2 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Admin of, a community for travelers. Also online at

Cults tend to be defined by how they control their members. Cultures tend to form around similarities.

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You need actual moderation to keep people safe.

It seems like you’re looking for a prescriptive definition of cult and culture that would cover every cult and every culture, and I don’t think you’re going to find one. Humans organize in complex ways that rarely align with strict definitions.

Maybe you should take what she says seriously.

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Oracle is all fun and games until they lose your instance’s IP or data and don’t give it back because you’re a free tier freeloader.

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Dude, have you worked in tech? At all? It’s already horrendously overrun with men who step outside their space and make everyone’s day worse. I don’t begrudge women for being frustrated that it’s happening at the Grace Hopper conference.

It’s probably the AudioData API.

It absolutely matters. We need to consider that a right-wing actor is likely to exaggerate claims against an organization that is ostensibly socially-minded and represents anti-corporate interests, like Mozilla.

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Yes I am

I do enough of this in the day job. I don’t have time to mess around with free hosting to save $20 a month.

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Dude, the victim is literally a child.

That's a great way to attract stalkers.

I don’t have any plans at the moment but I welcome anyone who would like to fork the project for this. Happy to try and make things easy for you.

The M1 Air is the best deal in computing.

I tried to solve this a tiny little bit by giving my own instance a clean and friendly frontpage, but I think I still need to do more work to attract people who aren't fedi-inclined.

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"It's a good filter" is often just an excuse to not improve the UX. You hear this way more from open-source technically-inclined folks than you do from folks who care about building a product that people want to use.

Links between instances often don't work as intended, and there's no good way to redirect me from to automatically.

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Tailscale is a nice way to set up a private network between your machines. It’s perfectly fine.

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Yeah, the mythical Samsung phone that still gets six years of manufacturer OS updates

Full disk encryption is something you really want to have when your computer is lost or stolen.

I don't like the overuse and misuse of Material UI – the paper-looking thing with raised textures and shadows. It takes a bit of work to make it look good, and many sites just drop in a CSS file and call it a day.

Generally, the hardware in a small, power-efficient, SoC embedded device is going to be a lot more particular and a lot less general than your gaming computer’s motherboard. It’s harder to write general OS software for specific integrated systems rather than a big set of chips which provide an individual chip for the BIOS, specialized chips for the PCI ports, etc., all of which have become more standardized over time.

I have a "traditional" home server with Plex + *arr + torrent client set up. It's great, but I need to manage the storage space on my NAS and I have to wait a few hours between requesting media and watching it. Using Debrid with Torrentio means I don't have to wait for a download or find a place to store it.

Right now I run both Coaxist and my old Plex server in parallel.

Thanks for the clear and concise update. Best of luck with your future migrations.

Networking two machines is easy; networking several with good onboarding and DNS is not as easy.

Email has the benefit of legacy. Lemmy does not.

I don’t know what to tell you, I’m not going to support a distro that runs ads in my sshd.

Windows should generally be treated like malware for this sort of reason

The app stores already know.

Learning K8s is a lot to take on, but it will pay off as your needs expand in the long term — and if you decide to go into infra/ops at work.

Thanks for all the questions and I absolutely don’t think you’re being too negative! This was mainly made to scratch an itch I had, but I hope that other people find it useful too.

The main difference between this and plex_debrid is that this is set up out of the box to work without manual integration steps. You don’t have to copy the Plex API key around — simply sign into Plex and Overseerr, and my config script handles wiring your watchlist up to request content.

I’ve also built a high-quality media selection algorithm that I think is the best out there for getting the copies of media you want to make your users happy. Check out the docs on Media Profiles.

Putting everything in one container doesn’t necessarily break the mantra of using containers. I use containers all day at my job and in my personal clusters. What I’ve found is using tools like Docker Compose to distribute software makes it much harder for people to run my software on home servers like Unraid — and there wasn’t a technical reason I couldn’t bundle these into one container to make it easier. In this case, the services are pretty coupled and I don’t have much need to scale them up individually.

I haven’t built any automation for this yet, but my repo tracks the upstream sources for rclone, pms-docker, and Overseerr, and I’d like to pull in those updates as I cut new releases.

Are you definitely tied to the form factor? Because for $20 more you can get a much more capable mini PC.

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Premium Android phones are just as expensive as iPhones and come with worse software quality and shorter support periods.

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Yeah and think of how many more people a single five-person helicopter can move per hour! An obvious choice

What you posted isn’t enshittification.

Agreed, the prices for Android are much better when non-US tariffs are involved.

People who harass other people to suicide don’t deserve to communicate freely. They have shown they are not responsible with that right.

Please feel free! Source is on GitHub, it uses Astro with the Starlight template.

Thanks, this is lovely!

You've identified the main benefit – Debrid services provide cached torrents for "instant" downloads. Streaming straight from a Debrid service's fileshare also means you don't need to buy drives or additional storage.

When you say Wasabi, do you mean the hosted S3-compatible cloud storage service?