1 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Slightly more context:

" "I don't know if we’re going to pull it off," he wrote, "but looking at our narrative, visual and gameplay plans, I think what we're working on now will be our best work ever." "

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This would be a stronger argument, if it wasn't 20 years old already.

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Address the cause not the symptom

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No one has directly answered your question.

The answer is yes, you can create photovoltaic cells better optimise to pick up high energy light such as that from nuclear decay (gamma radiation). However, the power generated by photovoltaics is limited more by intensity of the light, and not the energy per photon (wavelength). For physical reasons is hard to capture the energy of high energy light, so gamma photovoltaics are low power concepts.

There is an idea going around to grow diamond with c14 and also harvest that c14 decay with a diamond based photovoltaic. Making everlasting batteries, albeit radioactive and microwatt. (Specifics are probably wrong, working from memory.)

Gamers nexus had gtx 1070 in their starfield performance review, so it can work on a 1070. 30fps on low settings I think though.

Inventory limits are a direct nerf to barrelmancy

Australia fined valve over return policy. I think it's personal.

You can buy them from Dicksmiths or JB

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It's enough to drive one to schizophrenia. Everything is a hidden message


Lol, so defensive.

So the games not running is a problem unique to your system then

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That's a terrible analogy.

It's more like, imagine Fords required a connect to a server to run and they turned that server off, stopping a perfectly functional car you purchased from working.

Then you sued them to force them to make the car work without the server.

Oh yeh good catch.

I can't do resizable bar, so it would have been a kernel regression to fix (if that was the issue). I think patched in next release. Although I never got any error messaging in any logs that i could see :(

The nice thing about the deck, at least from an outsiders perspective, is that everyone's got the more or less same hardware. If you have an issue most likely someone else has the same issue, and already has a fix that'll work for you.

Nothing to do with cost, overlord Mudcock didn't want foxtel to lose customers to internet streaming.

I don't know what or if there are any cannon explanations, but I always had understood force as well... force. Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing are damage amplifiers that make do with limited force. But if you trying to damage say, a rock, they are basically irrelevant. But you put a rock in a hydrolic press and apply a enough force, and boom it cannot withstand. So being hit by an eldritch blast is less like being shot and more like being hit with a high pressure oil leak.

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Wait, what's your definition of a disease?

So... Nature quite literally states they prefer submitted manuscripts to be in Word... go look up the guide to authors.

I'm not going back arch/bazzite to try this. For two reasons, 1. I can't enable those things, my hardware doesn't support reBAR. And 2. My issue sounds potentially different. I could load and run the game, but it would crash regularly. Realistically, if this is the issue my only solution is to roll back to an old kernel (not supported in arch), and I'm not sure if that fly's in bazzite either. Distro hoping to Mint is then a great solution, even if I didn't take a rational path there.

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What i don't follow is why you're having this experience, when for the average user is click to install and play out if the box for many many games.

If it's not the game, because you've checked protondb, and it's not the software, because you've installed multiple distros i feel like you've either got some super unique hardware challenge or you're making a unlikely mistake. Heaven forbid people ask you if you've done things that are obvious, we're just trying to help. Nothing sucks more than sinking time into getting a game to work for it to fail.

Regardless, based on highly emotional responses to many posts my guess is that you're the root cause of your own problems.

5sigma from the average person.

Do you check protondb?

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I worked up the energy to google. Turns out it's not a photovoltaic (gamma-voltaic?) anyway, it's a betavoltaic. I guess that makes more sense than the rubbish capture cross section of high energy light.

Hahaha, that's a fair question. I also realised later that jb hi fi don't stock the steam deck .. in aus. I had been looking at the nz page and made a poor assumption :

It also turns out whilst dicksmiths actually sells steam decks in aus they are now just a third party market place.

It does, however, support the point i had suggested - that the lack of steam hardware in Aus is a 'personal' thing, given that you can get them from a first party supplier in nz but not here.

Might not be able to afford it?

High pressure fluid injuries are significantly different, but we're moving off track.

Let's come from the other direction. Bludgeoning, slashing and piercing all do damage through the application of force. However, the damage they do is amplified and relise on a particular susceptibility of the victim.

Bludgeoning amplifies is force through rapid impact time.

Piercing amplifies is force through a sharp hard single point.

Slashing is more complex, but it amplifies with a sharp hard edge kinda.

But these 'tricks' to deal more damage don't work on everything. For example bludgeoning requires 'inelastic deformation' before movement. I.e. a bat breaks a skull but not a tennis ball. I can see why crushing is put in this category, it recognises that damage is due to the susceptibility of the target to be inelastically deformed (bruised, broken bones, crushed organs w/e). Everything has an inelastic deformation point, put a tennis ball in a press and you can crush it. But in this case it's not that the ball is susceptible to bludgeoning damage, it's just that you have applied lots of force.

Same with piercing, the effectiveness of a spear is reduced by something that can distribute its force over a larger area. Which doesn't matter if the 'spear' has a huge amount of force behind it. At which point it doesn't matter if it was a spear with a sharp point or just a rod (or jet of fluid).

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Physically its all same force, electromagnetic, but I think it misses the point. Nobody thinks that lightning is the same as slashing.

Ok, so I don't think I explained my thoughts on crushing well. It's not, in the real world, bludgeoning damage. I can see why they chose to not have a crushing damage type and just use bludgeoning though, as anything susceptible to one would be susceptible to the other.

Ugh, bringing AC into it is a mess. But I think your approach results in the tennis ball lasting an average of 20 hits in a game between two strong opponents. And less time the better they are at playing tennis?

I think you've moved the goal post, but perhaps in an interesting direction. If the goal is to simplfy the damage types, what do you lose by replacing force attacks with other types? I think you lose an impact type of damage like damage to creatures you can't hit with a hammer. Magic missle goes from best to worst spell.

I run fedora 40 on my work laptop, and I am blow away at how capable Wayland+gnome is for plug and go multiple monitor support. You could never have done it with X, every meeting you'd want 15min to make sure you can share your screen.