific GPU vendor as I originally expected from the title.

I bought the game at the of alpha with an email I lost access to at some point. I remember my Password and Username but forgot the email address I used. I think it also wasn't even possible to change the email address in the Mojang Account back then. So I definitely didn't sit around and ignored the migration, I even tried contacting the support.

Anyways what sucks is that I remembered my email address this winter, but already after the cut off point. Would have been nice to get to keep that very old account. But as others have mentioned, the experience is probably better with a pirated version anyway.

It depends in which context you want to use the word AI. As a marketing term it is definitely correct to currently do so. But from a scientific standpoint all the terms AI, ML and even neural networks are disputed to be correct, as they are all far from the biological reality. AGI imo is the worst of all because it's just what AI hype men came up with to claim that they have true AI but are working on this even truer AI that is just around the corner if we just spend 5 more gazillions on GPUs. Trust me bro.

Point is, saying that GPT is AI depends on your definition of what constitutes AI.

Maybe its because I'm on Nightly but PassKeys work natively for me on Windows 11 with Firefox already

Maybe an unpopular opinion but why would you care about how privacy invasive GitHub is? Your code is open-source anyways so MSFT can steal it wherever you host it. And if they haven't changed it you're able to sign up with just an email and a pseudonym. It's not a social network where you have to post private information for it to be useful you can and most people do use it pretty anonymously.

So I never understand the outrage about GitHub and MSFT. Git is distributed anyway, the only thing that can be lost are issues and pull request histories. If they fuck up, everyone can just move. Now GitHub Actions, that is a clever thing for binding users...

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I do agree with your point about auto-generated captions being better than no captions. But isn't it bad to insert them automatically on creation? If we use these models to caption images shouldn't it be done by the screen reader instead? That way people can benefit from future advancements of the tech and customize the captioning system for themselves. With the current system there is no way to tell if you got a crappy AI caption that you may want to replace with a better auto-generated caption or a human written caption.

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Where do you keep the key file and the PW managers DB? I feel like they would be too much side-by-side to really increase security in my case

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Can't use it with a phone though. To be honest, I think just having a password manager gives you protection against 99% of the attack surface. And if someone is really determined, I'm not sure the key file will be hard to obtain for them no matter what. But I was curious what setup others have

They are testing them already. I only have a German article that came out this week

The truck division of Mercedes (Daimler) is already testing the trucks in the US. They plan commercial usage in 2027. MAN is testing in Europe in wants to start commercial usage in 2030.

Does GitHub support range requests for artifacts? With that you could read the file index without downloading and caching the entire zip

Note that they are from Korea. I assume shipping from Germany will be insanely high

So - I don’t think Firefox would be generating captions for PDFs on PDF creation.

I'm not sure. The blog post is not entirely clear on that.

Between the document creator and the creation software or screen reader, only the document creator would really know the context for the image.

Agreed. Context is usually very important for images. But with an auto-generated caption embedded in the document itself, you already lose some context. Because if the automatic caption is incorrectly stored as "The ___ video game installer" you cannot decide anymore if this was written by the author with the context in mind or just generated. Which I would argue is worse than no caption, as it lowers your trust in all captions.

But I wouldn’t be opposed to ML on those that can auto-suggest things or even critique how content authors write their descriptions.

Absolutely, I think that will be by far the best solution. It could massively encourage users to write their own captions if in most cases you only need to accept the suggestion. But so far, that seems unlikely to be the way forward. Why do that when you can just throw even more "AI" at the problem?