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Joined 1 years ago

Same deal with ave. It's fine, his content also started going downhill.

The site has plenty of good content, just no way to find it.

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Never connect your smart TV to the internet. Just don't do it. Get a third party device or ideally use an old PC with an appropriate HTPC Linux distro or something.

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Weird... yt-dlp -f "ba" url

Never need to use one of those horrible malware laden download sites again..

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I live near multiple major Boeing facilities and so a large percentage of the local population works there. Boeing, due to their hiring practices and sort of employee abuse and such, basically create (or attract) a creepy cult of weird psychotic narcissists, especially the white-collar workers. Not everyone that works there is like that, but the ones that work there for 20+ years almost always are. I have numerous relatives and know lots of other people who work there and they are all creepy, balding, extremely self-important and abusive people. Now other people may pipe in and say that they have a very different experience, but that's been mine. Oh, and they all want everyone they come across to know that they work at Boeing. It's a core part of their identity. They are desperate to impress everyone.

My most recent experience with long-term Boeing employees was my psychopath uncle-in-law seemingly tried to murder his wife when she decided to divorce him after 20 years of abuse, mostly because it would have looked bad at work and made it harder for him to make "executive".

Honestly I relish in the lowering status of Boeing and its employees. It's been a long time coming. They make some shitty jets these days, they have shitty business practices, there's something clearly wrong with their corporate culture, and their cult of creeps have been a pain in everyone else's asses for many years.

I guess that's all a long way of saying that Boeing probably doesn't even have to hire anyone to kill whistleblowers. I would not be shocked if a "good employee" took it upon themselves to do it.

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If you are getting actual hardware/sata errors on the host (not sure if that's exactly what's happening from your description), and multiple drives have had a similar problem, I'd suspect the sata cable or controller/mobo. Intel had a lot of weird sata issues on their older chipsets, so I'd also recommend making sure it has the latest bios update. Could you be more specific on what kind of hardware errors are showing up? Like, maybe parts of the logs.

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I say this a lot, but "nomacs" image viewer/editor. I take a lot of time lapse videos and I have directories of like, 50000 identically-sized images each on a smb server over gigabit ethernet and nomacs can open from a directory and quickly cycle through the photos using the arrow keys, without resetting the current pan/zoom setting (important for me), without any trouble. It takes about as long to open the directory of photos as it takes for my samba client to download the directory data.

It also has a lot of cool little quality of life features, including lots of shortcut keys for overlaying metadata and such. It has basic image editing capability as well. The only other image viewer I use is digikam, which is more for organizing personal photos. Otherwise it's all nomacs, baby.

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None. My family and basically everyone in my rural hometown were on the spectrum from "quite" to "extremely" protestant Christian. None of it was compatible with my brain, none of it ever made sense at all. I've been areligious as long as I can remember and here's hoping I never get a brain tumor, because I'm pretty sure that's the only way I will ever become religious.

However, I'm a big fan of people retaining their full agency and that includes leaving people to believe whatever they want. I'm not at all militant and outside of the fact that a large percentage of the world's religious population would probably want me dead or, at minimum, thinks I'm incapable of having any sense of morality, or thinks that my children should be indoctrinated, etc. etc. Other than all that kind of stuff, I really do not care what they believe. Unitarian Universalists seem pretty cool though.

My wife and I had a moderately large wedding, but it was motivated mostly by her parents. My point is that there may be other reasons that it's a big wedding. We've been together 23 years so I think things are going okay.

Made a script/cron job to auto dl new videos from my favorite channels with ytdlp and then they are hosted through jellyfin. Archived forever, ad free, accessible to me from anywhere.

It's a little more than that, but not much more. It installs common packages that someone might need for a functioning GUI and has some helpers specific to EndeavourOS installed as well. It basically makes it trivial to install "Arch".

I would argue that MS Office feels like it's from the last century as well. Even the newest versions of it feel like it was made by people who have never had to use it.

Unless they kill the people that build them, there will be plenty of people who know about these places. If we get the point of actually needing bunkers those people (who know the ins and outs of the bunkers) will want in. Nobody will protect the rich who had them built, because their money and influence will become worthless and nobody actually likes them. At best, they will live a miserable, lonely existence until they die. At worst, they will be torn apart by the masses.

If the world ends, I want to die with everyone else.

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Similar boat for me. Used Netscape, then Mozilla, then Firefox. FF got kinda bad for a while, and chrome came along and was quite good. Then Google got progressively more evil, chrome also started getting buggy and falling behind, and Firefox got really good again. I fully dumped chrome a couple years ago. No regrets.

No. Worked for a facility that did lethality testing on various animals for potential drugs. I recognize the need for such things, but it wore on me until I had to quit.

Not to spoil the joke, but it's about redlettermedia on YouTube. I'd rather give them more traffic than just chuckle about an inside joke.

I agree. I'm very grateful to OSS developers. I use almost exclusively OSS software every day at this point, and it wouldn't be possible without the countless people devoting countless hours of their valuable time to these projects.

So, a question to devs, especially for smaller, more approachable projects: I have a minor (plus a bit more) in CS, a lifetime of casual coding, but never really built anything larger-scale than a C-based sh-like shell in one of my CS courses, or many years ago an IRC front-end for a chatbot engine. Mostly I just write scripts (sometimes kinda complex), or small C/C++ projects. I would try to contribute to a project directly, but I don't want to step on toes, and most projects have people who are deeply intertwined in the code of the project. It feels impossible to get involved in any way other than testing without possibly just annoying people who have been doing it for years. I've known enough intimidating grizzled *nix guru people to make me paranoid that I'll just get in the way.

