3 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I’m gonna keep posting on Lemmy and hope that helps. Our collective communities should not be in the hands of mega corporations.

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Oxtail, fried plantains and marinated pork; in addition to being racists, the town council doesn't know good food. That all sounds delicious.

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You say that like Trump’s biggest legislative accomplishment wasn’t a massive tax cut for the wealthiest Americans.

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See a doctor. Do it now. Not later. Nobody here will give you accurate medical advice. The underlying causes are diverse. You will not receive worthwhile medical advice without a proper diagnosis.

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From a strategic standpoint, we are fighting a proxy war with one of the world "superpowers" without putting a single American soldier at risk. We are straining the resources of said "superpower", exposing their military weaknesses, and thus indirectly strengthening our position of military power on the world stage.

From an economic standpoint, the war being in Ukraine is fantastic for the US military industrial complex. This is a rare case of public support of increased arms production. It's an opportunity to offload old weapon inventory, and gives manufactures the luxury of honing logistics of new weapon production without the threat of conflict to the United States. Weapon manufacturers currently have live-fire test zone in conflict with a superpower to test old and new weapon systems.

It's all red-state, support our troops, big-business war profiteering touted by conservatives for the last two decades safely bottled up on the other side of the world. Why would conservative-minded politicians not support the war?

Every headline of "We gave $X of new aid to Ukraine" is windfall subsidy for one of the strongest sectors of the US economy - weapons manufacturing.

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Bark, woof, grrrrr

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I hope investors will see that the technology powering Reddit is no longer novel in execution or deployment. ActivityPub and its derivatives like Lemmy have proven this fact in practice.

The value of Reddit lies in its userbase and quality of dataset. As Reddit evolves to become increasingly hostile toward its userbase, the most valuable members become the most heavily impacted. This leads to the migrations away from the platform and eventual degradation of data quality. The sale of user data to AI ahead of the IPO is an important indication that the Reddit c-suite is keenly aware of this.

Hopefully the financial world will view the IPO as a cash-out for investors and not a viable investment into a sustainable business model.

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Smash Mouth story time:

At the ‘height’ of their career, Smash Mouth and Harwell were responsible for one of the funniest and most bizarre concert experiences of my lifetime.

Smash Mouth performed at Universal Studios during one of the Mardi Gras theme nights. The concert took place at an outdoor stage just after the nightly parade.

They were terrible. Smash Mouth refused to play either of their one hit wonders, instead they chose to struggle through a bunch of unknown songs. The crowd grew more and more agitated as the set list wore on. Eventually, enough was enough.

Freshly armed with Mardi Gras beads, the audience switched from booing to hurling the beads at Harwell. It wasn’t just one guy. Beads were flying at the band from all corners of the audience. In defiance, Smash Mouth continued to play whatever shitty song they were on about while actively dodging incoming bead fire.

Finally, Harwell took a string of beads center-mass. That was it. The crowd emerged victorious. The horrible Smash Mouth music stopped. Harwell ran off stage with the band following close behind. Beads continued to rain in from the crowd as Smash Mouth made their escape.

But it wasn’t over. Chants of “All-Star” echoed through the audience-turned-angry-mob. The people wanted their pound of flesh, in the form of a early 2000’s radio pop song. Someone backstage convinced Smash Mouth that running away from their fans was a bad look. The band returned several minutes later and angrily performed ‘All-Star’. The beads continued to rain in, and the band played on.

TLDR: I watched Smash Mouth get pummeled with Mardi Gras beads during a shitty, halfhearted performance.

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The appellate judge paused Engoron’s two-year ban on Eric and Donald Trump Jr. holding executive positions in New York corporations, meaning they can continue running the company. He also paused a similar three-year ban that applied to Trump, but said the company must move forward with hiring an independent compliance director to ensure it follows financial reporting obligations and rules.

That’s more of a concession than I would like to see the courts make. Trump’s lawyers argued that government oversight of the Trump organization is sufficient to secure non-payment of the judgment against him and a bond of just a faction of the judgement amount is merely “additional security”.

Like if I robbed a bank and after I’m found guilty I tell the court: “I appeal the guilty verdict! But I’m gonna keep most the money while I do. You’re the government, you know where I live, so it’s all good man.”

Wow, up until today I thought the DeLorean body panels were aluminum. TIL DeLorean body panels are stainless steel. I've had the opportunity to view them up close several times (auto auctions, car shows, etc.), and never noticed any signs of rust or discoloration.

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The Supreme Court has been captured by a handful of ideological billionaires. Turns out it’s relatively easy and cheap (if you’re a billionaire) to own a Supreme Court justice. All it took was a few free vacations and scraps from the table to own half the court.

Alabama has been a socially failed state since reconstruction. I don’t know why anyone would willingly live there.

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As much as I’d love to pile on Boeing, the article states the launch was scrubbed due to an issue with ULA’s rocket not the Boeing capsule payload.

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Don’t worry, will smith didn’t participate in this game either.

If you watch the Jan 6 HBO (Max) documentary, you can watch one of these dumbfucks beat a cop with a "Thin Blue Line" flag. Treason shouldn't be punished so lightly. These people should be made an example of.

Click the windowing mode icon (far left of the icons in the top right) and switch that bad boy to tiled windowing mode. Tiled windows will feel odd for a couple of days, but once you switch back to free-floating windows you’ll realize why I’m recommending tiled.

Look up the PopOS keyboard shortcuts for moving tiled windows around the desktop and workspaces. It’s a game-changing way to use your computer.

PopOS has been my daily driver for a year. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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A short story on how something like this happens in the first place:

A decade ago, give or take, nearby Seminole County, FL public schools created a department (called “Choices”) specifically to desegregate the school population. This was at the behest of the federal government applying pressure on the school board.

