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I don’t believe they even had that.

Retired schoolteacher of around 25 years. Blah blah blah. Yes, we have no private lives. I was warned of that every year. She did nothing wrong. More importantly, ask why she had to supplement her income. I would not be able to survive on what I would be making today.

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All I can say is that both sides are wrong. Israel is an apartheid state. I was born Jewish but I do not have to side with Israel. I am far from an antisemite. Evil is evil.

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I do not believe he will be having a good week.

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Have you ever seen Sanders, Chaya Raichak, and Sidney Powell in the same room? They’re like different age levels of the same chinless, bigot.

Hatred sucks!

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For the past 30 or so years I can truly write that only my wife hits those three marks. And she’s there doing it everyday. I adore her.

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I will never understand why people of color are drawn to this well documented bigot. And let’s not get started on the mental gymnastics of the Log Cabin Republicans.

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Jeez Louise. When I was a kid, and a teacher, I loved the book fairs. Spent waaaay too much on classroom libraries but the kids asked and I provided. I got so much joy from it. Everyone needs to see themselves represented. I believe people will read and continue to as long as they find someone or something they can identify with in the reading. Take that away and we have nothing. People will then not read and will therefore be ignorant over time of resources and knowledge they should have. I loved reading and I made sure my students always knew that. I made sure my ESOL kids had something fun and on their level. The Scholastic Book Fairs helped with that every year. I am both poorer and richer for this.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. They are victims and they are being kept that way.

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I’m sorry. Do you need a hug? I would. And we have now learned a very valuable lesson. Do not subject yourself to this ever again. Go have a cookie. You’ll feel better.

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And I’ve worked in them. Trauma causing to both clients/ patients and staff (if they care). So much waste, fraud, and abuse. Just keeps happening. I am truly sorry.

High school. Wizardry and Ultima. I am so old

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Oooo. The first. Maybe they’ll start a trend in the South? Hold on. I think I peed myself laughing.

This is an amazing thing. The Villages is usually redder than red. Hope.

That would be most excellent. His bond is crap, maybe maybe maybe the supremes will rule his immunity claims are total nonsense, opening of the Stormy Daniel’s case, the contempt hearing. Am I missing anything? Not a good week for orange crush. Where’s my popcorn?

If you have to throw in the Good Christian defense along with your federal charges, there are some issues.

Oh my lord. That was beautiful.

This person, specifically. Been following this twit for some time. I’m sure his mother loves him. I guess.

It never works out all that well. Would you care for a cold beverage while we watch the continuing fireworks?

I see a large amount of marketing ideas. Just saying.

The idea is simply that the female of the species should be considered a brood mare and nothing more. More meat for the grinder. Do these people not have wives, daughters, mothers, to give them some feedback about what they’re doing wrong? I know, brainwashed. But still.

Well put. I am also not young. I remember the hate and the use of that word as well. It really does weird me out at times that the queer community is as accepted as it has become. I hope it will one day be a normalized part of society. Many of my old friends and family would welcome that.

As for that woman you wrote of, I agree with you except for her being pitied. She deserves nothing other than to be remembered for her actions so they will hopefully not be allowed to happen again.

They shall bear their marks with honor.

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Incredibly wrong answer. Rural areas have always had issues with counseling and lack of clinicians. To make it worse, rural areas have crap internet access. Personal experience with both.

Just hang on. You’re almost there. Almost 56. Other than some arthritis, gaming ain’t all that bad.

I miss being a teacher so much. Definitely not for this crap. I worked with another teacher years back who actually kept a bullet proof vest on his office. A bit of a nut. This would be back in 2011, I believe. I just rolled my eyes. Scared me.

I used to be a gun owner. I enjoyed shooting and cleaning my gear. I also believe in laws that control so that people like me don’t have them. I have my own mental health demons so , no guns. I also believe in a need to train heavily for situations that may occur. Teachers don’t have time to pee (personal experience of myself and others), let alone train for this. Preparedness for life or death situations takes a whole lot of training. If a teacher is already frazzled, which we always are, and a situation starts, I would not want that person armed and protecting. No doubt the ones who wish to carry are the cowboys who would run at the first shot heard anyway.

Oh dear, I almost choked when I read this. Well played.

You are truly godlike. Thank you.

It’s a “never do this again, or ever”. Been in front of judges and always warned my patients/clients to be highly respectful. They hold your little bits in their hands.

Well good morning to me. So to go along with the PTSD, the depression, anxiety, spinal fuck ups and, as of yesterday, the chance I may have cancer, I got this going for me. It’s only Wednesday right? Right? Got to keep pushing on. It’s Hell sometimes but I continue to push on.

Yeah. Great place to work. That’s sarcasm. YV is rife with this sort of nonsense. Waste and fraud. Truly not surprised something of this sort didn’t come out of their residential sooner. Poor kid. Worked for them for over a year. Frightening lack of leadership and empathy.

Oh, fuck me! I got nothing else.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Dr. Victor Frankl. Saved me in so many ways.

About time. Grifters gonna grift.

Could not agree more

Slava Ukraini

I’m trying to keep my spirits up, as well. At this time we could all use a bit of hope after all the damage that has been inflicted.

So many good memories of his music. It introduced me to industrial in the early 90’s. This just means that the artists of my generation are starting to pass. I’m sad.

There is nothing wrong with sticking to one’s convictions.

Yup. It birthed me. And a rabid fan base.