How do you get a foothold in a project? Should I just start with creating my own OSS project, and once I get somewhere where I'm familiar with the flow and project management and such, then I can consider contributing more to other projects?

Or is it really more helpful to the community to just test stuff, create documentation, answer questions, etc? Would becoming another dev be more helpful to OSS, or would working on supporting projects in these other ways be more helpful?

Less relaxing if you know that it has actual goals. There's no actual repercussions if you fail, you just don't get patted on the back as much. If you have that perfectionistic, completionist attitude, there's still a tiny bit of stress. I wish the game had 0 expectations, but it's still mostly relaxing.

A few days ago, I tried to catch up to my 4 year old who was running down our asphalt driveway after getting off the preschool bus, running to the back-left of him, he turned into my path to see where I was, so I sort of "jumped" out of the way to avoid plowing right into him, just barely clipped him a bit but tore up my arm and knee landing on the asphalt. Stupid, because I should have assumed he might decide to change direction or something... seems obvious now.

Before that, a few months ago I was cutting a watermelon and, with my hand that was holding the melon in place, I pulled it up off the melon too haphazardly and the tip of the knife sliced deep into my ring finger. Borderline needed stitches, but didn't get them. Got by fine with butterfly bandages and wound glue, but there's yet another big scar on my hands. At least I still have all my fingers. I was given a Christmas gift of a cut glove after that.

Don't forget the oppressively dense smoke covering all of North America every summer, simultaneously during extreme heat waves, meaning that the cheap leaky window AC systems found in normally cool areas will make people have to choose between overheating and coughing.

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RedLetterMedia - movie and bad movie "reviews"

There's a dozen apps for it, but I wouldn't trust them to do a perfect job. At a bare minimum, you'd probably need to keep said app up to date at all times, and it'd need to be one that runs in the background or runs on every boot or something.

Not to be depressing.. When i was 5 I sometimes slept in bed next to my mom. Woke up one of those days and she was already in rigor mortis. I touched her and she felt like an uncooked turkey, if that makes any sense. Took me a couple decades before I could actually handle an uncooked turkey or like, be around someone wearing her favorite perfume without almost fainting. Nobody knew exactly what killed her, maybe just sudden death syndrome.

If animals count, when i was about 6 my sister had a horse that slipped on the cement and when it managed to pull itself back up.. I don't think it's totally accurate, but my memory is that its whole body was raining blood a few feet in front of me. Like I remember my vision being framed by blood dripping like a rainstorm from a cloud. Needless to say, it didn't survive. I remember my dad using the hose to spray all the blood off the cement. I saw lots of dead pets over the years... Between all the wild animals and the back road that everyone sped on, most pets had short lifespans.

Anyway, I grew up through a lot of other fucked up stuff... And people wonder why I'm weird. And if you don't want morbid answers, don't ask morbid questions.

Huh.. Always just piped the history command through grep

Sounds like half the stuff at Pier 1

Oh.. I thought this was satirical about gender or something. Not literally saying that those are the two best screws, because NOBODY IN THE WORLD THINKS THAT.

I'm trying to move in this direction. I used to use Amazon mostly out of convenience and because they could get uncommon, hard to find stuff to me within 2 days when buying anywhere else would take 1-2 weeks. Now that they regularly fail to even get stuff to me when they say they will, and they are as generally evil as they are, I'm trying to get into the habit of buying from anywhere else.

I know ebay is fairly evil too, but I try to buy them from them if I need something oddly specific. If not, I go local.

Can you be more specific when you say "plays videos"?

Like in vlc, or YouTube, or something else? What videos? Like, 4k hevc videos, or literally anything?

Aggressive yes, and more people deliberately misinterpreting what you say just to feel smug. Also people that don't understand that a Lemmy comment can't have the exhaustive detail and context of a Wikipedia article, and they take any omission of such in a comment as ignorance by the op.

Only thing I left on in my newish car is the lane change/blind spot warning and the "you are about to ram someone" alarm. Can't remember the official names. They rarely actually help, but when they do, it can mean avoiding a collision.

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My biggest (not only) complaint so far is that entire planets have maybe 8 or 9 species of plants and animals. Hopefully biodiversity mods will pop up. It seems like a decent platform to build future content into.

Guess I'm the weird one. I regularly use mods which give me less carry capacity and add other restrictions and such realism mods. Like, you don't have to take everything of value. It always felt weird to me that level 1 chars can carry like 300lbs/kgs/whatever of junk around and still fight effectively.

Switch pro worked without any tweaks as well.

Vimeo seems to have a different demographic in mind.

I have very different priorities. I'll never use anything with a walled garden, that isn't hackable. I've also weaned myself almost completely off Google services and apps at this point. Also I can get a brand new unlocked Android phone that does everything I want with decent specs and almost stock Android (minimal bloat) for under $200. The only positive that really interests me that was mentioned in this thread is the longer security support.

I don't want to give anything away for people, so I'll just say that I never really appreciated the climax/ending part. It was pretty good up until that. I actually couldn't help but start laughing the first time I saw it, which I doubt was the intended reaction. Basically the movie turns into schlock.

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Is Organic Maps better than OsmAnd? I've started liking OsmAnd, now that I've added some imported maps that were merged with OpenAddresses. They are still backward to local address formats, though.

Does Organic Maps have address data for the USA?

But then it's all Microsoft-y...

Their fine print didn't fill me with total confidence, but still seems much better for privacy than most email services.

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Since huckleberries were already mentioned, I'll go for salal berries. Taste like flowery blueberries and make an amazing sauce, especially if you mix them with huckleberries.