Due to Central Florida’s long history of geographical segregation, Seminole County was one of the most segregated school systems in the country. Even today, some areas within the county randomize school populations to eliminate geographic segregation.

School systems identify low social-economic status students (referred to as “low-SES”) based off free and reduced lunch applications. To the school systems’ credit, they provide additional services to low-SES students (ie. partnership programs with ISP’s for free internet). Low-SES students within Seminole Country are primarily located in geographically segregated African-American communities.

Central Florida has a long history of institutionalized segregation. Hell, I-4, the main highway that bisects Orlando, was routed through African-American communities and around white communities.

I’ve lived here 30 years. Anecdotally, I think things are getting better. However, we have such a long way to go to undo the social damage caused by our ancestors. It does not surprise me that school officials and teachers in predominantly white geographic locations would do something as stupid as this assembly. Institutional segregation and racism lingers on for generations after those who originally perpetrated it are long dead.

If you are reading this in the US, civil rights and social equality will be a constant evolutionary struggle throughout your lifetime. No one person can wave a magic wand and repair hundreds of years of racism. Be a kind person. Treat others who think, act, or look different from you with the same respect you have for yourself. Those who perpetrate racist ideals or philosophies should be admonished, and considered to be socially unacceptable.

I use PopOS as my daily driver on my desktop. The tiling window management is simply the chef’s kiss.

I’m stoked for Cosmic DE, it’s awesome to see further community adoption of System76’s contribution to Linux.

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I enjoyed your vodka-fueled walk of text. I’ve had a lot of the same observations of religious people in my state.

Under Georgia law, names of grand jurors are publicly listed on indictments — an effort at transparency that some have questioned in light of ongoing threats in the aftermath of the charges against Trump and 18 others accused of conspiring to overturn Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results.

To a layman, publishing the identities of grand jury members involved in high profile cases seems incredibly stupid. Average people called to perform a civic duty are put in harms way for ...better transparency?

Anyone care to play devil's advocate and explain why grand juror identities are publicly relevant information? Why does this law exist?

Of course you can access everything through the web on Linux. I really like Proton's web mail interface. Unfortunately, Proton does not have a Linux analog to their windows client that provides automatic file syncing. I think that what the commenter is complaining about.

There is a dedicated Linux client for Proton VPN and in my experience it integrates quite well on Debian-based distributions.

Dude, you're high. You asked for an explanation for a six month old again.

“Let the voters decide” Just like in Bush v. Gore! Oh, wait…

I really hope this image isn’t ai. I want someone to have taken the time to carefully decorate a duck and build a miniature Enterprise-D bridge for the sake of riffing off a meme. I’d buy that person a drink.

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Calling /u/fuckswithducks.... oh, wrong site.

Rtings is a good site for tv reviews across a wide range of price levels. I’ve used several their reviews to make purchases and have been satisfied thus far.

Best Budget TV’s

Kudos to the BBC stock photos department. The title photo in this article is unironically on-brand.

The editor must have been like: “We need a photo of a specific Yakuza crime boss to use in an article about weapons trafficking.” The BBC photos guy goes: “Sure thing! I got one of him grinning while holding a rocket launcher.” Just perfect.

Commonly, 10% of a bond is required up-front. Trump’s total liability in this case is closer to $450 million, so he will need to front approximately $45 million in cash to obtain a bond. Most reputable news outlets estimate he has this in liquid assets.

However, collateral covering the full liability of the judgment is required to secure the bond. Speculation is that several of his properties will be required collateral.

Trump may try to secure collateral through other means such as capturing RNC or PAC funds, taking his social disinformation network public, etc.

I’m looking forward to watching it play out. The civil trials have partially resorted my faith in the rule of law. The criminal cases will determine if Trump can put himself above the rule of law. A successful presidential election, or the Supreme Court granting him “absolute immunity” and I doubt anyone is seeing a dime of the civil judgements against him.

This is fantastic news. The identities of the grand jury that indited Trump were released publicly under GA law designed for "transparency", which is an incredibly stupid law in high profile cases.

You have made my day.

True Detective S1 & S4

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Discover Card used to be owned by Sears Roebuck Co.. Back in the olden days, Discover Card was a product for consumers looking to continue building their credit history.

It was relatively easy to get a low-limit Sears store credit card with no credit history whatsoever. After using the Sears store card for 6 months to a year, Sears would offer the Discover Card as a general-purpose credit card. Discover was an attractive financial vehicle as it offered path of least resistance to establish a credit history.

Sears was as ubiquitous a retailer as Amazon is today. Sears credit and Discover offered an unmatched level of purchasing power for the new consumer.

Sears sold off Discover to a third party shortly before they sold themselves to the same company that bought K-Mart. Sears c-suite leadership did not pivot into online sales fast enough and Amazon crowded them out of the future.

Source: I worked for Sears back when most of you were itching your daddy’s pants. I signed up many, many folks for Sears cards and I got $5 each time. Now get off my lawn, my knees hurt.

Please live the legacy George Carlin deserves. And pray to Joe Pesci from time to time for me. The little guy gets shit done.

This is a cool community. I never expected so many helpful replies to this. Thank you all.

I’m 34. There absolutely were people talking about a fascist bush/Cheney regime in 2004. Sure things are different now, but they’re still very much the same.

If you are 34: You were at most 10 years old when Bush won in Nov. 11, 1999, and at most 18 years old when he left office. You were a child. You didn't vote. You really don't know if things were "very much the same".

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Anyone know what the series of explosions are? Flares, then a final explosion when the missile hit?

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No wonder the sheets don’t stay on the bed 😂

Bypass the paywall:

I laughed inappropriately loud at this comment.