2 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The net is vast and infinite

This is one person, not all of China.

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That misses the point, imo. Much of Hashi's ecosystem was created by people who contributed to the product believing it was community owned, as that's what the license said.

Oracle tried to do similar when they closed the source for Hudson. Hudson was forked, creating Jenkins, and I would be surprised if folks even remember Hudson today.

Oxide Computing gets into the details on their podcast:

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The power to determine what laws are or are not Constitutional, that the Supreme Court wields, is also not in the Constitution.

It comes from a precedent set by John Marshall.

We could show them what originalism really means by revoking that power and replacing it with the will of the people.

Protect them by making them smarter, not by stripping away our constitutional rights.

And July 4th is not the nation's birthday. It's simply the day the colonists said fuck you to England.

v1 of USA: 1774 with Continental Association v2: 1777 with Articles of Confederation v3: 1787 with Constitution

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Huge firefox button, huge terminal button.

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Americans thought it was a waste to go the first time too.

Only 33% of Americans supported trying to land on the moon according to a Gallup Poll from 1961

It didnt have support over 50% until a few weeks before launch.

More detail here

Because everyone buys just one type of full size truck, and this wasnt it

seriously it is so stupid

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We're werehouses here, not swearhouses.

It's an opinion piece

They do it because of capitalism's decentralized properties.

First, they fear a government having power over them. This can seem irrational, but they interpreted WW2 as 1.) proof that a government can be used to wipe out people it disagrees with, and 2.) that absolute sovereignty in the hands of man made institutions is a thread to god as the supreme sovereign.

The decentralization of capitalism, and democracy, gives them the ability to disconnect as much as possible from anything they dont agree with. This is why they talk about freedom while doing hateful things in the name of their lord. Theyre economically free (to be hateful).

A lot of this mentality really starts after WW2. First the war is won. Then they push to make America as christian as possible. About 50% of US citizens claimed to be christian in 1950, but it is 90% by the 1970's. In God We Trust is put on US money and added to the national anthem in the 50's. This is important because the US is starting to fight the cold war against atheistic communists. The power of capitalism becomes part of a global propaganda effort to demonstrate the weakness of the godless systems. The republicans align themselves with christianity, locking it in with Reagan's election in 1980, and now capitalism and christianity are intertwined and propagandized to the point of not resembling the original ideas anymore. Give that 44 years, and here we are.

On Christian Soverignty, written by an influential christian just after WW2

ugh metallica too

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Can we stop saying think tank, as though these dummies actually think..?

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It isnt a theory. Steve Calabresi, one of the founders of the Federalist Society, whom we'd think should be against this interpretation, wrote an article for Reason in support of the original paper.

The core of the argument is that current context is an extremely good match for the context that created the law in the first place. They seem to believe it enough to think it should be regarded as true. For some reason...

So let's consider incentives. Why would they want to avoid a court case? Is it possible they'd lose and somehow make a radical event take place in US law?

Maybe they believe it is self-preservation in some way, to avoid a historically significant court decision going against them. Or another way, maybe theyre low key trying to somehow move on.

This may be the closest thing the Republican Party ever does to waving the white flag. They never admit defeat.

Let's take it further. Why is history mostly about politics and warfare? As tho natural history is less important...

Flatpak or just docker would be better. Snap is redundant.

sic semper tyrannis? you're seriously referencing john wilkes booth with your username?!

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Maybe daft raft would roll off the tongue more easily

The presence of some intelligence is not sufficiently persuasive for changing terminology when the point is to insult them. Duhhhh.

And yet, they dont pay taxes...

I'll back you up on this. Both points.

The thing most people forget about capitalism is that Adam Smith's invisible hand, eg the consumers, was meant to bend companies towards their will. Smith wrote a whole book on how important morality is too.

As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.

The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.

His ideas got wildly corrupted after WW2 by those looking to resist the potential for new hitlers, and they took it WAY too far... It was never meant to become anarchy for corporations, but if you ask a typical boomer, raised in the overpropagandized post WW2 era, that's what it has become.

Younger folks dont have to continue that boomer shit. We can go back to the original ideas of a decentralized economic system where consumers bend corporations to their will

It's worth looking up who the Jacobins were, btw...

They cut the heads off the French leaders during the revolution and that lead directly to Napoleon's rise, and he was a lot worse than what we got with Trump.

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Meh. Still nothing next to what CCP does in China.

Were you aware the USGov created it?

DARPA, specifically...

Adtech spies on you with it. The gov piggybacks on adtech.

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Was it the "false" part? Because DUH.

Do you feel responding to tone represents something meaningful?

You barely have a clue if you think you're informing me by mentioning 702.

They had issues, but theyve been shipping phones this year and they run Linux.

We dont have to just use ios or android, and I think that's a great thing!



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Smartphones are not a tool to manipulate and spy on tge population. Nor are they a tool utilized by the ruling class to control the masses.

Dont assume that what happens in China will happen elsewhere.

You might appreciate the work done by purism to give us more control over our devices.

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