1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

The greens standing in the way of the HAFF showed me exactly what they are.

Willing to play politics on a demonstrably good piece of policy just so they can crow about how leftist they are while denying people housing.

No I won’t be joining anytime soon.

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lol at thinking Americans are mostly centrists…

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FFS this comment section is mostly people misunderstanding that John is likely saying this tongue in cheek.

People need to brush up on their cinema.

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Breaking News: Lying liar lies some more lies.

More at 11.

John McAfee the man that paid women to take a dump on him from a hammock above him?

That John McAfee?

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Well that BMW i4 is almost as smooth as this Marlboro cigarette that I’m enjoying right now.

I tell you, nothing helps relax you more than unwinding with a Marlboro cigarette. The rich full flavour and slow toasted leaves with the extra fine filter ensures I get the best experience. Every time.

Marlboro. It’s what Lemmy users prefer™

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The only thing that can stop a bad fish with a gun is a good fish with a gun.

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This is a work of art.

Isn’t he gay?

You can’t be gay and a devout Christian. God said so.

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Just install the neuralink chip into your brain bro, it doesn’t even hurt, just don’t value privacy.

Twitter was always shit.

Like all social media.

I agree somewhat, I never actually finished watching it, I was shocked when it just seemed to continue season after season. The show turned into a zombie.

Not at all.

You can always operate via something like this:

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Yes words can mean different things.

Airbus pilots hear the removed call-out all the time.

It’s fre

Free sha voc a doo.

Looks like a lot of people of the conservative end of the political spectrum who can’t handle the leftist nature of Lemmy generally.

There’s an interesting thesis in this somewhere; conservatives respecting authoritarian power structures. Seems like they enjoy the boot of reddit.

IMO as Lemmy continues to grow those people will eventually find their way here. Conservatives love it when something is established and no longer new and scary.

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The irony of saying you’re being silenced while talking on a national tv channel.

There are all female lodges though.

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Well that’s the public reason they are voting for Trump.

The private reason is that they are a boot licking fascist.

I’ve been a helicopter pilot for like 55 years.

It’s really quite astonishing.

Speaks to how quickly technology can advance over one’s lifetime and how much of a pioneer scientists are.

But what about the front?

It’s still attached isn’t it?!

I have a list of things that transcend invention and are actually some of humans greatest achievements:

  • The bicycle
  • The piano
  • The internet
  • Saturn V

Specifically Bosch blue.

Hot. No sugar. Black as my heart.

Yes I was an emo during my teenage years, how did you guess?

Before that it was cancel culture.

Before that it was virtue signalling.

People don’t like to have deeply held beliefs challenged and even less so like to be told they are a bad person for eating certain types of food.

They are learning what level of bullshit PC gamers will tolerate.

The mentioning of panpsychism didn’t make you stop?!

I’m no expert but as I understand it, a SEAL Operator is the SEAL you think of when you think of a Navy SEAL aka the guy in the frog suit with the gun rising out of the water to take a beach.

A Naval Special Warfare Officer is part of the support staff to the SEAL Operators effectively. I don’t know what specifically their function is (you can google it) but they probably do battlefield tactics for the actual Operators, they don’t go into actual battle.

Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I also watched The Legend of Korra, which was also ok but not as good as the first show.

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I prefer Connections.

“White collar criminals are the good ones.”

Except if I really have a problem with the mods here I can set up my own instance with blackjack and hoo…wait.

If I broke down and you came to help me I wouldn’t care if you were wearing a full fursuit.

I’d be thanking you to no end.

Meh. Honestly I’m glad it will all end.

Everything is pointless and nothing matters. Eventually.

I watched it.

He was claiming that the US has offered Bibi specific intelligence to make targeted strikes on Hamas leadership in the hopes that he will take this option rather than full scale invasion.

The guy in the video claims that by doing this the US has set a kind of trap for Bibi as he will be in breach of international law and able to be charged as a war criminal if he doesn’t act on the US offer.

There are no sources cited for this information and this channel seems of dubious journalism quality.

Personally I put this video in the pile of conspiracy/bupkis. Yes I want a refund of the 3.5mins of my life (thankfully I watch everything 2x speed).

Community is one of my all time favourite shows but lots of people just don’t get it. It was never a popular show when it originally aired.

I remember googling ‘community’ and the top result was the Wikipedia article for community it was that way going on season 3.

What happened afterwards? I’m OOTL

Who is this guy?

What are his sources?

How reliable is his information? Can any of it be corroborated?

It just seems like some rando ad-libbing in front of a camera and calling themselves a journalist.