18 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

bogos binted?

this is what arguing with anyone on the internet feels like

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Heck even if they don't find life it'll be interesting to find out how dimethyl sulphide might be getting produced there

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$0.20 per install when you're over the threshold.... Yikes

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did you know that

All of the comments seem to be quite vehemently against the proposals, so it seems that stack overflow is quite happy with its somewhat toxic nature disguised as organisation :/

Yep, create the problem to sell the solution

general tip; use fitgirl rather than igg

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the arctic monkeys t-shirt is the icing on the cake of this post lmfao

why does the alt text specify it's a twink 😭

Soulseek is still around ;)

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IGG has a reputation for putting malware in their cracks, whereas fitgirl has been a reputable repacker for years and uses safe cracks, they also warn you if there are issues with that particular crack they repacked

Is photon the name of the UI theme? where can I get it 👀

you need to play en gâteau so that your opponent has to eat cake

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You have completely misunderstood the premise of regional pricing. Games were "practically free" in these countries because the average income is much lower than in e.g the US or Western Europe. The augmentation in pricing means that many Turks and Argentinians can no longer afford AAA games.

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holy shit this is so cool

From what I can tell it just gets stuck on your default sort mode, for example I can't switch off of Subscribed+Hot

Is there a GitHub issue to track this?

Do you live in the club penguin universe by any chance

So again, you don’t support Africans taking their sovereignty, but you do support French citizens asking their government to give African countries sovereignty.

both have the same result, and if the former is the only option then fine, but the latter certainly results in less death and suffering than a violent coup might

If it's over time that's easily doable

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Sadly the one in my country no longer exists 😞

Having done OCR GCSE computing:
It's just a pseudocode style language that they use in exam questions so that you can understand the question regardless of which language your school had you study (in my case it was VB6 💀). In questions where you are asked to write code, you can use the reference language but realistically you just use the one you learned (although I did it all in python instead)

Pick a dang side.

Bro it's not a war, it's social media 😭

Your free trial of the Meta™ Haptic Suit has expired, and as a result kidney stones have been placed in your kidneys. These will grow by 10% in size every day until you upgrade to the Meta™ Haptic Pro™ subscription, at only $189.99 a month!

(note: once the trial period has ended, the suit may not be removed until an upgrade is purchased9

that kinda sucks


it's not just lemmy; HTTPS websites aren't allowed to serve HTTP content

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As cool as it would be, currently federation doesn't work in this way

Basically the two communities you mentioned are ! and !; notice that when I write it out like this, they have different full names.

If you post on either community from any instance it will federate to that community on all instances but not between each other as they are separate communities

Hopefully this helps, I'm not great at explaining these things 😅

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The developer Patbox has a whole series of server side mods that are super cool, including an upcoming one that will be a full blown tech mod that runs entirely on the server!

Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino by Arctic Monkeys

Bass lines go hard and the lyrics are honestly genius from Alex Turner - the concept is about a washed up musician in a retrofuturistic setting

The Strokes ft. Regina Spektor - Modern Girls and Old Fashioned Men

Interpol ❤️

The brilliant thing is that even "I'm in my concussion era" is an absolutely ridiculous sentence and yet still goes on the left hand side

In $1 bills that's about $7m

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You have not been paying attention! (in maths lessons)

Cool, thank you! :D

design change?

I'd be willing to help, as I'm in an EU timezone ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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